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“Anything for the duke.” She glanced around. “Where is your maid?”

“She’s also Lady Phyllida’s lady’s maid. She’s probably helping her dress for dinner.”

“What an odd custom. Sharing a lady’s maid.”

“We’re two single ladies living together. It suits us.”

Her eyebrows rose. “Both of you single?”

Blast. I’d made a mistake on something Lady Harwin would immediately notice. Widows could have affairs. Single ladies couldn’t. She looked at me suspiciously.

“My husband is dead and I’m without male guidance. Lady Phyllida has never married. We both feel a little adrift, two solitary women.” I smiled at her. “I should have used the word ‘solitary’ rather than ‘single.’”

She looked down her nose at me. “Indeed you should. It gives the wrong impression otherwise.”

“I don’t want to do that. My apologies.” I brought the conversation around to my interests abruptly. “There seem to be a large number of peers living in the area.”

“There are three in the immediate area—us, Tewes, and Knightdale—plus a couple of baronets. Society is always lively when we’ve retired to our country estates.”

“That is fortunate. The countryside must be dull when there’s no one to visit.”

“Indeed. We’re having a ball tomorrow night. I hope you’ll be able to get downstairs by then.”

“So do I, Lady Harwin. I understand that young Mr. Tewes is responsible for my injury. I’d hate to miss your excellent hospitality on account of his youthful foolishness.”

“I don’t believe Lord Charles Wilson, which is his correct address, is the only one at fault in this accident. Running out into the street is a dangerous occupation.” She gave that aristocratic sniff I was growing weary of.

Someone had already told her the circumstances by which I’d received my injury. “The roadway could have been easily crossed if it weren’t for the presence of a young man speeding through town whipping his horses.” The haughty displeasure I showed wasn’t all an act. I had work to do. And the first thing was to learn the guest lists at these house parties. “I feel terrible that I haven’t had the opportunity to meet your other guests. I’m sure all of them are fascinating.”

“Besides the group you came down with, there’s the Bishop of Wellston and his wife; two young ladies who are finishing their first season along with my daughter; the parents of one of the young ladies, Lord and Lady Stewart; and two classmates of my son from Oxford. The Stewarts stopped here on their way back to Scotland, and we’ll be visiting them in September.”

“How lovely.” None of them likely to be after the drawings. But there might be more people in the area who wanted to get their hands on the ship’s blueprints than just von Steubfeld. More people with a secret agenda than just Sir Henry. And my parents’ killer was somewhere nearby.

We nodded to each other and Lady Harwin swept from my bedroom in a rustle of taffeta and lace. I’d just settled back on the bed when I heard another knock. “Come.”

Lady Rosamond Peters opened the door a few inches and smiled at me. “I’m not disturbing you, am I?”

“Not at all. I’d love a diversion.”

She strolled into the room, elegantly attired in green silk and emeralds. “Sir Henry and I were thinking. Since you don’t remember your father’s friend’s name, perhaps we could ask around the neighborhood and see if anyone remembers him or you. What was your maiden name?”

Blast. I didn’t need them messing about in either of my investigations. “It’s really not necessary. It’s not that important.”

“It was important enough that you were injured trying to overtake the man.”

“Through my own stupidity and the carelessness of that driver.”

“Nevertheless, Sir Henry and I will see if we can’t find the man. What was your maiden name?”

I couldn’t tell her Fenchurch. “Smith.”

Her face fell. “Oh, dear. There must be hundreds of officers in India named Smith.”

I smiled. “Yes, it’s quite hopeless. Thank you for thinking of me, though. And thank you for the visit. You look lovely. Enjoy dinner, and tell me all about it later. That way I can attend vicariously.”

“What are you reading?”

“The latest Mrs. Hepplewhite. Gothic, but quite enjoyable.”

“I’ve read two of hers. Now that I know she has something new out, I’ll have to stop by a bookshop when we return to London.”

I wanted to recommend mine but resisted. Keeping both halves of my life separate was necessary for my safety. And I didn’t want thieves, traitors, and spies rendezvousing in my bookshop.

“They’ll send your dinner up on a tray?” Lady Peters asked.

“I expect my maid will bring it shortly.” Along with any news from the servants’ hall. I hoped Emma had found a way to get the staff talking while playing her role.

“You certainly look lovely. Perhaps I’ll have a tray sent up here, too,” said a familiar male voice from the doorway.

Despite the role I was supposed to play as Blackford’s lover, I felt my cheeks heat at his impertinence. “Please do. We could dine à deux.”

Lady Peters laughed a tinkling sound. “That would certainly send tongues to wagging, but it sounds so romantic.”

The duke’s face froze in shock for an instant before he recovered and said, “It does, but I’m afraid duty calls. There’s a matter in the House of Lords that will require Lord Harwin’s vote, whether Parliament manages to meet again this year or has to wait until next. I need to convince him where his priorities lie.”

“I hope by tomorrow evening I’ll be able to join you downstairs. In the meantime, I’ll have to be desolate without you.”

Blackford shot me a look that said Don’t overplay your hand. Then he smiled. “Georgina, dear, I can’t last until tomorrow evening without seeing you. Perhaps I’ll see you sooner rather than later.”

“That would suit me well, Your Grace.”

“There’s no need of a chaperone here, I see.” With an arch smile, Lady Peters curtsied to us and sauntered out of the room.

The duke shut the door behind her and walked over to the bed. My heart beat harder with every step closer. I knew he wouldn’t do anything. He was dressed for dinner. Impeccably, regally, perfectly dressed. Still, a certain part of me wanted him to see me as a lover, an ally, a duchess.

“How long until your ankle will let you get around?” he murmured.

“I’m going to make it to dinner and the ball tomorrow if I have to crawl there,” I assured him.

He glowered down at me. “Good. Because you are here for one reason and one reason only. To find the naval blueprints before they leave the country. We’ll deal with this acquaintance of your parents once we accomplish our most important task. Do you understand?”

“Yes,” I hissed back at him. I understood. I just didn’t agree.

The duke had been gone about thirty seconds when Sir Henry entered my room without knocking. “I made sure the duke had left before I came in. I don’t want to ruin your chances with a rich patron.”

“How thoughtful of you.” I gave him a dark look. “You can leave now.”

He walked toward the bed. “We have business to discuss.”

I pulled the covers a little higher as I watched him.

When he reached me, he grabbed my lower jaw in one hand. “What was that stunt about today? Because if you think you can lie about here and get away with not carrying out a job for me, think again.”

I shoved his hand away. “My ankle is bruised. I hope to be walking by tomorrow night. Don’t worry. I’ll do what you want me to do.”

“You’d better. Because a few words from me will ruin you.”

I’d had bigger, stronger men try to bully me. Sir Henry didn’t frighten me. Once we retrieved those blueprints, he wouldn’t matter anymore. “I understood that the first four times you said it. I’m not stupid.”

“Don’t forget it.” He grabbed me by the shoulders and pulled me out of bed. My feet hit the floor, one of them excruciatingly, and I slumped down, clutching the sheets. I managed to balance on my good leg before I hit the floor and held my other foot up as I stared at him, gasping with pain.