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“This is amazing, Jeremy, but how’d you pull it off?”

“Sierra Sullivan, if we’re going to spend a lifetime together, don’t you think it’s a little early for me to spill all my secrets?”

“You don’t have any secrets from me.”

“Touché,” he said then lifted his glass as if to toast.

I raised mine as well.

“To an incredible past, the perfect present, and an amazing future.”

“Jeremy…” I whispered then reached over to rest my hand on his thigh.

“Yeah, baby?” he asked, his voice a little gruff.

I downed the rest of my champagne and set my glass off to the side. He did the same as he waited for me to continue.

“You’re right,” I said, my voice a bit shaky. “We’re starting the rest of our lives, and I want…I want to start right now.”

“You’re sure?” he asked.

I nodded, and he didn’t make me wait. Jeremy’s hand grabbed my hips and he pulled me into his lap until I was straddling his waist.

His beautiful, copper eyes flashed with desire, and he wasted no time leaning in to kiss me. His initial kiss was soft and sweet, his lips caressing mine adoringly. But, moments later, when I moaned against his lips, he took it as a sign to intensify the kiss. His tongue swept into my mouth, swirling and sweeping before tangling with mine. Our tongues waged war, fighting to maintain dominance. They were dueling in a furious, frantic rhythm, both of us losing. Both of us winning. The champagne on the tip of his tongue was achingly sweet. The urge to absorb every drop of the sweetness and take it for myself was tantalizing. As he fiercely plundered and probed, it was apparent he had the same idea.

As we kissed, his strong, big hands roamed my body over my clothes. They touched frantically, as if he couldn’t get enough. When one hand slid up my back, caressed my neck, then tangled up in my hair, I found myself pressed down against his groin. Jeremy groaned and slowed his kissing as he ground his body into mine, slowly, provocatively, and in calculated rhythm.

“God, I want you so much, Sierra,” he whispered against my lips. “So fucking much. I have to touch you.”

“I’m yours, Jeremy. I always have been. I always will be. What you want? It’s yours,” I offered, hoping I sounded more confident than I felt. I’d gotten cold feet before, and I didn’t want that to happen again. I was ready. I was sure of it.

As he rolled me onto my back, my panties dampened with anticipation, but he didn’t touch me right away. Instead, he lay next to me and braced himself on one elbow while his other hand cupped my jaw. He continued kissing me, lips caressing, tongues sucking, and he set me on fire with just his mouth. How could I ever want anything more than this man?

Jeremy had always been a good kisser, but this was different. It was as if he knew that tonight he was going to truly get his fill, and he was soaking up every bit of it he could. His kisses alternated between slow and steady and fast and furious. And I couldn't get enough. I wanted all of Jeremy. I wanted to touch him, taste him, run my fingers over every single inch of his body, and in turn, I wanted him to explore mine the same way. We were so connected emotionally, and I was craving a physical connection as well.

As my hands slid underneath his T-shirt and roamed his back, I realized he was too clothed. We were both too clothed. We had to remedy that, and fast.

"Jeremy," I panted, still breathless from our passionate kissing.

His eyes gleamed down at me, dark and full of desire. "Yeah, baby?"

"We should probably get naked," I said, not really knowing of a sexy way to say it.

Fortunately, this was Jeremy, and he grinned down at me before kissing my lips.

"Yeah, we probably should."

We both sat up and frantically stripped each other bare, not stopping until our clothes were tossed in a pile at the edge of the blanket. The breeze was cool against my flesh, causing me to shiver, but that didn't last long. Jeremy's heated gaze warmed my skin.

“God, you’re so beautiful,” he said as he laid me back down on the blanket. “How’d I get so lucky?”

“Because you have good taste in mutant reptiles?” I offered, causing the left side of his mouth to curve up into a smile.

As I said the words, I took my time checking him out in the moonlight. He was on his knees next to me, his hard erection jutting out in front of him, just waiting to be played with. His strong thigh muscles were tight and taut, and as my eyes, sadly, left his nether regions, my mouth watered at the sight of that delicious V that was Mother Nature’s way of telling women where to find the goods. His abs were smooth and defined, with just a scattering of loose, brown hairs I affectionately called my happy trail.

Before I could admire his chest, he was hovering over me, blocking the moonlight, and all I could see was his intense gaze. My hands gripped his biceps, and his muscled rippled underneath my touch as he strained to keep himself up on just his fists.

“Baby,” he whispered before he smashed his lips down on mine.

We were apparently done talking, and I was more than okay with that. Talking was overrated anyway.

As he kissed me, he began to touch. His journey commenced at my temple, trailed down my jawline, and stopped on my collarbone. In turn, my fingers ran up and down his strong arms, roaming his body. My favorite flock of butterflies were riling up in my belly as he cupped and fondled my breasts, first one and then the other. His thumbs rubbed soothing circles on my nipples until they pebbled under his touch. I fought the urge to squirm as his hand trailed from my breasts to down my torso, and it didn't stop until it reached the apex of my thighs.

When the soft pad of his thumb pressed down on my clit, I couldn't help the moan that escaped my lips. It was my favorite spot, and Jeremy knew exactly how to push all of my buttons.

"You like that, don't you, baby?" he asked, his voice thick and husky.

"I love it," I replied, breathless and wanting more. So much more that I thrust my hips upwards.

And he knew just how to read me. With his thumb still massaging my clit, he slowly circled my entrance before slipping his finger inside me, delving deep until I was pulsating with vibrant need. The duality of the sensations had me shuddering at how amazing it felt to be touched by him in this way.

He added another finger, the pressure increased tenfold, and I briefly wondered how it was going to feel when he was inside me for the first time. The thought was quickly wiped away when he tore his mouth from mine and began a procession of kisses down my neck. Even though I had the urge to close my eyes, I kept them open as he made his descent down my body.

My fingers gripped the blanket when he found his way to my breast again. His tongue lapped at my skin between them before he decided on his first target. My nipples were already hard from his initial taste, but as he traced slow, deliberate circles around one, it pebbled, aching with need. I knew he could feel it, as his lips curved into a triumphant smile. One that didn't leave his face as he licked a trail across my chest and found my other nipple, giving it equal attention while his fingers still rhythmically worked in and out of me.

As his teeth latched onto my nipple and he gave it a little nibble, I could hardly stand it.

“Jeremy,” I breathed. I’d never felt so sexy, so adored, and I wanted more. I was finally ready.

When he lifted his head, I was greeted with a knowing, cocky smirk on his damp lips.

“Do you have any idea how sexy you are when you whisper my name like that?” He pressed down on my clit and paused.

I shook my head, unable to formulate any words while his fingers were still buried deep inside me. Instead, I raised my hips and arched my back, once again, hinting that I wanted more. And, God, did I. I wanted so much more. I wanted him. I wanted him now.