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Mia grinned. “I know, right? That man is a walking sexual fantasy.”

“But doesn’t Seth dress the same way?” Crystal asked as she cradled her phone to her chest as if it were the actual man himself.

Mia smacked her lips in obvious appreciation. “You bet your ass he does, and I love it. There is nothing quite like a little game of bad CEO to get me going.”

As Crystal opened her mouth to speak, Gwen cut her off by saying, “Crystal, honey, didn’t we cover the part about not asking questions like that? I get that you’re ready to spread your wings and fly, but you might want to think twice about being educated completely in just one day.”

Mia snorted, sticking her tongue out. “You’re no fun at all, Gwen. I’m just trying to help her land that bad boy. Because I’ve heard the rumors, and that’s exactly what he is.”

“He’s innocent until proven guilty,” Crystal defended her new crush.

“Or until he ties you up,” Mia quipped.

Crystal looked over her shoulder uneasily, clearly hoping that no one was listening to the conversation at their table. “Can we just talk about Gwen’s problems? I want to be able to stare at Mark without knowing stuff like that—at least for now.”

“We don’t have to do anything about my issues right now. Dominic is going out of town, and I’m heading to my sister’s for the weekend so I won’t see him for days. By the time that I do, I’ll have taken a pregnancy test and—then he’ll probably be gone.” Giving Crystal a weak smile, Gwen asked, “Hey, do you think I could stalk Mark with you? I might have a lot of free time again soon.”

Mia placed her hand on top of Gwen’s in a show of support. “If Dominic is really that kind of person, then good riddance. It’s better to find out now. I have to say, though—I didn’t really get that vibe from him. The few times I’ve seen you two together, he seems so into you. I bet he blows your phone up the whole time he’s away. Trust me, men don’t bother to call if they’re trying to get rid of you.”

Crystal, who was once again staring at her phone, added without looking up, “Yep, Mia’s right. He’ll call you every day, and you’ll see how much he misses you, and then you’ll feel silly for doubting him.”

*   *   *

“You need to give the girl some space, bro. You live just doors away from each other so you’re always around. How’s she ever gonna miss you if she keeps tripping over your lovesick self?”

Dominic scratched his head as he pondered Gage’s words. It seemed that talking to him about Gwen on their road trips was becoming a strange routine for him now. He was so confused by her hot and cold behavior the last few days that he’d needed some advice. Mac would have been his first choice seeing as he was actually the married one, but Gage was here and Mac was back at the office. “I didn’t stay at her place last night so it’s not like I’m always there.”

“Yeah, but you left in a girlie huff over watching some sappy movie with her. Dude, did you really lose it over the evil sister and start yelling?” Gage asked incredulously.

“It was the guy’s mother, not his sister,” Dominic added weakly. “And I didn’t exactly lose it, more like mildly pointed out how crazy Jane Fonda was.”

“The fact that you’d even know Jane Fonda as anything other than Ted Turner’s ex says more than enough.”

Doing a full body shudder, Dominic added, “And you’re completely right about the kind of commercials they play during shows aimed at women. I think that’s one thing that about pushed me off the deep end. And come on, that advertisement for the herpes medicine where they make it sound all glamorous? That’s just gotta be misrepresentation.”

“You got that shit right,” Gage agreed. “Any kind of itching downstairs is never going to be a fun event. I saw that commercial, too. Held my dick the whole time it was on.”

“So, you really think I’m just too available where Gwen is concerned? Fuck, did I really just ask you that? This is starting to sound like a Maury What’s-his-name show.” Dominic grimaced.

Gage chuckled as he shook his head. “You got it all mixed up. Maury’s show is cool. They are always throwing punches and beating each other up. I believe you’re thinking of Steve Harvey. He has all of those dating shows on the dos and don’ts.”

Dominic rubbed his face before looking at his friend. “Man, how much television do you watch? Apparently your usual ‘hit it and get it,’ dates allow you far too much free time.”

“They did,” Gage agreed, sounding surprisingly serious about Dominic’s joke.

“Did?” Dominic asked, raising a brow in inquiry.

Was it his imagination or did Gage look flustered when he quickly amended his earlier statement. “Do . . . I meant do. No need to linger, right?” he added with an easy grin. “So, back to Gwen. Just give the girl a little space. If you’re planning to call her ten times a day while you’re gone—don’t. Show her that your whole world doesn’t revolve around or depend on her—in other words, try to pretend that you have a life.”

Looking doubtful, Dominic asked, “Have you actually been in a relationship before that I don’t know about?”

“Nope,” Gage replied.

“Then why should I be taking advice from you? Hell, you don’t know any more than I do,” Dominic sighed.

“Probably not, but I think we’ve already established that I watch more television. It’s amazing what you can pick up from those shows. You could always ask your sister if you want another opinion.”

“No way,” Dominic spat out. “You better not tell her, either. You caused a long laugh at my expense in front of Gwen over Kandi. Why in God’s name would you be telling Meredith about me dating a stripper?”

“Oh, stop whining,” Gage laughed. “I love your sister. She’s one of the few people who gets my sense of humor. I’m telling you, if she wasn’t already married, I’d be your brother-in-law by now.”

Dominic dropped his head back against the passenger seat. “And to think, I didn’t believe it possible for me to be more depressed today. Thanks for proving me wrong. Next time, we’re driving in separate cars.”

“You’re the one who needed to talk about your problems, dude. If you want me to keep helping you, then you could attempt to be a little more civil.” As they pulled into the parking garage of their destination, Gage parked the truck and turned to him before opening his door. “Remember, no smothering Gwen this week. Be chill. Let her come to you—for once.”

Chapter Thirteen

Gwen stared at the three pregnancy tests that she had lined up on her bathroom counter. Two were showing only one line and the other clearly said, “Not pregnant.” She felt a pang of disappointment even though she had no desire for a baby right now. Something about seeing the negative tests just seemed so final. She was already feeling a little dejected—or maybe the better word would be rejected—after not hearing from Dominic since he’d left two days earlier. It was now Thursday night, which meant after work tomorrow, she was planning to drive the two hours to visit her sister.

She wasn’t sure why, but somehow she’d seen this whole thing going differently a week ago. She imagined herself taking a pregnancy test, and then collapsing on the couch with relief when it was negative. Dominic would open a bottle of wine and they’d relax together, happy to have dodged a bullet. Then they’d have hot, crazy sex—with no condom mishap—before moving into a regular relationship.

Instead, Dominic had been out of town and hadn’t called her once. She was left to take a test alone and have the celebratory glass of wine solo, as well. She pondered calling him to let him know the good news, but she couldn’t bring herself to do it. Actually, she didn’t even care about the wine anymore. So, after a quick shower, Gwen was in bed by nine o’clock. As she curled her arms around the pillow that still smelled of Dominic’s musky scent, Gwen knew she had to accept the fact that he would likely leave her life before the smell of his cologne faded from her feather pillow.