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“This isn’t breakfast, and you’re way past lunch. Why haven’t you eaten?”

I don’t miss the anger in his tone, although I’m not sure where it’s coming from. “I planned to wait until I returned to my apartment.”

“The way you look, you’re not going to make it back to your place.”

I shift uncomfortably. “What’s wrong with the way I look?”

He considers his words. “Nothing. You just look like you could eat, that’s all.” He surprises me by slipping his arm around my shoulders and leading me forward. “Come on. I know this perfect place to get some steaks.”

I try to shift from his hold. “Curran, I can’t. I don’t have any money.”

“I’m not asking you to pay,” he says, like it’s obvious.

He releases me when it occurs to him he’s holding me close. Apparently, it wasn’t a conscious effort. As I watch, he marches toward his truck as if trying to put space between us.

I don’t follow, confused by his actions. “Do you think this is wise?”

He glances over his shoulder. “What? Eating? Hell, yeah. You look ready to fall over.”

I focus on the bright gold ribbon sealing the box as he returns to stand directly in front of me. “What I mean is, do you think it’s wise for us to go out together?” I take a breath. “Last night when you kissed me, you told me you made a mistake. Did you mean that?”

Curran watches me with his hands shoved deep in his pockets for what seems like too long. “Yeah. I guess I did.”

I raise my chin, feeling my body warm. “Okay. Maybe you’re right.”

He passes a hand through his hair when I make no effort to move. “Look, let’s just go eat. Okay? I wasn’t kidding when I said you look ready to pass out.”

I follow him to his truck, even though by now, I’m ready to crawl beneath the nearest rock. He opens the door for me and shuts it tight once I slip inside.

As I watch him walk around to the other side, streams of sunlight strike his head, brightening his hair and shimmering his irises.

I steal a long glance at his rugged features and at his fine ass in those jeans before he climbs in and starts the engine with a roar. It’s a shame those sweet lips and firm cheeks want nothing of my touch, but in a way, maybe it’s best.

I meant what I said. The right job and the right opportunities can slip away if those who can help me regard me as less than professional…including this alluring man who’s witnessed the real side of me.

Chapter 9


We enter Sal’s Sports Bar just before the big game and about five minutes before the place is overtaken by angry 76ers fans out for blood. Two plates are slammed down, topped with Sal’s infamous cheesesteaks and spilling with chips. One for me. One for Tess. Perfect.

“That’s a lot of food,” she says, gaping at her plate.

“Yup. Sal’s known for his portions.” I take a bite when Sal’s wife, Mina, drops off my milkshake. “Thanks, Mina,” I say through a mouthful of food.

“No problem, Curran. Tell your ma hi for me.”

“Sure thing, Mina.” I lift the shake to take a sip in time to catch Tess eyeing it up. I offer it to her. “Here.”

She shakes her head. “Ah, no. I shouldn’t.”

“I haven’t touched it yet.”

She laughs a little. “It’s not that. It’s the calories.”

“What about them?”

“My weight is carefully managed,” she explains slowly, a bit of a sting to her tone. “I’ve gained quite a few pounds since we graduated college.”

“I noticed. And every last one looks damn good—” I stop myself a little too late. Rather than make another stupid comment or keep focusing on her rack, I dig into my steak like a linebacker following the playoffs. Her thin brows lift, reflecting her surprise.

Nice, Curran. Real nice. I need to keep my thoughts to myself. But since I kissed Tess, it’s all I can think about. That, and kissing a lot more than just her mouth.

Last night, seeing how I couldn’t sleep, I almost called downtown and asked to switch with a different badge. Two things stopped me: I didn’t want to be a pussy, and I didn’t want to not see Tess. But it was the latter that kept me up in more ways than one.

Again, I watch her take small, delicate bites, relishing every morsel with her eyelids closed. Man, what I wouldn’t give to have those lids flutter for me as I plow into her with everything I have.


She swallows. “What’s wrong?”

“Ah, nothing. I think I left my lights on.”

She glances out the window and in the direction of the lot. “Aren’t they automatic?”

Shit again. “Yeah. They are.” I push my milkshake closer to her. “Here. Try it. It’s vanilla with chunks of pineapple.”

She pauses, but then lifts the glass and takes a sip, dripping the ice cream against her lips. And man, I swear that’s the last thing I need to see. She laughs and licks her lips. Okay, scratch what I said. That’s the last thing I need to see.

“Sorry, I don’t mean to be so messy.” She licks her lips again. And again.

Aw, hell. I dive into my food like Ma’s life depends on it. “May I have some more?” she asks in her sexy voice.

“Baby, take every last swallow.” I cringe when I realize how that sounded, only to swear out loud again when she looks at me like I’m nuts.

“Thank you,” she says, quietly.

We don’t speak again until the end of the meal. With the exception of a few pieces of bread and some chips, Tess ate the whole thing, albeit in that careful way of hers.

I steal a chip from her plate and munch. She keeps quiet with her hands wrapped around her glass of iced tea. “Food okay?” I ask her.

She tries to smile. “It was delicious. Thank you.”

“Then what’s up?” I ask, aware that something is.

“Well, I’ve been giving a lot of thought to the night we…you know.”

I roll my eyes. “Tell me about it. We fucked like gorillas.”

Her jaw pops open. “Curran. That’s so offensive!”

“Sorry,” I offer. “I didn’t mean to call you a gorilla.”

For a second there, I’m not sure if she’s going to throat-punch me. But I can’t hide my smirk, and she can’t hide her laugh. Okay. Good. We’re headed in the right direction. The proper direction. The one that doesn’t involve me hooking the crotch of her panties with my finger and ripping them off her.

I rub my face. Christ.

She shoves my shoulder playfully. Well, at least she tries to. It’s a cute move. Too cute. Damn, I want her.

She shakes her head. “Officer O’Brien, you have absolutely no class.”

“I’m the classiest guy you’ll ever meet, angel face.”

She takes a sip of her tea. “Somehow I doubt that.”

Her smile returns when she places her glass back on the checkered tablecloth, lighting her perfect features. It’s then I realize there’s no going back.

So I go for it.

“Why do you have a problem with what happened between us?”

Her stare falls to the table. “You know why. It’s not the sort of behavior I ever engaged in.” She lowers her voice. “And I deeply regret it.”

Her thick lashes brush against her lenses as she waits for me to speak. The color’s returned to her cheeks, and her hair falls around her shoulders in sensual waves. God damn she’s beautiful.

I pinch the bridge of my nose and tell myself, Self, you just need to calm your shit and move on. Tell her it’s all good and not to worry. That you’ve forgotten all about that night and haven’t given it another thought. Well, given I’m kind of an asshole, and I don’t listen to assholes, I ignore me.