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Tracy – Barry asked me to send you this. I owe him a couple of favours. Don’t know if you heard but Barry’s dead. Killed his daughter and then topped himself. Left a fucking mess behind. Len Lomax went under a train and Ray Strickland’s being done for a prozzie murder decades ago. Thought you’d like to know – yours, Harry.

Turn your back for a minute and the world shifted on its axis. There was a PS from Harry – Took the money you owed round to the Pole like you asked me.

She put a cartoon on the TV for the kid and read Barry’s letter, finally found out the truth about Michael Braithwaite. He had a sister. Tracy’s heart dropped ten floors. First thing the kiddy had said to her. Where’s my sister?

‘What was your favourite thing?’ Tracy asked Courtney as they queued to go into the restaurant.

‘My dress,’ she said without hesitation.

The waiter led them to a table by the window where they had an excellent view of Sleeping Beauty’s illuminated castle. They toasted each other with wine and Coca-Cola. Tracy drank a modest half bottle of red although she could have drunk a vineyard. She thought of the kid, sitting next to her while they flew to Neverland. The feeling of cherishing someone small and helpless. Made her think of Michael Braithwaite, all those years when nobody cared what happened to him. A Lost Boy. She was grateful to Barry for providing her with the happy ending. Poor old Barry, never got to have his retirement do after all. She raised a silent toast to him.

Mickey did the rounds of the tables. As did Goofy and Pluto. The kid liked Pluto best. Thumbs-up all round. Tracy took photo after photo. Terminal illness.

After dinner Courtney got dressed in her new Minnie pyjamas, bought in the hotel shop, and they ordered hot chocolate on room service, watched a DVD in bed. Disney obviously.

Kid had her chattels laid out on the bed:

the tarnished silver thimble

the Chinese coin with a hole in the middle

the purse with a smiling monkey’s face on it

the snow globe containing a crude plastic model of the Houses of Parliament

the shell like a cream horn

the shell shaped like a coolie hat

the pine cone

Dorothy Waterhouse’s sapphire engagement ring

the filigree leaf from the wood

the links from a cheap gold chain

the light-up Virgin Mary from the Saab

the silver star from the old wand

Another couple of years of this and they would need a truck to carry the kid’s cargo around. Another couple of years. Tracy couldn’t imagine she would be able to hang on to that future because although this was the beginning of something it felt like the end. Always had. Always would.

From now on Tracy would forever be looking over her shoulder, waiting for the knock on the door. Cameras had tracked them everywhere, if somebody was looking for them they would find them. Harry Reynolds had. And if the bad didn’t get them then the good ones probably would.

When she bought the kid she made a covenant with the devil. She could have someone to love but it would cost her everything. She thought of the Little Mermaid, every step torture, a pain like the piercing of sharp swords. Just to be human, to love.

Kid dipped her wand in Tracy’s direction. Granting a wish or casting a spell, hard to tell which. Courtney had knitted herself into Tracy’s soul. What would happen if she was ripped away?

This was love. It didn’t come free, you paid in pain. Your own. But then nobody ever said love was easy. Well, they did, but they were idiots.

Her phone rang. New phone, new name, new number. No one had the number. Perhaps it was her service provider with a courtesy call. Perhaps it was another mysterious caller, or even the same one. Or something more sinister. She switched the phone off, watched the DVD instead. Tinker Bell was looking for lost treasure. Wasn’t everyone?

Started Early, Took My Dog _2.jpg

1975: 22 March

When he woke he immediately reached beneath the pillow for his favourite car, a blue-and-white panda police car. With the car clutched in one hand he climbed out of the bed he shared with his sister. They slept top-to-tail, squeezed in. ‘Like sardines,’ his mother said. His sister wasn’t in the bed. He thought she must have gone through to their mother’s bed some time in the night.

He was a monkey, his mother said. Full of beans. Sometimes his mother laughed and squeezed him and said he was tiny. He was four. Other times, when she was cross, she said, For fuck’s sake you’re a big boy now, Michael, why don’t you behave like one? Sometimes she danced around the kitchen with him, he stood on the tops of her feet and she whirled him round and round, laughing and laughing, until he shouted at her to stop. Other times she told him to get out of her sight and stay out of it. He never knew how it was going to be.

He was hungry and went into the kitchen to get some cornflakes. There was nowhere to sit in the kitchen and he carried his bowl carefully through to the living room. He ate his cornflakes before he went to look for his mother. She was lying on the bedroom floor. He tried to wake her up. He switched the kettle on and made her a cup of tea the way he had watched her do. He spilled a lot of it and forgot to put milk and sugar in it. She said she had to start the day with a cup of tea and a fag. He went and looked for her fags. Put the cup of tea and the cigarettes next to her head but she still didn’t wake up. Tried to put a cigarette in her mouth.

‘Mummy?’ he said and shook her. When she wouldn’t wake up he lay down beside her and tried to cuddle her (Who’s my lovely boy, give us a cuddle then). After a while he got bored, scrambled up off the floor and went looking for his other cars.

Later when she still hadn’t got up he dragged a chair to the front door and tried to unlock it. He’d done it before but there was no key in the lock this time and it wouldn’t open.

That night he got a blanket from his bed and lay down to sleep on the floor next to his mother. He did that for another two or three nights but after that he knew he couldn’t. His mother had begun to smell funny. He closed the door of her bedroom and didn’t look in there again.

He dragged the chair over to the window and every so often stood on it and tried to attract someone’s attention down below, banging on the glass and waving, but no one ever saw him. The people looked like ants. He stopped trying after a while.

He had looked everywhere in the flat for his sister, worried that she was playing hide-and-seek and had got trapped in a cupboard or under a bed, but he couldn’t find her anywhere. Kept shouting, Nicky? Or sometimes Nicola! Come here! The way his mother did when she was cross. His sister was funny, always doing silly things. His mother said, Oh, you’re so serious, Michael, you’re going to be a serious old man. Your sister’s going to be like me, Nicky knows how to have fun. He missed his sister more than he missed his mother. Someone would come soon, he thought. But nobody did.

9 April

The sound of the doorbell ringing woke him up. Someone was banging on the door, saying they were police. Daddy was a policeman. He didn’t like being called Daddy. He stumbled into the hallway and saw that the letterbox was open. He could see a mouth, the mouth was moving, saying something.

It’s OK, it’s OK, everything’s OK now. Is Mummy there? Or your daddy? We’re going to help you. It’s OK.

The big policewoman was holding him tightly. Where’s my sister? he whispered and she whispered back, What, pet? and the other woman, the one he would come to know as Linda, said, ‘He doesn’t have a sister, he’s delirious.’Then she took him away in an ambulance. When they were in the ambulance he asked her again, ‘Where’s my sister?’ and she said, ‘Shush, you don’t have a sister, Michael. You have to stop talking about her.’ So he did. He locked her away where you lock away everything that’s precious and he didn’t bring her out again for over thirty years.