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“Yeah. I’ll text it to you.”

“Thanks,” Max said. “And Dani, I know things aren’t exactly goin’ smoothly for you right now, but I do want you to know that we’re here.”

“I know.”

“Oh, and before I forget, we’re havin’ Thanksgiving at our house this year.” She didn’t say anything, so he continued. “We want you here.”

He didn’t bother to share with her that Hunter would also be having Thanksgiving with them. Where would the fun be in that?

“Is it really that easy to be so casual about all this?” she asked, sounding frustrated.

“About what?” He knew she wasn’t referring to Thanksgiving, but he wanted to hear her say it. His cousin had been born into this world the same as Max had. And yeah, to him, it sounded as though she’d fallen in love with the enemy, but then again, so had he. And if he could deal with it, she could, too. She knew who he was, what he did, and never had she questioned him before. Although he wanted her to be happy, he wasn’t going to sit by and allow Dani to pretend she wasn’t an Adorite as she’d apparently been doing for … for who knew how long.

“Never mind,” she grumbled.

“Thanksgiving, Dani. No excuses. Send me the address.” With that, he hung up.

While he waited for the text, Max called Leyton. When Leyton’s deep voice came on the line, Max told him to be ready. He would know what that meant.

It was time to put an end to this shit. Once and for all.

Chapter Fifty-Four

If you want the honor, it’s yours.

Leyton had been waiting for Max’s call. He’d almost given up hope, but he should’ve known that Max would come through. After spending the last few hours pacing the floor, checking on Jase, tending to Ashlynn, and damn near going stir crazy, Leyton was glad the time had come. After all, Leyton had promised Jase they’d find Moroso, and that was exactly what Leyton intended to deliver, even if it meant they’d had to dangle Moroso’s sister out there as bait.

Though taking care of Moroso wouldn’t bring Derrick or Sal back, it would hopefully give Jase some closure.

“You ready?” Leyton asked Ashlynn when she appeared in the living room a minute later.

Her eyes widened slightly, and he saw the moment she realized what he was referring to. “The warehouse?”

He nodded.

“I’ll get Jase.”

“Are you sure you wanna do this?” he asked.

“Yeah,” she answered brusquely. “That bastard deserves everything that’s comin’ to him.”

Leyton didn’t disagree, but he had to make sure. Tensions were high, everyone was rightfully pissed, but… It wasn’t as though she hadn’t seen a man die, even at her own hands, so Leyton wasn’t sure why he was worried. Perhaps he only wanted to make sure nothing happened to her. He’d do anything to keep Ashlynn and Jase safe, and he’d be more than willing to do what needed to be done.

Yeah, he was sure that was what it was. He wanted to ensure their safety. He’d prefer that neither of them go, but it wasn’t his place to tell them that, so he didn’t say anything more as Ashlynn walked away.

While she got ready and informed Jase, Leyton doubled-checked his weapons. He’d need them tonight, because one way or another, Marco Moroso was going to die. And should he be given the opportunity, Leyton was going to gladly put a bullet in the bastard’s brain.

Granted, he wasn’t sure Jase would give him the chance, but he was still going to be ready.

Fifteen minutes later, Rock was behind the wheel of the Escalade, Jase and Ashlynn in the backseat and Leyton in the passenger seat. Behind them were two additional vehicles, both carrying more men whose sole job was to protect Ashlynn. While they’d been waiting for Marco to make a mistake and show himself, they’d stocked up on protection for her, ensuring that the tragedy that had taken place at her house didn’t happen again. There would be people out looking for Moroso and his sister. His people. Moroso’s disappearance wouldn’t go unnoticed, which meant they were running out of time to get this over with before all hell broke loose.

The warehouse was a good forty-five minutes away, but Rock made it in record time. Clearly he was as interested in the outcome of this as the rest of them were. This asshole had taken down two of their own, and it was time he got what was coming to him.

After circling the building twice to check it out, they pulled inside the building, via the loading dock at the back. Rock parked alongside Max’s Escalade, then closed the bay door before they got out.

Leyton waited for Ashlynn, took her hand, and held on to it as they met Jase at the front of the SUV. Not once did Jase turn to look at either of them. He was focused on one thing and one thing only. Ready to get this over with, Leyton led the way toward the five men now standing around the man of the hour. Marco Moroso.

Max, Brent, Victor, Dane, and Snarly circled the bleeding man chained by his neck to a pulley in the ceiling. They’d obviously started the proceedings before their arrival, and they’d done a number on Moroso already. It was a gruesome sight but one Leyton didn’t mind seeing. Every time he thought about Jase’s brother and Sal, he wanted to tear something apart.

“Kill me now,” Marco demanded, snarling at Max.

“Not yet,” Max replied casually. His tone reflected that deadly calm he was known for; his body language said he was holding back. “I’m not done with you yet. I’m waitin’ for an answer. Where’re my guns?”

Marco spit in Max’s direction. Snarly pulled on the chain, lifting Marco off the ground enough that he had to stand on his toes to keep from suffocating.

Jase took a step closer, as though he wanted a front-row seat to the event. Leyton remained where he was, holding Ashlynn’s hand while Rock stood behind them, keeping an eye on the entrance. Leyton watched as Max interrogated Marco, never getting his hands dirty. That’s what he had Snarly for. And Snarly was a crazy, sadistic bastard who clearly didn’t have a problem with the dirty work. In fact, Leyton was pretty sure the guy enjoyed it.

For a solid ten minutes, Max continued to question Marco while Snarly did what he did best.

Finally, when it looked as though Marco had had enough, Max came to stand in front of him. “Last time,” Max stated, his voice low. “You give me an answer, or when I walk out of this place, I’m gonna pay a personal visit to your sister. And she ain’t gonna be too happy to see me.”

Marco’s eyes widened. “Leave my sister alone.”

Max reared back and punched Marco square in the face, causing Marco’s head to snap back as though his neck were made of rubber. “Like you left my brother alone?”

“Don’t touch her,” Marco seethed.

“Where’re my fucking guns?” Max asked, his tone lethal.

When Marco didn’t respond, Max glanced over at Dane. “We’ve gotta take a trip.” But before Max could get two steps away, Marco was pleading.

“No! I’ll tell you where they are. But you have to promise to let them go. Unharmed.”

Max pivoted back around to face the battered, bleeding man. “You tell me where the guns are, and you have my word. I won’t hurt them.”

Marco must’ve believed him, because he was suddenly cooperative, grumbling an address.

Max grabbed his phone, dialed, and then waited until someone answered. He repeated the address to whomever it was on the other end. Leyton had no idea who Max had pulled in for this, but he knew that Max wouldn’t let it go until he got what he wanted out of the man. And trusting Moroso to tell the truth wasn’t an option.

Silence reigned for the next ten minutes, but then Max’s phone rang. He answered, seemed pleased by the response he received, then instructed the caller to do what was necessary to collect the guns.

And then, when he hung up the phone, Max’s attention turned to Jase. “If you want the honor, it’s yours.”