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“You’re not scaring me,” she assured him, but her pace quickened to where he was almost the one running to keep up with her. When they reached his bike, she settled behind him as if they’d been riding together for years.

“Anywhere you need to stop?” he asked, although he desperately hoped the answer was no.

“Nope, home please—and don’t waste any time.” He said a silent prayer of thanks and took off through the streets. He wanted nothing more than to break all the speed limits to get home faster, but he’d never risk her safety.

When they made it home, he pulled her toward his apartment without asking. He couldn’t wait any longer or risk Gwen not having condoms. He’d bought a new box yesterday, and they were still sitting in a bag on the living room table. Obviously, he didn’t entertain much. As soon as they walked through the door, he shut it behind them and started removing his clothes. “This is gonna be fast, baby. I need you naked—now.” Her mouth fell open as he began unbuckling his jeans. He had to give her credit because she recovered quickly and had her boots and jacket off in the blink of an eye. It would be amazing if they could spend a night in bed together just touching and discovering, but there was always the need to take the edge off first. He wanted her too badly to go slow.

Soon, she was naked and attempting to cover her breasts with her arms. “Where . . . ?”

His cock bobbed stiffly against his stomach as he considered her question. “Over the arm of the couch,” he instructed. His obsession with her ass was something he couldn’t control. His hands wanted to be on it every second they were together. Strange he had made it to his thirties without ever knowing he was an ass man. He had always thought his interests in the female body were pretty evenly distributed until Gwen. He loved her body in general, but her ass held a special place in his heart.

He grabbed a condom off the nearby table and quickly sheathed himself. Gwen had gotten into the position that he’d requested, and her glorious backside was taunting him. He stepped between her spread thighs and dropped a hand onto one of her firm globes. “Dominic—please,” she begged as she pushed against his hand. He parted her gently until he could see her glistening pink slit pulsing for him. He ran a finger through the slick heat, spreading her juices from end to end. “I need you inside me,” she hissed as he continued to tease her.

In answer to her plea, he drove his middle finger into her channel, feeling her ripple around him. “Is this what you want, baby?” he teased, as he worked his finger in and out of her slowly.

“No,” she whimpered, although her hips circled urgently.

He was fast losing control but tried to hold on to torment them both a while longer. “Then what do you want?” Adding another finger, he asked, “Is this it?”

“No!” she snapped, although her breathing had quickened along with her movements. He knew she was getting close, and he was selfish enough to want her first orgasm of the evening to be on his dick. “I want you-your cock inside of me . . . please.”

Her need struck a match inside of him, and he had barely removed his fingers before his cock was pushing inside of her. They both moaned as this position made her impossibly tight. He took his first few thrusts slowly, letting her adjust to his intrusion before he began moving in earnest. He used a hand on each of her ass cheeks to keep her parted, affording him a view that he could barely tear his eyes from. His cock glistened as it moved smoothly in and out of her sex. “You look and feel so amazing,” he gasped out as his pace quickened.

“Dom—harder!” she yelled, almost making him blow. “You’re so hard—so big—and hard,” she said with something between a wheeze and a shout.

What little control he had left was gone as he raised her hips to meet him. His balls smacked against her ass with each thrust until he felt her clenching and releasing around him. He was helpless to stop her orgasm from triggering his own. His body released until he couldn’t imagine having anything left inside of him. “Damn, I think your ass has supernatural powers or something,” he mused against her damp back.

“What?” she asked as she tried to turn her head to look at him.

Kissing the soft skin between her shoulder blades he said, “I’m serious, babe. I lose my freaking mind when I get my hands on your behind.”

She sounded a little nervous when she asked, “Do you have some kind of anal fantasy or something?”

Dominic chuckled as he pulled his heavy weight from hers. As she stood, he drew her into the loose circle of his arms. “Babe, I hate to break this to you, but every man has some kind of fantasy about that, whether he’ll admit it or not. It’s just that caveman desire to own all of you. Add to that the fact that it’s so close to the pleasure pool in front of it, and hell, it’s just a natural thing.”

Resting her head against his chest, she asked curiously, “Have you ever—done that before?”

He seriously wished he had kept his mouth shut now. In his experience, no good had ever come out of discussing past sexual encounters. He didn’t want to brush off a direct question, though, so he just simply said, “Yes,” and hoped she’d leave it at that.

Instead, she fired back a question immediately. “With more than one woman? I mean, was it just with one person, or were there others?”

Well fuck, he really needed to stop with the chattiness after sex. This whole awkward conversation could have been avoided if he hadn’t mentioned his ass hang-up. She didn’t sound upset, though, still just curious, which he could live with.

“There were others through the years—but not everyone I dated,” he added hastily least she think that he was only interested in that. If she was never comfortable with anal sex, then that was fine with him. She had more than enough to keep him satisfied.

“So—you want to do that—with me?” she asked, starting to sound nervous. What he wanted to do was run away from this conversation like a coward, but he was screwed now. He’d let it go on too long.

Sighing, he just went the honest route and hoped he didn’t scare the hell out of her. “Babe, of course I’d like to, but that doesn’t mean that I need it. If you’re ever curious and feel that it’s something you want, then let me know. Otherwise, it’s off the table. I’d never try to force that on you because not everyone enjoys it. You set the boundaries here, Gwen. I have nothing but respect for you, and if you’re not comfortable, then neither of us would enjoy it. I own your pleasure, baby, and you own mine.”

When she sagged against him, he knew he’d given her the answer she needed to hear. “I—thank you. No one has really cared about my—needs before.”

Dominic felt his hair standing on end at the thoughts of her with another man. He led her into his bathroom for a shower before commenting on her last statement. “Honey, anyone who could neglect you isn’t a man. If your needs weren’t being met, and he didn’t care, then he never deserved you to start with. I lose my mind when you’re near. If I didn’t make you come, the experience would fall flat for me. I need your orgasms more than I need my own and I’d never stop until it happened.”

In what seemed like a lightning change of mood, Gwen stepped away from him and turned on the shower. Giving him an impish grin, she said, “I’m going to need another of those orgasms you just promised me because I’m hopelessly turned on again.”

Doing his best to sound annoyed, Dominic huffed dramatically before he moved under the warm spray and extended a hand to her. “Woman, don’t you ever get enough?” When she stepped into the shower and dropped to her knees to grip his rapidly hardening length, all thoughts scattered to the wind as he threaded his hands through her hair and gave himself over to the mind-numbing pleasure that only she seemed to invoke in him.