Con Academy
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Страниц: 41
Символов: 251313
ID: 270603
Язык книги: Английский
Книга закончена
Год печати: 2015
Создана 12 ноября 2015 08:50
Опубликована 12 ноября 2015 08:50


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Meet Will Shea, a con artist who has bluffed his way into one of the nation’s most exclusive private schools. But Will isn’t the only scammer at Connaughton Academy—Andrea Dufresne is there too, and the ivy-covered campus isn’t big enough for the both of them.

So they make a bet—and the winner gets more than just a high school diploma. In this twisty tale of secrets, lies, and deception—it’s hard to figure out who’s double-crossing who. May the best con win!

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