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We drove back to our outpost on the lough shore. We tuned in the BBC and the latest news was that eighteen of the escapees had been captured, but the rest had got clean away. At noon we got the list of names. All of them were unknown to me except for one… and that one was Dermot McCann.

Dermot and I had gone to school together in Derry at St Malachy’s. A really smart guy, he had been Head Boy when I had been Deputy Head Boy. Handsome, good at games and charming, Dermot had planned to go into the newspaper business and possibly into TV journalism. But the Troubles had changed all that and Dermot had joined the IRA just as I had once thought of doing at around the time of Bloody Sunday.

Through various machinations I had joined the police and Dermot had served several years in the Provos before getting himself arrested. He was a highly gifted IRA explosives expert and bomb maker who had only been betrayed in the end by a grass caught dealing drugs. The grass fingered him but there was no forensic evidence so the police had fitted him up by putting a fingerprint on some gelignite. He’d been found guilty and until his escape he’d been doing ten years for conspiracy to cause explosions.

I hadn’t thought of Dermot in a long time but in the weeks that followed the break-out we learned that he had been one of the masterminds behind the escape plan. Dermot had figured out a way of smuggling guns into the prison and it was his idea to take prison officers hostage and dress in their uniforms so the guard towers wouldn’t be alerted.

Dermot got to South Tyrone and over the border into the Irish Republic. We later learned from MI6 that he and an elite IRA team had been spotted at a terrorist training camp in Libya. But even on that miserable Thursday morning on the eastern shores of Lough Neagh, with the mist rising off the water and the rain drizzling from the grey September sky, I knew with the chilly certainty of a fairy story that our paths would cross again.

I Hear the Sirens in the Street _3.jpg

Table of Contents

Cover Page

Title Page

Copyright Page

1: A Town Called Malice

2: The Dying Earth

3: The Big Red One

4: Machine Gun Silhouette

5: The Widow McAlpine

6: Someone Else’s Problem

7: She’s Got A Ticket to Ride (And She Don’t Care)

8: Veterans of Foreign Wars

9: Blood on The Tracks

10: Good Progress

11: No Progress

12: A Message

13: The Girl on The Bike

14: A Very Ordinary Assassination

15: Sir Harry

16: Salt

17: The Treasury Man

18: Not Exactly Scout Finch

19: The Chief Constable

20: The UDR Base

21: Fifteens

22: I’ve Seen Things you People Wouldn’t Believe

23: Delorean

24: People in Glass Houses

25: Into the Woods

26: Through A Glass Darkly

27: High Mass

28: America

29: Driving Under The Influence

30: Back to Belfast

31: In Extremis

32: In The World Of Light

33: Cashiered

Epilogue: A Foot Patrol Through the Abyss

About the Author

Table of Contents

Cover Page

Title Page

Copyright Page

1: A Town Called Malice

2: The Dying Earth

3: The Big Red One

4: Machine Gun Silhouette

5: The Widow McAlpine

6: Someone Else’s Problem

7: She’s Got A Ticket to Ride (And She Don’t Care)

8: Veterans of Foreign Wars

9: Blood on The Tracks

10: Good Progress

11: No Progress

12: A Message

13: The Girl on The Bike

14: A Very Ordinary Assassination

15: Sir Harry

16: Salt

17: The Treasury Man

18: Not Exactly Scout Finch

19: The Chief Constable

20: The UDR Base

21: Fifteens

22: I’ve Seen Things you People Wouldn’t Believe

23: Delorean

24: People in Glass Houses

25: Into the Woods

26: Through A Glass Darkly

27: High Mass

28: America

29: Driving Under The Influence

30: Back to Belfast

31: In Extremis

32: In The World Of Light

33: Cashiered

Epilogue: A Foot Patrol Through the Abyss

About the Author