Mama Gets Trashed
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Mama Gets Trashed


Mace Bauer

Страниц: 58
Символов: 366574
ID: 270358
Язык книги: Английский
Книга закончена
Год печати: 2013
Издательство: Midnight Ink
Город печати: Woodbury
Создана 10 ноября 2015 03:51
Опубликована 10 ноября 2015 03:51
Нецензурная лексика (мат) в тексте книги: Отсутствует


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The acclaimed, deep-fried Florida series continues.When Mace stumbles upon the dead body of Camilla Law at the dump, the Bible-loving town is scandalized, but not because there's a killer on the loose. Camilla, the young prudish librarian, was found in a leather getup that screams sex fetish--good gravy! While Mace secretly investigates her brother-in-law, who's running around with another lady, she uncovers salacious information about a circle of bondage fanatics that makes Mama blush pinker than her favorite wine.

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