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“Only like seven hundred times,” I said, smiling while winding down the window. I’d never been to Chicago.

“What’s that?” I pointed to the bean-shaped object in the distance.

“It’s called the Cloud Gate. Would you like to stop—” the driver offered.

“We don’t have time, maybe later,” Ollie cut him off before he could finish, and when he said “maybe later,” he really meant “never.”

It was strange how we could shoot in the most beautiful places, but as an actor, I’d never get a chance to truly see them. Between shooting, promotions, and rest, time flew by too quickly, and every minute spent on location was planned out.

 “Amelia, what would you like to eat?”

A burger, waffle fries, ice cream, and a slice of chocolate cake. But only in my dreams.

“Soup and a ham sandwich,” I said instead.

“Maybe just the soup until after the shoot. The bread might make you bloated for the photos,” he said, already texting.

“You know best.”

“And never forget it,” he said with a laugh, putting his phone back into his jacket pocket. “I’ve also talked to the director. We’ll be saving all the more intimate scenes of the movie until the end. It will give you time to ease into things and get comfortable. Sadly, they wouldn’t budge during the photo shoot.”

Noah Sloan would be kissing me between my thighs. No amount of time would make that any more comfortable.

“We’re here. A few fans found out about this location, but there is full security,” he said, handing me shades.

“Who should I act like—”

“No one. Just keep walking to the hotel, and don’t make contact. They still have to warm up to the idea of you.”

I placed the sunglasses on my face as the driver came around to my side, holding open the door for me. Ollie had misled me with the word “few.” There were at least a hundred women outside the hotel being held back by security, and just as the doors closed behind me, Noah pulled up on his bike. They almost lost their minds screaming out for him and snapping pictures.

He didn’t say anything. He gave them a small wave and a fake smile and walked in with ease.

“You aren’t Blair!” someone yelled, and all of a sudden, what tasted like sugar flew out at me, coating my hair, sliding down my shirt, and even getting into my shoes.

“Amelia!” Ollie grabbed me from the side, along with a bodyguard, and pushed me forward into the hotel.

“Someone call a doctor! Amelia, are you right?” Ollie asked, coming around to the front of me and brushing away the sugar.

“Yeah, I’m okay. I don’t need a doctor—”

“Don’t be dumb. God only knows what they could have put in that,” Noah said, frowning as he looked me up and down.

“You seem worried.”

“I would prefer you to quit because you know you can’t do it, not because you got sick,” he replied, walking off to the elevators.

So much for our little truce.

When I took off my shoes, white sugar poured out like sand. I could even feel it up against my breasts, tempting me to reach inside my bra and scoop it out.

“When do you think they will warm up to me?” I asked Ollie as we headed toward the elevator.

“When the movie comes out.”

Great! Another year of this.

I said only a short hello to the women who were working in my master suite, everything soft pink, cream, and white—my favorite colors. I started toward the marble bathroom, stripping down and stepping under the water. It was the only place I could be alone. The only place I could breathe or cry or scream.

Sliding down the slick wall, I sat on the floor as the hot water beat against my skin. And like he knew I was getting comfortable, Ollie knocked on the door. “Amelia, the doctor is here. Besides, you can’t stay in there too long or your skin will dry out.”

Sighing, I reached up, turned off the water and grabbed a towel. I couldn’t even get a moment’s peace.

“Amelia? You okay?”

“Yeah, I’m fine. I’ll be out in a second.”

“Cover up. I’ll send her in.”

“I’m covered,” I said, taking another towel for my hair.

When the door opened, an older woman with thick glasses came inside with her bag.

“Hi, Ms. London. I’m Dr. Smithson. I heard someone threw sugar on you? Did you get any in your mouth?”

“Yes.” I leaned against the sink, holding the towel around me tightly.

“Do you feel sick or dizzy?” she asked, checking my eyes with a small light.


“Okay, I’m going to take some blood just in case,” she explained, pulling out a needle.

Ollie gave me a thumbs up and went to answer his phone. I noticed six more people come into the room. I felt as if I couldn’t breathe. But shouldn’t I be used to that by now?


“Okay, open your eyes.”

“Woah,” I said, adjusting to the lash extensions and my whole new look. Everything about me looked sexy, from the red lips to my smoky eyes. They had added just a little more volume and waves to my hair, too.

“What do you think? I added a little pink to the smoky eye because it’s Blair’s signature in the book.”

“You’re a fan too?” I asked, taking a paper towel to wipe some of the lipstick off my teeth.

She smiled. “Isn’t everyone?”

I was starting to realize that.

“So this is your first outfit.” T wardrobe stylist lifted up a short fitted white dress and pink heels.

I stood up only to step into the dress, and the stylist slid it up my body. The second she zipped it up, I was thankful I hadn’t eaten that ham sandwich for lunch. The dress hugged every inch of me. After I stepped into the heels, she held the door open for me.

In the hall, the photographer was already set up. Noah pretended to put his key card in the slot, his face turned back partially for the photo.

“Amelia’s on set,” someone called out as I was led just to Noah’s left. For a split second, his eyes focused on me just as there was another bright flash.

“Step on the black X, Amelia,” the photographer said, changing the lenses. I took a step over the wires, Noah moving aside to allow me to get in front of him in the doorway.

“You can still walk away, you know,” Noah whispered behind me, and I mentally flipped him off.

“Amelia, I want seduction. Noah, unzip the back of her dress.”

Closing my eyes, I tried to think of something, anything that turned me on. However, the moment Noah’s hands grabbed me, I didn’t have to think. It had been so long since any guy touched me like this.

“You still have the northern star on your back,” he whispered, his hand touching the bare skin of my back.

The northern star he was talking about referred to the set of freckles I had on my back. He always said it looked like the northern star.

“Don’t push it,” I whispered, turning to glare at him.

“I like it! Hold that face!” the photographer said, forcing us to stare into each other’s eyes for another second. Noah reached up and placed a hand on my cheek, his thumb grazing over my lips. “Genius.”

Neither of us spoke, and the longer I stayed next to him like this, the faster my heart felt like it was beating.

“Alright, Amelia, in the bedroom. Sit on the edge of the bed. Noah, stay at the door.”

I took my chance to escape with pleasure. Walking into the hotel room, I pretended to take off my earrings and then my heels for the photo.

“Great. I want to get the bed shots in room 4390, and we’ll wrap up for today.” The photographer stood up, already walking down the hall.

“Bed shots?” I asked when my makeup team came back to fix my lipstick. Another stylist was already fully unzipping the dress at my back and draping a robe over my shoulders. I wasn’t expecting it so soon.

They looked at me, confused. “Yeah. The photo shoot takes place in bed. You only need your strapless bra and underwear.”