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I swallowed as my body shook against him, but I nodded my consent.

“And when that time comes, if you let me fall in love with you, Katherine, you have my word I will never leave you.”

“Fuck me,” I begged.

“Not tonight,” he replied. “Tonight, I show you how a man makes love to a woman.”

His hand moved between my legs and slowly spread me open, his thigh coming to rest against my pelvis as his fingers explored every dip, every curve, until his hand reached my mouth, his thumb sliding across my lips, and he said, “When you come, you say my name, always.”

“Yes,” I said, kissing the tip of each finger as they played against my lips, his thigh pressing against me in a slow steady grind. “I ache,” I told him.

“Are you ready for my cock?” he asked, but he didn’t do it smugly, there was no ego.

“Yes,” my breath shuddered.

I opened my legs and propped my knee on his thigh, inviting him in. The hard tip of his cock slid between my folds as he pushed inside me, a little at a time, a slow, languid advance until he pushed himself to the root, and that was when he took my mouth, pulling just that little bit away so he could whispered the word “mine” and connect to me again, our mouths, our tongues, our hands, him buried inside me, claiming me, and I felt, for the first time…not just in the last thirteen years…but the first time ever, I felt like an equal. He gave me everything and did it facing me, both on our sides until I cried my orgasm into his mouth, and he groaned his into mine.


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The next morning, I woke when I felt movement beside me. Holst had showered, the fresh scent of my soap on his skin. I’d almost forgotten he brought a bag to spend the night.

“Baby,” he said at my neck. “I told Frodo you were sick. He’s going to cover your shift. I need you to do something today. Can you guess what that might be?”

“Rid myself of the domineering fuck-buddy I just landed who’s a God in the sack, but a pain in my ass?”

He chuckled at my way of saying Good Morning.

“Your ass and I will get acquainted eventually, but for now, I need to go to work. We have Monday’s off, eventually we’ll hire someone to run Sunday’s so we can have a weekend.”

“I…” I hesitated, but felt I better come clean before things progressed to the point where I might have to, I don’t know, buy a gun and shoot him with it.

“What’s on your mind, Katherine?” he asked with a smirky grin.

“I think I told you before, this isn’t me. I’m not all weak-girl, needs-a-man-to-rescue-her sorta thing.”

He looked around my bedroom for some weird reason, then said, “Baby?” He dipped his head so he was right against my ear. “You aren’t weak, and I’m sure you can take care of yourself, but I think it’s time you let a man help who will make sure, when all is said and done, you have someone to walk out of battle with at your side.”

Fuck, I was gonna fall in love with him, that dirty, sneaky, big-dicked, perfect-mouthed, motherfucker.

Apparently, he got all that from the look on my face and smiled. “At least you didn’t say what you were thinking out loud.”

“I’ve never called in sick to work.”

“Would you rather me tell him I fucked you so hard and so thoroughly you needed a day to recover?”

“Yes!” I snapped, but couldn’t hide the fact his statement forced a giggle from me.

“I’m sure Frodo and Zack will love that.”

I settled into the pillow and closed my eyes. “I’m going back to sleep until the planet crashes into the sun. But feel free to come over and fuck me whenever you want.”

“Katherine.” He chuckled.

“I’m a cock-whore. I could live on a solid diet of cock.”

“Good to know, but remember…” He leaned down and kissed my cheek. “You’re my cock-whore. Okay?”

I mumbled my response and tried to hide my face and the huge smile on it, but he kissed me again. “I’ll take that as a yes.”

When I heard him moving toward the door, I called out, “Hang on…what am I supposed to do today?”

He walked back to me and smoothed the thin sheet over my naked body. With one hand slowly drifting down between my breasts to below my belly button, he said, “Something that’s just for you, my Katherine.”


I fell back to sleep, which was glorious, but woke up feeling like I’d just finished army boot camp. Not just regular soldier stuff. I was training for special secret ops. I had people depending on me. I had to determine which wire was the detonator and save the world with less than twenty-two seconds left on the digital display…

And I needed to talk to Tori.

On my way to her, I stuck my head in the front door of Bear Claw. Our second day, a decent number of customers inside and a smiling Holst taking orders while Frodo—a man who seemed to have a multitude of skills—made coffee.

Zack was walking toward me with two take-out cups and said, “Hey, heard you and the Holster got it on.”

“Yeah,” I confirmed without argument. No smartass comment from me because, when Holst saw me, his face immediately softened, and it was him and me. No Zack, no Frodo, no customers. He gave a nod to Frodo and came out from behind the counter and straight to me.

He moved us out front to the sidewalk. The door closed behind him, and he stared down at me. “Hello, Katherine,” he greeted.

“Hello, yourself…Holster.” I chuckled.

Zack walked away, giving us privacy—strange for him since he was kind of in your face and obnoxious in an endearing sorta way—‘and even though cars whizzed behind us down Pacific Coast Highway and pedestrians walked past, it was still, only the two of us.

He put his hands on either side of my face and asked, “Are you…” He shook his head and tried to find whatever word he was looking for.

I saved him the trouble and declared, “I’m in.”

“You’re in,” he confirmed.

“You’re going into battle with me?” I asked. “Because I woke up and had this vision of myself, like I was in an episode of 24, and I had to diffuse a bomb with minimal time on the clock, and not only that, I had, like, the lives of thousands of people in my hands.”

“That’s a great deal of pressure on one person.” He chuckled.

“It totally is. And he never even stops to pee! When does he pee?” I moved my eyes toward the green gate at my right. “I need to talk to Tori. I opened up to you. Now I need to tell my best friend all the shit I kept from her.”

“She’ll understand, baby.”

“You seem pretty sure about that.” Though, I didn’t doubt it at all. Tori got me, she was patient, and she was sweeter than anyone I knew.

“From what I’ve observed, the social dynamic between you all…there’s a bond that goes beyond friendship. Blood doesn’t make a family, Katherine.”

He leaned down and kissed me…deep and slow and so deliciously hot, the world around us once again melted away.

He pulled back and said, “I’d like to take you out tonight.”

“Okay,” I agreed in a daze.

“Katherine.” He said my name with a seriousness, like I was being scolded, but it definitely got my attention.

“Yep?” I replied, but I was distracted, so much going on in my head, thinking about what I would say to Tor…

“There’s more to know about me.”

That sounded ominous. “Did you do time?”

“No.” He grinned.

“Then I think we’re good here.” I glanced around him into the shop. “Frodo doesn’t need you, but I need to get this done before I lose my nerve.”

“I’ll see you later.” He didn’t let me go, but I moved out of his hold to put some distance between us.

“Yeah, you will. But I’m walking away now. I can’t think when you kiss me.” I smiled.

“Good to know, Katherine.”