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Lauren supposed the outfit her sister had bullied her into wearing looked nice. Certainly the blush pink Alexander McQueen corset dress and nude Manolo Blahnik patent leather stiletto sandals looked expensive, classy, and sexy at the same time. She gave herself a wry smile to realize she’d pretty much described Julia’s entire wardrobe with those three words.

Nathan emitted a low whistle as the twins emerged from the bedroom. He was just uncorking a bottle of champagne, and filled three flutes before handing two of them to the girls.

“To the two loveliest ladies in San Francisco,” he toasted gallantly. “And before you ask, Lauren – yes, I can definitely tell you apart so don’t try and prank me.”

Lauren smirked at him. “Aw. Spoilsport. But no worries. I don’t think Julia would have been too happy if you’d really mixed us up. She was never thrilled about sharing her toys with me, were you, sis?”

Julia scowled. “Maybe that’s because my dolls and stuffed animals usually wound up being beheaded, dismembered, or otherwise maimed. And Nathan isn’t a toy.”

Nathan slid an arm around her waist and nuzzled the side of her neck. “Ah, but you do like to play with me, don’t you?”

“Ugh.” Lauren grimaced as the two of them began to canoodle right in front of her. “I hope you two don’t plan on making out all night, especially since you’re expecting company any minute now. Ah, saved by the bell.”

The first guests to arrive were Julia’s boss – and Nathan’s business partner – Travis Headley and his significant other Anton Nguyen. Lauren had met Travis back in June during a lunch out with Julia. That momentous lunch had also been the first time she had met Nathan, and she had quite deliberately baited him with the announcement that she was taking Julia out clubbing to troll for hot guys. Nathan had been almost seething with barely suppressed rage, had tracked them down at a club the following evening, and then basically claimed Julia as his own. He’d promptly broken off his engagement to his former fiancée, and had wasted little time in letting everyone know that he and Julia were now together.

It had occurred to Lauren more than once that perhaps she should have employed similar tactics with Ben. Oh, he had certainly witnessed her playful flirting with any number of other men, but everyone knew that she didn’t have anyone serious in her life. What would his reaction had been if he’d been led to believe she actually did have a new, steady boyfriend?

But she hadn’t wanted to resort to tricks or innuendoes to get Ben back. He’d made his choice, and had chosen to stay with Elle. She was probably good for him, reasoned Lauren, provided him with stability and calm, things that Lauren wouldn’t be able to offer. She was admittedly wild and impulsive, had trouble sitting still or staying in one place for very long. And while Ben had told her very little about his childhood, she knew he had been a loner most of his life. Perhaps with Elle he’d finally found what he had been missing all these years – a stable home, a regular routine, the promise of a family one day.

And then, because the very thought of Ben one day marrying Elle and having children together filled her with unbearable sadness, she bolted down her flute of champagne, refilled it, and breezed over to greet Travis and Anton.

Travis, like Nathan, had worn a suit and tie, his wheat blond hair giving him a very youthful appearance. He gave Lauren an exuberant kiss on the cheek before introducing her to his partner.

The dark haired, half-Vietnamese Anton was far more flamboyant in both his dress and mannerisms than the more subdued Travis, and he greeted Lauren as if they were old friends.

“Hello, gorgeous,” he enthused. “Wow, look at the two of you! When Julia told me you were identical twins, I didn’t think you’d look – well, identical. Except for the outfits, of course. Though it’s a bit of a fashion role reversal, don’t you think? I mean, I was told that Lauren is the naughty twin, but it’s Julia who looks positively devilish tonight.”

Lauren had thought rather the same thing earlier when Julia had set their outfits out. It was admittedly ironic that Lauren was wearing the blush pink dress – even though her boobs were pushed up to a rather amazing display in the tight fitting corset styled bodice. Her makeup was also in soft tones – silver gray eye shadow, pale pink cheeks, rose glossed lips.

Whereas Julia was wearing screaming, sultry, lipstick red – a lacy, strapless Dolce & Gabbana number paired with bejeweled bronze stiletto sandals from the same designer. Her makeup was bolder, darker, more dramatic, capped off with the vivid carmine lipstick.

Lauren grinned at Anton, sensing a kindred spirit. “Well, I wanted to wear jeans and boots like I usually do, but someone can be very pushy when she sets her mind to it. Though I swear these shoes will not be remaining on my feet for the entire evening. I’ve got a pair of flip flops stashed nearby.”

Anton laughed. “Oooh, you are a feisty one, aren’t you? But, sweetie, where’s your date? Don’t you dare try and tell me a gorgeous thing like you doesn’t have a dozen different guys on the hook at a time.”

She shook her head. “Nah. Men are too much trouble. I’m here solo tonight.”

“Maybe for now,” said Julia slyly. “We’ll see how the evening pans out.”

Lauren gave her sister a warning look. “Jules, don’t start, okay? You are not going to fix me up with – what’s his name again? Evan? Ira?”

“Ian,” corrected Julia. “Ian Gregson. And he’s Nathan’s best client, so please do not embarrass us tonight.”

Anton gasped. “Omigod! Ian Gregson – the Ian Gregson – is going to be here tonight? Travis, you bad boy, why didn’t you tell me? I would have worn something more befitting a visit from royalty. And smoking hot royalty to boot.”

Travis shook his head. “Ian is not royalty. He’s just – very British. And a little stuffy. But he’s also a hunk, Lauren. And single. And very, very rich.”

Lauren rolled her eyes heavenward. “Yeah, so I’ve been told. Multiple times. I will try very, very hard not to embarrass you, Jules. Or drool.”

But the latter promise proved extremely difficult to abide by when the man himself walked into Julia’s living room a few minutes later, presenting his hostess with an expensive bottle of wine and a beautiful bouquet of fall flowers.

Julia had tried to warn her – “he’s got this aura about him, this charisma, and when he walks into a room everyone sits up and takes notice. He’s just – overwhelming. Powerful. Trust me, you won’t be immune either.”

Lauren could count on one hand the number of people who had intimidated her over the years – two of her martial arts teachers; her father, at least on those rare occasions when he’d really set his foot down; and now this tall, broad-shouldered, and spectacularly handsome man. With his dark hair, tanned skin, and rugged but refined features, Ian Gregson looked like a movie star or a diplomat. And even though she wasn’t normally attracted to a man who wore a suit, she also wasn’t blind or half-dead, and had to admit that he wore the dark blue pinstriped suit very, very well. He was, as Julia had said, overwhelming.

Ian Gregson also possessed a dazzling smile, a firm handshake, and a deep, cultured British accent that would be more than enough to get ninety-nine percent of the world’s female population to fall into his bed at the blink of an eye. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Lauren. And quite uncanny how much you look like your sister, even for identical twins.”

She returned his handshake with a grip that took him by surprise, and gave him her very best flirty smile. “It’s very nice to meet you, too, Ian. And you certainly live up to all the hype. Between my sister, Travis, and Anton, you’ve got quite a fan club here.”

He looked both startled and more than a little embarrassed, and Lauren guessed a man as suave and confident as Ian was rarely if ever at a loss for words as he was now.