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“Baltimore.” “

After they dropped the trio off, Conte headed his car toward Lefty’s motel.

Lefty lets out a sigh. “Oh, was you in trouble. You were gone. They were gonna bury you. Oooh. Good thing I made this trip. Wow.”

“I told you I was scared,” Conte says.

“Yeah, you had it right. They were laying for you. That cocksucker gave you up, that jukebox guy. That motherfucker.” “

“The day we talked to that vending company.”

“Yeah. They thought you were a fucking agent. They were gonna fucking bury you in a minute. They had guys on you. Okay, let me tell you this deal now. I gotta come back out here next week. We’re gonna merge with them. We’re gonna go far, big. He says to me, ‘Lefty, you’re my guy.’ He’s gonna call New York. Now you’re gonna work with them. You got a green light. You got a partner that’s gonna come up with the money. How much you wanna go—forty cash?—he puts up forty cash too. Because he don’t want no problem with my people. He puts a guy with you with books and everything. I’m your partner. He wants to take me around and introduce me to his men. You come around with me. Don’t ask no fucking questions. You’re just a working man and that’s it. And you’ll make a ton of fucking money.”

They rode in silence for some moments.

“They had your fucking joint spotted,” Lefty says. “Good thing I was out here or they fucking break up our business.”

“Yeah. You remember about two days ago, I had the feeling you saved my life?”

“That’s right, I did. The guy says, ‘Who the fuck is he to come into my town? I own this town,’ he says.”

“Can you imagine what would’ve happened if I tried this on my own?” Conte says.

“Yeah. They were looking for you now. They didn’t know I represented you. In other words, if you hung in your store, they box you in and that’s it.”

“The way he looked at me when he first met me. He said, ‘I been looking for you.’ ”

“He was hot. Now you got a big thing. That’s a boss, you know. Not many people like you ever get to meet a boss. In New York you can’t sit down with a boss. Forget about it. But now you’re gonna have one of the biggest operations in the country. Jesus Christ can’t touch you, because I represent you.”

“But if I knew in the beginning what I know now,” Conte says, “I wouldn’t have even done it.”

Lefty was grousing all the time because I wasn’t in Milwaukee. The fact is, I took my wife on a vacation. She couldn’t fly, because of her lung. Her eyes were still sore. Her arm was still in a cast for her shattered wrist. Otherwise she was coming along well. We drove nine hours to get to this particular beach where we could lie in the sand for a few days. I was on the phone with Lefty and Conte for several hours every day. She said it wasn’t very companionable of me to go away and be on the phone all the time when we were together on our first vacation in years.

I was gone only ten days, but Lefty was frustrated by my lack of concentration on the Milwaukee scene. He thought I was in California. Conte’s story had been to tell him I had lined up a score. The last time I had lined up a big score as an excuse for being away, I had disappointed Lefty with a few hundred dollars instead of several thousand. I told him I had been cheated on my end of the score.

“It’s a ridiculous thing what you’re doing out there,” Lefty says. “The other guy tells me you got some other score or something out there. Forget about it. They’re making a fool out of you. You said you didn’t make enough the last one, you got cheated. Forget about it, cancel it out, because you’re in on the ground floor over here. What are you laughing about? There must be something wrong, pal. I think your girl has got you fucked up. That’s the trouble with you, Donnie. All right, take your girl with you. What the hell, I don’t care.”

“No, I’m laughing at him, at Tony. He was telling me about when he walked into it at the sitdown, you know, and the guy said ...”

“All right, listen, don’t worry about that. Everything’s taken care of.”

“If I run into that guy, Left, I don’t wanna have them start blasting somebody.”

“No, no, you’re like Allstate, pal. It’s all straightened out. He’s well satisfied. Everything’s beautiful out there.” “

Frank Balistrieri’s lawyers, who were his sons Joe and John, would be drawing up papers for the partnership, Lefty said. The partnership would not include the Balistrieri name. Somebody else’s name would be put on the papers. Balistrieri would be a hidden partner. Tony Conte would be his beard, putting machines in, buying up routes and maybe other businesses as well. Their split would be fifty-fifty with Conte. Lefty would get his end out of Conte’s split.

“One thing, Donnie,” Lefty says. “Tony’s gotta get rid of that guy Steve that works for him. Frank said that. He said no outsiders can be involved, not even as a hired hand. And I can’t vouch for this guy, and you can’t vouch for this guy, and so only Tony can vouch for this guy, and that ain’t good enough. Tony can just give him a week’s pay and tell him to look for another job.” “

So agent “Steve Greca” had to leave the operation.

On that basis, the marriage was formed between the Balistrieri family and the Bonanno family in New York. This was a coup for us, the FBI agents. We were now into two Mafia families. And we were actually in partnership with a boss.

“Now, what’s on your mind about coming into Milwaukee?” Lefty asks.

“Well, what are you gonna do?”

“I gotta come out there, but I’m short. I dropped $500 at the airport today, I went over there. Diner’s Club turned Louise down for a credit card. I got hit with a subpoena today. The agents grabbed me 3:10 this afternoon outside the club. Grand jury for the little guy, my man Nicky. For the fifteenth of August.”

Nicky was Nicky Marangello, the Bonanno underboss.

“What the hell they doing with him?” I ask.

“Nothing. They got nothing on the guy. Ain’t got nothing to do with me. I’m not under investigation. I’ll take the Fifth and be in and out. Forget about that. Donnie, listen to me. You’re not up-to-date. See, it’s so ticklish now. Don’t be insulted when I tell you I gotta ease you in. When I go back out there, I’m gonna introduce you as my representative for when I’m not there, and I’m gonna say you’re my blood. These people are heavyweights out there. And the guy out there, he’s under the impression that you don’t wanna come in.”

“Tony? Oh, no, I’ll be there.”

“We’re gonna set you up with a bar and grill out there. And get an apartment near the office.”


“Now listen. You gotta give me a number where I can reach you.”

“I ain’t got one.”

“Listen, pal, don’t tell me you ain’t got one. You’re laying up someplace. I don’t understand you. You live in a hotel? You sleep in subways?”

“I’m at her house, but she’s got no phone. She wasn’t paying her bills, so they disconnected it.”

“My schedule is not like yours, Donnie. Because I gotta account for myself. You make me laugh.”



Donnie Brasco: My Undercover Life in the Mafia _18.jpg

I rejoined Conte. We worked the vending business just enough to make it look real. We ordered a few machines and placed them in four or five bars and restaurants. We spent most of our time pushing the investigation.

Our case was that by forcing Conte into a secret partnership in order to do business in Milwaukee, and by forcing other businessmen out, Balistrieri was committing extortion and creating a monopoly and interfering with interstate commerce.

We wanted to see what else we could get on him. ,We had information, for example, that he had a big bookmaking operation, that he was involved in skimming the take at the Las Vegas casinos, that he was involved with illegal union activities. There was always a chance you could clear up some murder cases. Things like that.