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“I . . . I was just tucking them in,” Gwen murmured, still in shock that he was here. The man was certainly a glutton for punishment. He had not only cleaned up a mess that would have had most parents gagging, but he had returned for more. She had to admit that Dominic Brady now officially had more staying power than any man in her past. Then he further impressed her by following her down the hall instead of dropping into a chair and leaving her to it.

He walked to the center of the girls’ room and put his hands on his hips. “All right, you little monkeys, which one of you threw all of the super slime on Uncle Dominic earlier?” The sound of giggling filled the room as both girls broke into fits of laughter. Then Maddy and Megan started pointing at each other. So much for having your sister’s back under fire. Dominic teased them for a few more minutes before walking to the bookshelf and thumbing through the books there. “I don’t know about you ladies, but I’d love to hear a story. Anyone else?” Gwen raised her hand along with a very enthusiastic Megan and Maddy. Dominic settled onto the floor with his back against the nightstand and began reading Cinderella. Looking at the two small girls, Gwen could tell that she wasn’t the only female in the room completely riveted by Dominic.

When he shut the book, both girls were asleep, and she was yawning. He held out a hand, pulling her to her feet before putting the book back on the shelf. “Thank you,” she whispered, after shutting the door quietly behind her. “You’ve gone above and beyond tonight.”

He pulled her against his chest, dropping a kiss on her head. “I’d say it was my pleasure, Red, but you might not buy that.”

She giggled against him, remembering the scene she had walked into earlier. “I can’t believe Megan threw up on you. I never expected that.”

Dominic pulled back slightly, looking down at her with raised brows. “So, you expected the other stuff?”

“Um . . .” She squirmed, trying to get away. “Of course not. I’ve never heard them talk like that . . .”

“Gwen.” Dominic stared her down, and dammit, she had to look away, unable to contain her grin.

She took off running, trying to quiet her shrieks of laughter as Dominic gave chase. He finally cornered her in the kitchen, tickling her with one hand, while putting the other over her mouth. “Keep it down before you wake the girls, babe. Now . . . I believe there’s a little matter of some payback for your earlier evilness.”

“What?” she croaked out against his hand.

“Drop the innocent act. You totally set me up, didn’t you? You knew good and well that they would eat me alive.”

“No . . .” She giggled, unable to keep a straight face. Dominic’s hand was just beginning to slide down her ass when the sound of someone clearing their throat sounded behind them.

Shannon stood leaning against the kitchen counter trying hard to keep a stern expression. “Is everything okay in here, Gwen?”

Gwen felt her face heat up as she looked into the amused eyes of her friend. “Yep, Dominic was just helping me . . . clean up.”

Shannon’s eyes dropped to where Dominic’s hand was still wedged in the back of her jeans. “Really? Just what kind of cleaning does he do and where can I hire someone like him?”

Dominic jerked his hand out, and Gwen was surprised to see him actually flushing as well. He recovered quickly though and gave Shannon a lazy grin. “Just a little retribution. Hi, you must be Shannon. I’m Dominic.” Gwen noticed that he kept the hand that had been in her pants to his side and offered the other one to Shannon, who by this time was literally swooning.

“Hi, Dominic, nice to meet you. I’ve seen you around the grounds before . . . jogging.”

Gwen wanted to roll her eyes. Geez, apparently every woman in the building watched him jog. Maybe she should suggest he start wearing some loose-fitting sweatpants and a shirt. He needed to stop displaying so much of his man candy to the world. Gwen quickly filled Shannon in on Megan’s reflux issue but left the rest out. She knew how much it embarrassed the other woman when her girls went into detailed discussions of their body parts. She figured after a long evening at work, she didn’t need any added stress. Dominic seemed to be of a like mind and didn’t mention it, either. They all talked for a few more minutes before they left.

Once outside in the hallway, Dominic took her hand, leading her to his apartment. She pulled against his hold, causing him to stop. “It’s late and I really need to get some sleep tonight.”

“I know, baby,” he said, before pulling her forward once again. “I’m tired too so we’ll just go home and crash.”

“But . . . I should go to my place,” she protested. “I don’t have any clothes to wear to work tomorrow.”

He stopped again, turning to face her. “Gwen, do you want to go home tonight? I want you to stay with me, but I’m not going to force you.”

She stood there uncertainly, wanting to be with him, but feeling like she needed to put some space between them. They barely knew each other and already they were spending every available moment together? What would she do when he was gone? She needed to keep some distance; it would be easier in the end, right? “I’m just going to go on home.”

Without another word, he turned them toward her apartment and waited while she fumbled with her keys. “See you tomorrow,” he whispered huskily against her lips as she stepped in the door. “Lock up,” he instructed.

She stood in the entryway of her lonely apartment and wanted to kick herself. Way to go, Gwen, this is so much better than going home with Dominic. There was no changing her mind now, though. She’d made a decision, and she had to live with it. Dammit, she was already way too attached to a man who would walk away soon.

Chapter Five

Gwen felt a hand touch her shoulder as she stepped into the lobby of Danvers International. “Good morning, babe. You look gorgeous today.” Spinning around, she felt her heart knock in her chest as she looked up at a grinning Dominic. It should be illegal for a man to look that good before nine in the morning. He was wearing his usual work uniform of cargo pants and a company shirt, but holy wet panties, was he a sight to behold. Speaking of hotness, Gage stood behind him, watching them with interest. She wished at that moment that she had worn something other than the snug, black wrap dress that seemed to stick to her butt like a second skin. Fashion did not cater to women with a big booty. It was always a challenge to find clothing that didn’t make her look like she was on her way to a street corner.

“Good morning,” she managed to reply as she tried to get a handle on her out-of-control body. Did he seriously have to be that hot? Mac had been one handsome guy, but her body had never reacted to his closeness with the same intensity as it did with Dominic’s. He pulled her close, dropping a kiss on her surprised lips.

“I missed you this morning,” he whispered for her ears alone.

“Me, too,” she admitted before she could stop herself. God knows it was true. After sleeping over at his place only twice, she was addicted. She had been at loose ends at her apartment this morning as if she hadn’t lived alone for years.

Gage, seeming tired of waiting to be included in the conversation, walked closer and gave her a mischievous grin. “It’s good to see you again, Gwen. Dom’s right, you do look great this morning. I like the dress.”

Dominic scowled at his friend while Gwen smiled. “Thanks, Gage. It’s good to see you as well.”

Gage looked nervous for a moment before asking, “So . . . I saw you with Crystal the other day. Are you two friends?”

Gwen tried desperately to keep a straight face, remembering Mia’s story of how Crystal had kneed Gage in the balls in the parking garage. Was it just a coincidence that Gage’s hand was hovering close to his crotch? Maybe he remembered what had happened as well. “Er . . . Crystal Webber?”