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I had also signed off on residuals from the first two albums, but I didn’t think now was the right time to mention that. Anna might actually have a heart attack. Abby and Denny had spent over an hour trying to talk me out of my decision, but nothing they said could erase what Matt had screamed at me—You’re dead to me. Maybe it had been a rash decision, but if I was dead, then I shouldn’t be paid. Plain and simple. And if I hadn’t contributed to the band like they’d all unanimously decided, then I shouldn’t be paid. Maybe I was being stubborn and prideful, but their words had left deep gashes in me, gashes that couldn’t be filled with money. And besides, I didn’t need their pity paychecks anyway; I was about to cash in on a much bigger one.

Anna’s anger at the band evaporated, and unabashed fear took its place. She looked around our new place with horror in her eyes. “Griffin…how much are you making on the show?”

I wasn’t so stupid that I couldn’t hear the warning bells ringing in my ears. Anna was trying to be supportive, yes, but her mood had turned pessimistic since she’d watched the pilot. Personally, I didn’t see what was wrong with it. I’d watched it and I thought we all looked great. Well, I looked great. My castmates were a little dry and the script was cheesier than a 1960s horror movie, but whatever. I would carry the show to success.

“Enough,” I told her, being purposely vague. Truth was, I wasn’t sure what the hell I was making. I’d seen a few small deposits in my bank account, but they were nothing to write home about. I’d tried reading the contract to figure out what the arrangement was, but it was written in legalese. All I could find was something about all the cast members only getting a base pay salary until the show was picked up for a full season, then the primary leads could renegotiate their contract, if both sides saw fit to do so. LMF had only ordered six episodes…I was pretty certain that wasn’t considered a full season. I didn’t know how to explain that to Anna though, so I kept quiet. And technically I wasn’t lying; whatever we made would be enough. It had to be.

Anna seemed to instinctually know I wasn’t telling her everything. Eyes wide with panic, she opened her purse and pulled out her cell phone. “Call the band and apologize,” she said, holding the phone out to me. “It’s time to end this. Think of our future, Griffin. Think of the girls’ future.”

Dread seeped into me at seeing her support starting to slip away. I wanted her behind my decision, no matter that it was; I didn’t want to go back to being the only one stoked about this. For a split second, I almost reached for the phone, but then Matt’s words tore through my brain. We’re no longer family. No. I’d rather be the only one excited about this job than grovel at Matt’s feet.

My mind set, I crossed my arms over my chest. “No, I’m following through with this, Anna, and it’s gonna be amazing. I’m going to be a star, the show is going to be a hit, and Matt is going to choke on his words.” She looked confused by that last part, but I didn’t bother explaining. Leaning into her, I hissed, “I’d rather lose everything than go crawling back to that asshole.”

Her mouth dropped open. “Griffin…”

Shaking my head, I repeated, “No, I’m doing this, and you need to back me up. We’re a team, remember?” I knew I was being bossy, but this was important to me. I needed her on my side.

Her fingers curled around her phone. “I do remember…but do you?” She indicated the ostentatious house around her. “This wasn’t a team decision, none of this was. You decided all of this for us without even talking to me about it. I didn’t want this. I didn’t want to leave Seattle, leave my sister, leave my home. I only came with you because we’re a team…but it’s pretty clear to me that if we really are a team, then you’re the captain, and the girls and I are just your…cheerleaders.” Her tone was icy and bitter. Jade fire was flaring from her eyes, and a red flush stained her cheeks.

I knew I was walking on thin ice, and I knew she had a valid point, but I had one too. This was my career, my money, so ultimately, what I did with it was my choice. “When it comes to my job, then…yeah, I guess I am the captain. But I’m the one providing for you and the girls, so I think that gives me the right to the promotion. When it comes to the parenting-type stuff, you can be the captain, okay? But it doesn’t matter, because we’re all still on the same team. And Team Hancock doesn’t need the D-Bags. We don’t need anyone. We’ll survive on our own. Trust me, Anna…please?” My voice came out strained, pleading. It was weird for me to hear it that way. Outside of sexual favors, I wasn’t one to beg.

“I do, Griffin, but…” Stopping herself, she stared into my eyes for several silent seconds. I held her gaze, unwavering. Confident. I wasn’t scared about this future, she shouldn’t be either. Finally, after a long moment, she nodded. “Okay, Griff, I’ll let you take the lead on this, and…trust that it will work out.” She looked around the house. “But can we go down to a housekeeper, lawn guy, and driver? Otherwise I’ll be bored out of my mind.”

Relieved, I leaned down and gave her a long kiss. “If that’s what you want, sure.”

She nodded once our lips parted, then a soft, wistful sigh escaped her. What she wanted was a thousand miles north of here, but at least she was willing to make due for now. I hoped.

When my parents came over later to check out our spread, they were clearly impressed by Castle Cock. “Wow, son, you’ve…outdone yourself,” Dad stated.

“I know,” I said, pride swelling my chest. “Isn’t it amazing?”

Liam had come with them, and his expression of being unimpressed was clearly forced; his mind was currently being blown. “If you ask me, I’d say you were overcompensating for something,” he stated in a holier-than-thou voice.

“Good thing no one asked you then,” I countered.

Chelsey had come too, and she patted my back in approval. “I think it’s awesome, Griffin. Well done.”

My smile expanded so much my cheeks hurt. Yes, well done indeed. And considering how awesome the premise of the show was, I could probably have three more houses like this in the near future. I was going to be set for life. I just needed the world to catch up to how incredible I was, and that would happen soon. Not nearly soon enough, but soon.

Looking over the group, I said, “This is a long tour. Do you guys want any refreshments before we begin?”

Dad nodded. “A beer would be fantastic.”

I pressed a button on the headset in my ear. “Alfred, can you please bring six beers into the living room for me and my guests.”

His reply in my ear was instant. “Yes, sir.”

Liam’s jaw dropped. “You have a servant? Named Alfred?”

I shook my head. “No, his name is Carl, but I like calling him Alfred better.” Anna shook her head. She hadn’t been thrilled when I’d kept the butler on, but come on…a freaking butler? Hell yeah, he was staying.

When we were on our third beer and looking into the fifth bathroom, Mom apparently decided it was time to have a heart-to-heart. “So…your Uncle Billy came over the other night. He told me about how you and Matt had a blowout before you left Seattle. Want to tell me what happened?”

With a sniff, I shook my head. “Not much to tell. I told him I was quitting, he called me an asshole, said I was dead to him and that we weren’t family anymore.” I took a swig of beer. “Oh, and he told me the band was better off without me.” Prick.

Mom took a pull off her beer. Everyone was oohing and aahing over the Jacuzzi, but her eyes never left mine. “Was that before or after you slugged him?” she asked.

I looked over at her with a sigh. “Honestly, I don’t remember. But either way, the jerk was asking for my fist in his lip.”