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He’d get to that later; at the moment he wanted to take in the rest of the woman currently balanced on his lap. The deep purple fabric of her dress made her violet eyes pop, her thick black lashes framing her almond eyes. Some of her hair had fallen forward over her right shoulder, a black curtain of silk.

“Do you have any idea how beautiful you are?” he asked as he pushed his hands under the fabric of her dress, his fingers finding the lace he’d seen just seconds before.

Her hands moved from his shoulders down to his chest, tracing his muscles through the fabric. “We both already know what’s going to happen here? So there’s no need for the flattery, Liam.”

“I’m not feeding you more lines.” He shook his head, one of his hands moving up to her hip while the other traveled to the sweet spot between her thighs.

“You’re no longer just trying to pick up some girl at the bar?” Her mouth quirked to the side before it dropped open on a gasp, her eyes dilating as he pressed his thumb to her clit through the thin material.

“You aren’t some girl.” He was beginning to think she was the girl, and that thought wasn’t as scary as it normally should’ve been. Or maybe he was just too thoroughly distracted to focus on it.

Yeah, probably the second one. But really what else was he supposed to be focused on when she was currently bucking against him. Her hands went back to his shoulders, where she fisted the fabric of his T-shirt and held on tight.

“Is…is that so?”

“That is so.” He pulled the lace of her panties to the side, running his fingers across her folds before he slipped two inside of her.

“Oh God.” Her hips picked up speed as she sought more pressure.

He wanted to take her this way, but with his cock buried deep inside of her as opposed to his fingers. He wanted her naked, riding him hard as her tits bounced freely in his face.

But he really wasn’t of a mind to stop her from seeking her pleasure. No, he wanted to feel her body tighten around his fingers. Wanted to hear her moans. Wanted to watch her and appreciate everything about the moment when she completely and totally lost herself.

Because the fact of the matter was that once he was inside her, it was hard to focus on everything. Last night she’d blown his mind. He had no doubt it was going to be any different tonight.

Her hands tightened on his shoulders, her nails digging into his skin despite the fabric of his shirt. Every time she moved she rubbed against him, making him harder with each brush of her body.

The sweetest torture he’d ever experienced in his life.

But with each breathy moan and gasp that emanated from her mouth, his willpower to wait for her to finish took another hit. He fought every instinct to free his erection from his jeans and get inside her, but as the condoms were in the bedroom that was a no-go.

A change in location was imminent. He could wait for her to finish. He could do that. He could breathe past the clawing desperation for her. He just needed to focus, needed to get her there sooner.

“Come on, honey. Come for me,” he said as he worked her clit.

“I am. I am. Liam, don’t stop.” Her head fell back between her shoulders, her words going toward the ceiling.

“Not going to stop. But I need you to look at me.” He wanted to see it happen, wanted to watch her unravel. He hadn’t been able to last time, he’d had his face buried in her neck and had been focusing on not coming before she did. Though he wasn’t going to lie, that was still a bit of a concern at the moment.

Harper’s head fell forward and her eyes landed on his, dazed and maybe just a little bit lost. But seconds later she was found. Her body trembling as his name came across her lips and she let go. She fell into him, burying her face in his throat as she caught her breath.

He pulled his hand from her body, putting it on her hip. His other hand moved up, his palm going to the back of her head, burying his fingers in her hair. “You okay?”

She groaned, the vibration tickling his skin. “I don’t know.” She pulled away slowly and looked at him, shaking her head. “I…you do something to me that I don’t quite understand.”

“Good or bad?” He trailed his fingers down through her hair, tracing her spine. Her entire body shivered.

“Good. Really good.” She pressed her lips to his, her hands now in his hair. Her nails raked his scalp as she rocked against him, trailing a path of kisses down his jaw and to his throat.

This time he was the one groaning. “I don’t know how much more of this I can take.”

“All right,” she said as she sat back on his thighs, reaching for the hem of his shirt. He leaned forward, helping her pull it from his body. He threw it to the side while her hands landed on his now bare chest. “Sit back.”

He did so immediately and she was sliding off his lap, pushing his legs apart as she settled herself on the floor, her knees resting on the thick cushioned rug beneath his feet. She grabbed the skirt of her dress and pulled it up and over her head, throwing it somewhere in the direction of his shirt.

She sat before him wearing a black bra with emerald green lace that matched her panties perfectly. “It’s your turn.”

And just like that the woman who was every single one of his fantasies come to life was currently kneeling in front of him wearing lace and the sexiest pair of shoes he’d ever seen in his life.

He had no doubt that whatever she was going to do to him was going to be glorious, but he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t hoping for a blow job. Because really, her mouth wrapped around his dick might just be the best thing. Ever.

A dream. He surely had to be dreaming.

He never wanted to wake up.

“My turn?” he somehow managed to get out of his throat that had suddenly gone very, very dry. He was now regretting his decision of finishing off his drink.

As if she’d read his mind she reached behind her for a glass, fishing out an ice cube that hadn’t yet melted. “Yup,” she said before she popped the ice into her mouth and stretched up. He leaned forward just enough to get to her lips. He tasted her tongue a second before the cube was in his mouth. And then she pulled back, fishing another one out of the glass and putting it in her mouth.

Harper pushed at his shoulder with two fingers, and he leaned back onto the couch. She put her mouth on his chest, tracing the ice across his skin as she made her way down. The cold against the heat of her tongue was incredible, especially across his abs.

When the cube was good and fully melted, she sat up and reached for his belt, unbuckling it. Then her fingers were at the button popping it open, and like magic the zipper was making its way down. She grabbed the top of his jeans, her fingers hooking into the elastic of his boxer briefs, and he lifted his hips. She pulled them down just far enough for his erection to spring free.

Her hand wrapped around him, stroking from base to tip. And then her mouth was on him, her tongue wrapping around the tip of his cock before she opened up and sucked him deep. He would forever be grateful about the fact that he was already sitting down. If he’d been standing he would’ve been flat on his ass.

“Oh good God.” He groaned the last word long and loud, his head falling back on the sofa and his eyes rolling to the back of his head. One of his hands gripped the pillow next to him; the other was in her hair, palming the back of her head. There was no need to guide her, she was keeping up a remarkable pace all on her own, moving up and down the length of his shaft in perfect warm, wet strokes.

Speaking of strokes, he was going to have one shortly…or surely black out because all of the blood was gone from his brain. All of it.

He opened his eyes, the need to see her working him over a necessity. “I’m…I’m…I’m going to come.” Oh great, he was panting.