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“I still have four months left, and I’m already miserable,” she answered. “I’m sweating in crevices I didn’t even know I had!”

I giggled into the phone, spinning my desk chair around in a slow circle, having given up on my attempt at jewelry making, at least for the time being. “Aww, poor baby. You should make that husband of yours bring you up here. It’s hot, but nowhere near as bad as it is down there. He still being overprotective about every little thing?”

“You have no idea,” she replied blandly. “I thought he was gonna stroke out when I lifted Willow the other day. It’s like I’m the first pregnant woman on the face of the earth. He keeps forgetting that I’ve done this before. This time around is a cake walk compared to my pregnancy with Willow.”

I couldn’t help but laugh at Carson’s behavior. He was so different from the man who had practically raised me. And even though there was a small part of me that envied what they had together, I was still thrilled for him and Cassidy. “Then I doubt there’s any way he’d let you on a plane right now, huh?” I asked, feeling a pang of sadness. I really wanted to see them. With everything that was going on with Rowan, it felt like the foundation of my life was growing shakier and shakier. I needed my family to help me feel balanced again.

“I don’t know, I might be able to convince him. I know he misses you just as much as I do.”

“I miss y’all, too. See if you can work him. I know Harlow would love to meet you guys, and I’m sure we can manage to make room for y’all.”

I could hear the smile in her voice as she answered. “I’ll talk to him. We’ll make it happen, I promise. But you have to swear you’ll be down here as soon as this kid pops out of me.”

“I swear.” I laughed. “Wouldn’t miss that for the world.”

“You sure your slave driver boss will give you the time off for that?”

Looking at my lap, I picked at the hem of my t-shirt anxiously. All Cassidy knew about Rowan was how rocky things had been when I first started working for him. There was no way in hell I could tell her about the growing attraction I felt for him, so talking about what had happened at the club the other night was totally off-limits.

“Nah, he’s gotten a little better. It’s not so bad anymore.”

“You sure? Because you know Carson and I are more than willing to help you financially until you can find something else. We don’t want you stuck in a job you hate.”

That was exactly what I didn’t want. Those two had helped me too much already; I couldn’t take anything else from them. I needed to do it on my own. “I’m good, I promise.”

“Okay,” she spoke hesitantly. “But you tell me if something changes. We’re here for you, sweetheart. Even with the miles between us.”

“I know. And I love y’all for it.”

“We love you, too.”

The backs of my eyes began to burn with unshed tears, and my throat became hoarse with emotion. “You talk to Carson. Convince him to come up here.”

“I’ll do that, babe. Take care of yourself and we’ll talk soon, yeah?”

“Yeah.” I sniffled, needing to end the call before I turned into a sobbing mess and made Cassidy worry that something other than homesickness was the issue. “Bye, Cass. Give everyone my love.”

We hung up and I had to suck in a deep breath to stem off the rest of the tears that wanted to fall. I really hoped she could convince Carson to make the trip. I needed to see them, even if it was just for a weekend.

A loud knock came from my front door, startling me as I dashed away the rest of the wetness on my cheeks. Just as I stood to answer, a loud voice called through the battered wood.

“Open the damn door, Navie. I know you’re in there.”

My head fell and my shoulders slumped. I don’t know why I was so surprised that he’d tracked me down. After the way he’d blown up my phone earlier, I should have known his persistence knew no bounds.

“What do you want?” I asked through the door, feeling somewhat mollified by the protective barrier it created between us.

“I want you to open the damn door.” Just the sound of his rough voice sent shivers through me. Memories of his lips so close to my ear ran through my mind as desire assaulted my senses. No way in hell was I opening that door.

“I’m sick, Rowan. You should go. I bet I’m contagious.” I fake coughed for good measure.

“I’m willing to risk it. Open the door.”

Damn it. I tried a different approach. “How do you even know where I live? I never gave you my address.”

I could hear his frustrated sigh and hoped that was enough to get him to go away. Yeah, not so much. Karma seemed to hate me.

“Open up! I’m not leaving here until I see you.”

Okay, he wasn’t the only one starting to get pissed off. Every time that bossy attitude of his kicked in, it made me want to junk-punch him as hard as I could. I slid the chain lock into place—mainly because I knew it would make him even madder—and opened the door as far as it would allow.

“There, now you can see me. What do you want?”

“You don’t look sick.”

“And you don’t look like a doctor. Now, if you’ll kindly leave, I’m going back to bed.”

I moved to push the door closed, but he stuck his big, dumb foot in the way. “Let me in,” he demanded, making the urge to punch him even greater.

“No. Go away.”

“Come on, Navie. Just let me in for a second, okay? It won’t take long, then I’ll go.”

I raised a brow skeptically. “You promise?”

“Cross my heart.”

With a roll of my eyes, I let out a heavy breath. “Fine. Move your foot and I’ll unlock the door.”

Two seconds later, Rowan pushed his way in like he owned the place.

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Love Hate Relationship _44.jpg

“Why’d you skip work?” he asked, crossing his muscular arms over his broad chest as he stared me down.

Don’t look at his muscles. Don’t look at his muscles. Damn it! Why does he have to be so sexy all the time!

I tried to mimic his stance, but seriously doubted I looked anywhere near as intimidating in my Cookie Monster sleep shorts and ratty tank top. It wasn’t until his eyes narrowed on my chest that I realized I wasn’t wearing a bra… under my very white shirt!

Spinning around, I grabbed a zip-up hoodie from the back of the couch and threw it on before turning back to face him. “I didn’t skip work. I called in sick.”

“You’re not sick.”

“You don’t know that!”

“Yes, I do,” he replied, lowering his arms and taking a step closer. “You’re avoiding me. Which poses a serious problem, seeing as you’re my assistant and all.”

I wasn’t sure how to respond. I was equal parts turned on, pissed off, and freaked out. “Y-yeah… w-well…” I stuttered. “Maybe I wouldn’t have to avoid you if you’d quit trying to have sex with me! It makes for a rather hostile work environment, you know.”

He stepped even closer and I had to back away to keep the necessary space between us. “Name one time I’ve ever hit on you at work.”

I wracked my brain for an example to prove my point and came up empty—which only made me more mad and flustered. “Ugh! Stop being so damn logical!”

A devilish smirk spread across his stupid face as he slid his hands in his pockets and leaned against the wall casually. The bastard knew he had me on the ropes. “Then explain what the problem is because I’m not seeing the issue here.”

“The problem is you’re my boss!”

“And I’m willing to overlook that,” he answered nonchalantly.

I threw my arms out in exasperation. “Well, I’m not!”

“Bet I could convince you.” He grinned and I felt it all the way down in my lady parts. So not good.

I sucked in a deep breath, trying to calm my nerves. “You can’t do serious, Rowan. And I can’t be like all your other women. I can’t do casual like that. It’s just not how I work. I don’t do one-night stands.”