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“What’s wrong, Adam?”

*   *   *

Everything inside Adam told him this was a mistake, but he pushed aside the uncertainty.

“I didn’t want to do this in the office, but you wouldn’t return my texts.”

“What?” Startled, she grabbed her phone from her jacket and stared at the display. “Oh, I didn’t have my charger last night and…” She shrugged. “Well, I have to replace my battery. It doesn’t hold a charge much these days.”

His gut clenched. The only reason she wouldn’t have her phone charger was because she hadn’t slept at home.

“You spent last night with him.”

It killed him that she’d gone straight from him to Dare. After their conversation yesterday … Fuck, he’d hoped she’d at least think about the situation before going back and screwing Dare.

Her lips compressed, but she didn’t say anything.

“Doesn’t it bother you at all that he’s older than you? And your best friend’s stepfather?”

She lowered her gaze, wringing her hands together. “I didn’t think so. I mean at first, but … he’s only ten years older—Helen’s mom was kind of a cougar. And we’re adults now. It shouldn’t matter.”

What was going on here? Something had shaken her confidence.

“It shouldn’t but…?”

She just shook her head, but he wasn’t in the mood for evasion.

“Talk,” he demanded.

She started, her gaze flickering to his. He knew she wasn’t used to him talking to her so sharply.

“I … uh…”

“What happened?” he prompted.

She sighed and wrung her hands even tighter. “You’re right. I spent the night with him, then this morning … when we were having breakfast … Helen showed up.”

Helen. Oh, shit. That meant trouble. For Ashley. For Dare.

And for him.

“I take it she wasn’t happy finding you there.”

Ash shook her head. “Especially not in her stepfather’s robe.”

His lips compressed. “I imagine she wouldn’t like that.” He didn’t, either.

He drew in a breath. She had to be shaken, and part of him wanted to take care of her, but he couldn’t allow that to distract him from his goal.

“Ash, I know you’d probably love for me to offer a shoulder to cry on … to be able to talk this out with me … because we’re friends. But right now I have no interest in helping you patch things up with your lover.” He pushed himself forward and closed the distance between them. “Because I don’t want you to be with him.”

He reached down and grabbed her hand, then drew her to her feet. “I want you. I have for a long time,” he said solemnly.

Then he dragged her into his arms and kissed her. She was stiff at first, resisting, but then her body relaxed. Her lips turned soft and yielding under his so he deepened the kiss, gliding his tongue into her mouth. He could feel her body quivering against him.

Then she drew back. “Adam, I—”

He stopped her words with another kiss, driving his tongue deep. He mastered her mouth, thrusting and stroking, then he softened his approach and caressed her back as he suckled her tongue. Her soft body melted against him and her arms slid around him. She clung to him, pulling him closer to her.

“I can be whatever you want,” he murmured against her mouth, then nibbled her lips.

When he suckled her lower lip gently, she sighed sweetly.

Then in a sudden movement, he turned her and backed her to the wall, then crushed her against it with his body. She sucked in a breath and stared at him with wide eyes. “So if you like it rough … if you want a man to control you … believe me, I can do that.”

He found her neck and sucked hard on the delicate flesh, feeling her shiver against him. He ground his hips against her, his erection pulsing against her belly as he marked her as his own. God, he wanted to be inside her. When he released her neck, he saw the angry red mark where he’d drawn the blood to the surface.

Let her explain that to her lover.

Her hands slid to his shoulders and she pressed against him. He eased back, giving her a little space.

“Adam, please, you know I’m seeing Dare.”

He raised an eyebrow. “You aren’t seeing him. You’re screwing him. He’s going to walk away in a month.” He stroked her hair from her face. “But me, I’m still going to be here.” He gave her a predatory smile. “And I’m your boss. If you like being dominated, I can call you into my office any time, order you to strip, and fuck you hard against my desk. Tell me you wouldn’t like that,” he demanded.

He could tell she would by the hunger flickering in her eyes. And that hunger triggered a need in him so deep, he could barely stop himself from crushing her to the wall and driving into her right here and now.

He pressed his lips to her ear. “Tell me,” he insisted.

She stared at him with wide eyes. “I don’t know, I…” She shook her head. “I’ve never seen you like this.”

He cupped her breast. The softness of it in his hand was almost his undoing. He could barely stop himself from ripping open her blouse and burying his face in her delicious curves.

She arched against him and he could feel her hard nipple through the fabric.

“I want you right now, Ash. And I know you feel the same way.”

He captured her mouth, driving his tongue deep as he ground his cock against her again. His swollen, aching member demanded to be freed. To find her hot, slick core and drive deep inside.

“Tell me you want me, too,” he insisted.

“Yes. I mean no.” She shook her head. “I’m confused. I want you but I already told you I don’t want to end it with Dare. And … even though he’ll be leaving in a month, I keep hoping…” She locked gazes with him. “I’m sorry, I need to be honest with you. I’m going to try and convince him to continue what we’ve started.”

*   *   *

Ashley enjoyed the breeze across her cheek as she sat on the patio of the small bistro sipping her drink. She watched the people walk by on the flower-lined sidewalk as she waited for Jessica to show up.

She couldn’t believe what had happened in Adam’s office. She stared at the droplets of condensed water gliding down her tall, ice-filled drink.

Oh, God, when he’d pulled her into his arms … when he’d kissed her with such passion … when his hand had cupped her breast … Her heart pounded at the memory. She’d wanted to melt into his arms. To strip off her clothes and let him take her right there.

But it was so confusing. She wanted to be with Adam so much. Knew she could build a happy future with him. But what Dare gave her … It was like an obsession. Even if it would only last a month, she wouldn’t give it up for anything. Even Adam.

Adam might be willing to take charge, but it wouldn’t be the same. There was something about Dare’s brand of domination that was like nothing she’d ever imagined. Or was it just Dare himself? Something about the man that she craved?

“Hey, you look deep in thought.” Jessica tossed her purse over the back of the chair across from Ashley and sat down, then flagged the waitress. “Tough day?”

The waitress appeared and Jessica ordered a drink.

“An interesting day,” Ashley responded to Jessica’s question.

“Yeah? What happened?” Jessica plucked her napkin and smoothed it on her lap.

“Adam called me into his office and … well, he made it clear he wants to start something with me.”

“About time. You two have been skirting your attraction for far too long.”

Ashley sipped her drink, the ice cubes tinkling against each other.

“But I’m seeing Dare.”

Jessica shrugged. “Yeah, but that’s just screwing around. It’s not serious.”

Ashley leaned forward. “But it’s amazing. I don’t want to give up what I have with Dare.”

Jessica shrugged. “Okay, well, maybe Adam will be willing to wait until it’s over with Dare. It’s just a month.”

Ashley raised an eyebrow. “You don’t really believe that, do you?” She didn’t mention that she’d already suggested it and he hadn’t been impressed with the idea.