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He’d caught her checking him out on more than one occasion, and yes, in his fantasies, he had wanted to believe that she desired him as he did her. But she’d never given him any outward reason to believe that was true. He had certainly never imagined her showing up on his doorstep like a wet dream. So he forced himself to ask one last time, “Are you sure about this?” In answer, she ground herself against him before licking his neck. Well . . . that meant yes in his book.

He put his hands on what he had come to think of as the Holy Grail . . . her ass. It was firm, round, and drove him to distraction. Dominic had never been one to desire a skinny woman. He loved soft, lush curves and to him, Gwen had the perfect body. His only problem was deciding where he wanted to lavish his attention first. “I need you inside of me,” Gwen murmured as she bit his ear. As if to prove that point, she plastered her body against his chest, freeing his hips, before saying urgently, “Shorts off, condom on.”

Dominic had always been something of an alpha male so this role change was not only different for him, but it was also surprisingly sexy as hell. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d felt this uncoordinated as he did his best to push his shorts down and then fumble to put the condom on his throbbing erection without causing it to blow early. At this point, he was hanging on to his composure by a mere thread.

After what was probably seconds but felt like hours, he was sheathed and past ready to feel her around him. “All right, baby, let me take care of you.”

“Yes . . . God, yes,” she breathed throatily. “I need to take my panties . . .” Refusing to let her up, he ripped one side of her flimsy excuse for panties and then the other. She lifted her hips slightly and he pulled the fabric free, sending it sailing somewhere nearby. He ran a finger through her cleft, finding it wet and swollen. “Dom . . . I’m ready, now please!”

Putting a supporting hand under her ass, he raised her body before bringing her down onto his waiting shaft. He held himself still as she cried out, afraid that he’d hurt her by going too fast. “Okay, baby?” he asked as he stroked her hip soothingly.

Gwen rose to her knees, so that he almost slid out of her wet heat before she bottomed out on him once again. “Harder, Dom!” Her demands broke what little control he had left. He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close enough to devour her lips, while pumping his hips at a ruthless pace into her tight passage.

Soon, they were nothing but a tangle of shifting limbs, grinding bodies. Dominic bit, sucked, and licked every available inch of her skin, and it drove him to distraction when she did the same. He’d never really thought he would enjoy having his own nipples nipped, but damned if it wasn’t off-the-charts hot. He wanted to make it last for hours, but all too soon, he felt the familiar tingle at the base of his spine. When Gwen started to spasm around him, he was helpless to hold back any longer. But his orgasm seemed to go on forever as black dots danced through his vision.

Dominic collapsed backward as all of the blood that had been gathered down below finally redistributed throughout his body. He grazed his hand lazily up and down Gwen’s spine as she nestled against him. He knew he needed to get up and dispose of the condom, but he figured he could do that when she inevitably freaked out and ran from his apartment. He was braced and waiting for that to happen. Hell, he felt almost like the woman in this scenario, wanting to cuddle and talk about feelings and crap like that.

When Gwen sat up, he dropped his hand, already trying to distance himself. He was floored when she licked her lips and gave him a lopsided smile. “If you don’t mind, I’m going to need to do that again. Can we? Please?”

Well, hell, it was official. He had gone and lost his heart to the girl next door . . . and his best friend’s ex. In true fashion, he never took the easy route.

Chapter Two

Gwen woke up and looked around the darkened room for the glow of her alarm clock. Her head was throbbing and her body was sore—in places it hadn’t been in quite some time. Just about the time that thought hit home, she realized two things. First, there appeared to be an oven at her back and second, there was an unfamiliar weight across her waist.

Holding her breath, she moved her hand along the anchor holding her in place and hissed in shock when a voice suddenly sounded in her ear. “Baby, you’ve pretty much sucked me dry, but if you give me five minutes, I’m sure I’ll have something for you.” It appeared that he wasn’t lying because the “something” was currently digging rather impressively into her backside.

Panicked, she jumped from the bed and promptly crashed into a hard object. “Oww, damn!” she cried as she tried to get her bearings. She was holding her injured hip in one hand and trying to locate a light switch with the other when suddenly the room was bathed in brilliance. The term “bull in a china shop” had new meaning as she flailed around, temporarily blinded.

“Whoa, darling, hold still before you break your neck,” said a husky voice right before a set of strong hands encircled her hips—her naked hips. “You’re going to bruise this beautiful body, and I’ll be forced to lick it better.”

Suddenly, it hit her with the force of a freight train. “Dom-Dominic.” She blinked a few more times before letting her eyes wander down his body. Naked and big—very big. Dominic. “We had sex, like a whole lot of sex, didn’t we?” she blurted out.

“We did.” He grinned wolfishly, then licked his lips. “I must say, Red, you’re a whole helluva bag of surprises that I would have never expected, but I’m damn sure thrilled to discover them.”

Gwen felt herself flushing all the way to her roots. Oh my God, the things she’d done to him . . . the things they’d done together. She might be embarrassed now at how wanton she had been, but the memories were enough to have her squeezing her legs together restlessly. Ouch, she was sore down there in what had been no-man’s-land. But it was a good feeling—no, OMG amazing was more apt.

Now, though, she wasn’t sure what he expected from her. Was she supposed to get dressed, tell him thanks, and leave? She hadn’t really thought this through last night when she’d stumbled to his apartment after drinking a few glasses of wine . . . Okay, maybe more like a bottle with her friends. The only thing that had been on her mind had been reaffirming the fact that someone out there wanted her. She could have hooked up with some faceless stranger at the bar, but she hadn’t been able to get Dominic out of her mind. Her friends had urged her on when she’d declared that she was going to “rock his world all night long.” They had called her a cab and sent her off to battle with a lot of war cries and hoots of encouragement.

And holy mother, it had been worth all of the awkwardness she was feeling now. Thanks to her alcohol consumption, things were fuzzy in a few places, but she remembered enough to know the man was a freaking sex god. He had a huge cock and he needed almost zero recovery between rounds. She was pretty sure that they’d blown through the strip of condoms that Crystal had stuck in her bra as she was getting into the taxi. Apparently, her friend, although claiming to be celibate now, didn’t intend to stay that way for long.

When Dominic’s hands slid soothingly over her ass, she croaked out, “Um . . . so . . . I guess I should go?” She grimaced at how pathetically hopeful she sounded. She had not meant for her statement to come out as more of a question.

When Dominic released his hold on her and turned toward the bed, she fought tears of disappointment. Before she could move though, he extended his hand and grabbed her wrist, tugging her down with him. “It’s still early, babe. Come back to bed.” Without protest and possibly a tad too eagerly, she followed behind him until she was settled with her back to his chest and his arms curved around her waist, anchoring her close to his warmth. “Yeah, that’s better,” he said huskily against her neck. Wait. . . . Did he just smell her? Oh, my . . . that was seriously hot . . . and kind of disturbing since she hadn’t showered recently, but who the hell cared. She finally felt herself beginning to relax against him. Just as she was close to drifting off, he said something that had her jerking around to look at him in shock. “We need to prepare for the possibility that you could be pregnant, babe.”