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Having done that “work,” Lefty was all the more disturbed with not getting a fair share of everything in the family.

“In fact, before the war started,” Lefty says, “he says, ‘Lefty, you come in on salary. We’re going to be millionaires in three months.’ I got shut out again. Who am I to speak up? And you wonder why I get aggravated. He knows I’d come at him. Because I’m gonna come at him. And what’s he gonna do, sit down with the bosses? He can’t sit down with the bosses, this man. He fucked up good. Now I got the contract for the kid. Uh-huh. Who the fuck you kidding? Only four guys can go. Me, Jimmy Legs, Nicky, and Bobby. What are you trying to do? I went there already. It’s a suicide thing.”

“To the house?” They had information that the kid was holed up in a house on a cul-de-sac in Riverhead, far out on Long Island.

“It’s a bad corner. You come on the fucking block, the kid spots us, we’re dead. Sonny wants us to hit pay dirt. Pay dirt? Sonny, who the fuck you kidding? There’s your fucking answer. He wants to be a rich man before Rusty comes out.”

He brought up the wedding. “Today he turns around in front of all the wiseguys and says, ‘How many tables we got?’ Four tables. ‘Well, how you gonna situate them, because everybody wants to sit with me.’ I says, ‘Not me. Oh, no, I’ll sit with my wife, with my friends. I wanna enjoy myself. I don’t wanna stand at attention.’ ”

“Where they having the reception?” None of us was going to the wedding itself.

“At Shalimar’s. Staten Island. Everybody’s gotta carry a pistol. Even you gotta carry a pistol. You got one? I’ll get you one. I know the right people. Two weeks ago he calls me. ‘Lefty, you gotta meet me Saturday night. Stay with me, you and Nicky.’ Boobie was there. So I went with them. I sit there with two pistols on me. They drank. I drank club soda. ‘Lefty,’ he says, ‘you’re beautiful, helluva guy,’ he says. ‘We’re gonna go far.’ He sits there playing with fucking birds. But when he’s in trouble, he opens his gut. I don’t stay with him no more. I used to spend day and night with him. This is my contract? Good. Now, sooner or later, if we whack this guy out, the bosses know I did it. I’ll go capture this kid. I’ll keep my mouth shut. I’ll tell you one thing, it fucking hurts inside. It really eats your guts.”

“Sure, you do everything you’re supposed to do.”

“How the fuck can he do this to me?”

“I don’t know. You’re fucking loyal.”

“If Rusty comes home, it’s all done. He’s dead. Rusty’ll kill him.”

I went back to the Motion Lounge, and that night I stayed with Sonny at his apartment.

I had a transmitter in the pocket of my slacks. When we went to bed, I hung up my slacks and other clothes in the closet. We were close enough now so that either of us would have felt comfortable going into the other’s pockets if we needed a couple bucks to go to the bakery or something. There was always that chance. But you don’t sleep with your pants on. So I just hung them up and went to sleep on the pull-out couch.

At six forty-five, Sonny woke me up with coffee and rolls. We sat in the dining room in our shorts. It was his birthday. I gave him $200 as a present. I gave him his driver’s license that I had retrieved from the Las Vegas Night bust, and the $1,000 bail money.

He gave me a pistol. He wanted everybody packing now because retaliation from the other side was a good possibility. The pistol was a blue-black German-made .25 automatic with the serial number scraped off the side of the barrel. It had a full clip of bullets.

“Carry this at all times, especially the wedding.”

We talked about King’s Court. He was anxious to get back together with Santo Trafficante.

“When you coming to Florida?” I ask.

“Maybe next week. There’s gonna be a big meeting of the bosses next week, and I can’t leave until after that.” He started writing in a small blue notebook, where he kept the tab on his loan-sharking business.

“I’m finally starting to make some money. I got thirty grand a week coming in. I got over seventy thousand on the street. If only I didn’t have to dish out and support so many people.”

We went upstairs to feed the pigeons. Sonny was in a quiet mood.

“You got any line on where Bruno is?” I ask.

“We have a line on him. We’re gonna give J.B. a pass, though.”

They weren’t going to kill the kid’s uncle. “How come?”

“You gotta give up something to lure the cat to you.” We were quiet for a while as he moved around the coops.

“Donnie, I’m gonna put you up for membership when the Old Man gets out.” He leaned over the railing. “I love you like a brother. I can’t trust anybody else in this crew. I know they’re telling stories. You I got faith in. I want you to make sure that if I get whacked or anything, my kids and my wife get what’s coming to them from my partners. You understand? I gotta trust you to take care of my kids. They’re supposed to get a G-note a week.”

“You can trust me, bro.”

“You know, these fucking pigeons, they can’t just go out and fly fifty miles fast. You got to train them, get them in shape. They go ten miles in ten minutes now.”

In the Motion Lounge, Lefty was talking with Jimmy Legs and Nicky Santora.

“Four guys got the contract,” Lefty says. “What? Are you kidding? Everyone else is fucking earning!”

“Who’s gotta go?” Nicky says.

“Me, you, Jimmy Legs, and Bobby—that’s it. Nobody else is supposed to. Are you kidding me? Because that’s the way he’s doing things. In other words, Boobie’s out. The other guys are making more money, out. Massino’s crew is out. What do you do? You run into fucking death. That kid’s sharp. He catches us coming in. Once you leave that parking lot, you’re gonna be open. Sonny wants to go at nighttime. How you gonna see in the dark at nighttime?”

“Let’s start Monday on it,” Jimmy Legs says.

“You figure this’ll be done in a week?” Nicky says. He was anxious to come down and hang out at King’s Court. He had never seen the place, and now Sonny had given him permission.

“Well, we gotta put time in. We get lucky. Where’s the credit card?”

They had some stolen credit cards they were using for various things.

“Why do you want a credit card?” Nicky asks.

“We can get a car from that.”

“How we gonna bring the car back?”

“Leave the fucking car in the street.”

“What about your guy with the cars? Can’t we get a couple of cars over there? I mean, where Mirra’s working.”

“Mirra? Don’t mention that fucking name in public. I can’t go near him, Sonny says, right now.”

“Why can’t you go near him?”

“I don’t know. When are you gonna get that car?”

“I ain’t getting nothing,” Nicky says. “You wanna do it properly, get two cars.”

“Hey, as tight as you are with Sonny Black, tell him what you want to do. You start running around in a fugazy car—hey, we’re going on a hit. If it’s not a hit, it’s a different story. You know what Philly Lucky sold only two weeks before he got hit—seven million cash? He had four trucking outfits over there. Young guy, fifty years old. He left seventy-five million. Handsome guy.”

Lefty and Boobie met at the Holiday Bar on Madison Street. Some former cop in the New York Police Department was offering a copy of an up-to-date police report detailing the investigation of the Bonanno family, including surveillance reports and names of people who were going to be subpoenaed to appear before a grand jury. The guy wanted $5,000 for the report.

Lefty was urging its purchase. “The fucking thing is like a book. It goes back to May 4, the day before it happened on a Monday night, right? There was a meeting. They were observed. Just go to the family and let it come outa the kitty.”

I drove Lefty to Brooklyn.