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“You’re still determined to go after the Dark despite all that I told you?” Thorn asked as he walked to her.

She pulled her knees up to her chest under the covers and shrugged. “Now that I know what they are, I can’t believe they didn’t see me. They’re everywhere, and seemingly growing in number by the day.”

“Aye.” A vein jumped in his jaw as he stared at the wall.

“Why hasn’t Darius come up?”

Thorn blinked and looked at her. “He’s been out hunting the Dark. However, he was able to bring your luggage.”

“You’re not even going to let me return there?”

“The Dark are no longer interested in it because you’ve no’ been back, but I doona want to chance it. You have two more days here. Why no’ remain where you’re safe?”

It was a valid question. One a sane person would know how to answer, but she hadn’t been in her right mind since she found Christina’s body.


She nodded in response. “I just wanted to find the one responsible.”

“They’re all responsible.”

“He laughed about her death,” Lexi said, remembering. “When they came out of the alley, all four of them were laughing.”

The bed sank as he sat on the edge. “I doona want to find your body.”

Her gaze lowered to his chest where she recalled seeing the tattoo. How she wanted to run her hands over it and ask him why he had chosen that design.

“I want another shower and to wear clothes,” she said, suddenly conscious of his nearness and the heat radiating off him. “Unless you want to tell me how you can heal from wounds?”

Thorn stood in a fluid motion. “The bathroom is all yours. Darius is picking up some food so you’ll get to meet him soon.”

“I can cook,” she responded as her legs draped over the side of the bed. Lexi felt a warmth spread over her when Thorn’s gaze dropped to her legs.

“I can no’,” he hurried to say as he turned around. “Darius chooses no’ to, so we’ll have takeout tonight.”

Lexi stood, happy that she felt stronger. “I’m so hungry, I could eat an entire cow.”

Thorn laughed as she walked into the bathroom. She was closing the door when she looked up and saw him watching her. Something warm and erotic raced down her back at his look.

*   *   *

Thorn closed his eyes and groaned. No longer could he deny the desire for Lexi. It grew by the hour and every time he looked at her. Every moment spent with her only deepened the desire to a hunger.

It was time for Darius to stay in while he went hunting. He had been around Lexi too long, nursing her and watching over her. Seeing her.

He opened his eyes and stared at the bathroom door. Like a delusional fool, he told himself he hadn’t looked at Lexi when he undressed her those times. It was a lie, a blatant lie he told himself because he stupidly thought he could get past his own desires.

But he knew her body. He hadn’t touched it as a lover, but his gaze had.

Thorn swallowed. Had she removed the nightshirt yet? Did she stand naked beneath the shower, letting the water run over her peach-colored skin?

He fisted his hands as he thought about cupping her breasts. They were on the small side, but round and firm. Her nipples were a dusty pink, and begged to feel his tongue.

Thorn was used to need. He’d had his share of women, but there were few times in his eons of life that he was fully sated. He learned to live with such hungers. That’s not what worried him.

It was the ache he felt to kiss Lexi, the yearning to hold her against him, the craving to sink between her legs. Those longings rocked him.

So many times he wanted to tell her about the Dragon Kings and what he really was, but he knew it would be folly. Lexi had suffered greatly while in Scotland. She needed to return home and heal properly.

Thorn made the decision then not to tell her about the Kings. She would be wary of the Dark, but she could go on with her life. It would do her no good to learn of the Dragon Kings and their involvement.

Why then was it hard not to tell her who he was? He wanted her to know how he was able to heal. He wanted to reassure her that he could—and was—killing the Dark as fast as he could. That he was looking out for her and all humans.

He turned his back on the bathroom and went to stand at the windows looking down at the street. There was no doubt he was relieved to have saved her from the Dark, but it wasn’t a permanent situation.

Thorn had no idea of the state of things in South Carolina. He didn’t know if their streets were overrun with Dark or not, and with the rate of the things progressing in Scotland, he wouldn’t know.

The only way to ensure her safety was to either remain by her side, or keep her in the flat. Thorn remembered what Warrick had gone through to keep Darcy within the walls of her store. He wasn’t going to repeat that madness.

Already he itched to hunt and kill the Dark. For four nights he had left that all up to Darius, but now it was time for him to return to the streets and his duty.

He heard the water shut off. Thorn gripped the windowsill and fought to remain where he was. Tonight he would go out. Darius could stay and watch Lexi.



Lexi finished drying her hair and ran a brush through the length. She looked semi-presentable now, even without putting on any makeup. Though she was tempted.

It would seem as if she were trying too hard. Instead, she opted to look more like a healthy person rather than an invalid.

She stood back and looked in the mirror. Lexi had found her favorite white shirt. It was billowy and the neck was so wide it hung off her shoulder. The sleeves skimmed her arms nicely, stopping just past her elbows. She wore a white tank beneath, because she wasn’t brave enough not to. Lexi then chose a pair of dark denim and two pairs of socks since she couldn’t manage to keep her feet warm ever since she arrived in Scotland.

One more look at herself and Lexi closed her luggage and walked out of the bathroom. She came to a halt when she saw a man at the kitchen table pulling food out of a bag.

He nodded at her, though his eyes barely glanced her way. “It’s good to see you up, lass. I’m Darius.”

“Hi,” she said and looked around the small studio for Thorn.

“Thorn will return. He had to go out for a wee bit.”

Lexi walked to the table, her stomach rumbling at the smell of food. “I hope there’s another bag of your food,” she said as she unwrapped it to find the fish and chips.

Darius pulled out a chair so he could sit. “A lass with an appetite. I like that. Eat your fill. I can always get more for myself later.”

She liked him instantly, despite the way he appeared to keep part of himself closed off. Lexi bit into the fish and closed her eyes as she savored the flavor.

After stuffing a chip—it was really a French fry, but when in Rome—in her mouth, Lexi eyed Darius. His hair was a little longer than Thorn’s, and whereas Thorn’s was nearly as dark as night, Darius’s was blond.

“Thank you for bringing Dr. Martin for me,” she said around a mouthful.

Darius tore off a piece of fish and shrugged as if it were nothing. “You needed help,” he said before he popped the bite in his mouth.

“I hope you brought her home as Thorn said you would.”

Darius’s lips thinned for a moment. “She refused my aid, but I followed her nonetheless and made sure she arrived safe and sound.”

“Everyone should know about the Dark.”

Darius nodded in reply. He watched her as she ate. It would normally have made Lexi feel self-conscious, but she was too hungry to care.

“How do you kill one?” she asked offhandedly, hoping he would take the bait and tell her without thinking.

“Nice try, lass.”

Lexi put down the chip she had been about to eat. Her stomach was suddenly too full to even look at the food. “I’m not going to go after them here, but what if they’re in South Carolina? What if I walk out my door and there’s one standing there?”