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He’s tall, broad shouldered, inked up, and fucking terrifying.

“Are you sure this is a good idea?” Ted whispers to Joel.

I glance over my shoulder at Joel who swallows hard. “Well...it’s too late now, isn’t it?”

Jai growls, his jaw clenching tightly, as Joel steps off the porch and onto the first step, shaking it underneath my feet.

“Afternoon.” He greets them with faux cheerfulness. “What will it be...shotguns or rifles?”


My nerves are fried. My heart is choking. Sickness churns in my stomach over and over, causing a clammy sweat to bloom all over my body. It’s all happening. It’s moving too fast.

“Two miles out.” Huss announces, allowing the car to roll to a stop.

It’s dark, so dark I can’t see what’s outside my window and the only light inside the car is provided by the accessory lights in front of the driver. I clench Jai’s hand, thankful he took his glove off for me to feel his skin. The whole trip he’s soothed me by kissing my face and caressing my hand, but it’s not enough. His comfort falls on numb skin. A bright light twenty yards to our left flickers and disappears and Joel turns in his seat.

“Joker and his men are ready.” He states, looking to Jai.

“All right.” Jai reaches for his small torch at the back of his belt. With a click, it comes free, and stretches down by his black boots for the map. I swallow as he stuffs the mini torch under his shirt and uses the fabric to block the harsh light as he turns it on. The map he lights up is covered in ticks and crosses—markings that confuse the hell out of me, but offer a lot of insight into the plan for them.

“In twenty seconds we’ll have exactly seven minutes before we have to set off on foot to Skull’s compound. To recap, it will take us precisely thirty minutes to make it to the back gate from here at a casual pace, but we need to make it in thirteen so we’ll have to run.”

Jai squeezes my hand. I’m thankful he didn’t let it go as he re-briefed them with his map.

“We don’t know these woods.” Ted points out, resting too casually on the barrel of his rifle. “Can we make it in thirteen? What if there’s a lake or a gorge we don’t see?”

Joel shakes his head. “We have to make it in thirteen minutes—we don’t have a choice—and there aren’t any lakes or gorges. That I know for a fact.”

Ted shakes his head. He’s had issues from the moment Joker and Joel started changing up the plan. “So we’re just going to run blindly through the damn woods?”

Reaching down, Joel retrieves his cap from the floor and slips it onto his head. “You have a better idea?” He asks.

Shifting on his seat, Ted pulls a hunk of fabric from the pocket on the side of his thigh. “Yes. Your first plan. It worked.”

Ted hands Jai his gun and Jai holds it as Ted unrolls the bundled fabric and pulls it on over his head. A balaclava. It’s a clever idea—especially when they’re going to be running through the woods. He’s going to receive a lot less cuts to the face because of it.

“Seven minutes has started.” Jai cuts in, hitting a button on the cool new watch Joel gave him as a ‘sorry’ for last night.

No one knows where he got it.

Jai hands Ted back his gun and turns to me. “Open the door.”

Doing as I’m told, I open the door. Jai hits the light in the center of the roof, preventing it from lighting up the woods. Cold air blasts the exposed skin on my hands and face, forcing me to retreat into my clothes.

“Our numbers have grown. It doesn’t work anymore. How many times do I have to explain that to you? Sending Joker and his men in through the front instead of us ensures you get to go home to your mama tonight.”

Jai nudges my thigh and flicks his head outside. Reluctantly, I slip from the car, clenching my chattering bones to prevent them from splintering. Sticks and leaves crunch under Jai’s heavy boots as he exits the car. After he closes the door, he rests his heavy gun against the back wheel and leans against the car.

“Come here.”

I shuffle toward him and he takes me in his arms when I’m close enough to grab. I press the side of my face into his chest to hear his heart. It beats faster than I expected it to.

Being in love sucks.

“I’ll be back in a little under two hours, okay? No more, no less.”

“Two hours.” I repeat, inhaling. “Only two hours.”

I exhale. I can do that.

“Promise me you’ll be here waiting for me when I get back.” Jai says, kissing my head.

I roll my eyes. “Where am I going to go?”

He laughs, his whole body vibrating against mine, as he smooths the palm of his hand down my hair.

“If this goes well, we’ll be in Italy before you know it.”

“You’d really take me to Italy?”

“I didn’t send Jess there by coincidence. You love Italy and I want to live there with you.”

“I love you more than I love Italy.’ I mutter, heat pooling in my cheeks. “I don’t care where we are as long as I have you.”

Our gazes lock together, the moment as beautiful and as special as any time we’ve locked our bodies. Cupping my face, he brushes his thumb along my jaw and my tummy flutters.

“I’m glad I broke your tablet.” He murmurs, his lips twitching at the corner.

I smile, despite the somber feel of the atmosphere. “You’re glad?”

He nods, his lip twitch turning into a small, bashful smile. “Yeah. It might have been the worst thing to happen to you, but it was the best thing to happen to me. I’d have died without you. We both know it.”

I push onto the tips of my toes, closing the distance between our lips, sealing it with a kiss. Jai grabs my face, holding me against him. If I had the ability to freeze time only once in my entire life I would choose this moment and I would hold it for as long as I could because in this exact moment there is no greater happiness...no greater loss. To feel your heart swell and deflate at the same time is a phenomenon I can’t explain. To feel your heart bleed at the same time it proudly sings is the saddest, most painful experience I’ve ever had.

I don’t want to lose him.

Not when I’ve finally learned how to let someone in—someone who genuinely cares about me.

“Two hours.” I repeat, an attempt at convincing myself it’s a small time to wait. “That’s all.”

“How long, Jai?” Joel demands, throwing open his door and pulling us from our moment.

I pull out of Jai’s arms, giving him space to check his watch. “Three minutes and twelve seconds.”

“Shit. All right.” Joel glances into the car and then back to us. “One minute to finish your goodbye and then we’ll move into position.”

“That will put us a minute behind schedule.”

Joel nods a slow nod.

“I know.” He says before closing his door, leaving us alone again.

A minutes doesn’t seem like much, but right now, it makes all the difference. Sixty more seconds...sixty small eternities...sixty more chances to tell him just how much I love him.

All of my attention zeros in on the warmth of Jai’s hand as he slides his fingers around my wrist and tightens his grip. He tugs me closer.

“An extra minute.” He teases, wrapping his arms low on my hips. “Whatever shall we do with all of this extra time on our hands?”

I laugh, despite my depressed mood. Will that be the last time he makes me laugh? Jai cranes his head and nuzzles into the nape of my neck, planting a trail of warm, loving kisses along my flesh.

“I’ll come back.” He whispers against my skin.

My heart rolls at his tone. It’s dark and sad, despite his attempt to make it lighthearted. I’m not immune to the tones of the voice and I pick up on his worry immediately. How is he going to convince me when he can’t even convince himself? Despair rages in my chest and prickles at my tear ducts.

We waste the sixty seconds in silence.



