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With a smile that even Angelina Jolie would be jealous of, Anna started lowering her head. My eyes widened as her lips approached my zipper. She placed a soft kiss on the ridge of my cock straining against my jeans. She might as well have touched me with a cattle prod. The jolt sent a delicious sizzle throughout my body, and I felt a faint wetness coat the tip of my dick. I was so ready for her. I was about to start begging if she didn’t do more than just kiss me. No, not about to beg. I would beg; I was man enough.

“Please, baby. I want that gorgeous mouth over me, tracing me, teasing me. Then I want that beautiful body on top of me, so I can slide inside you. I want to feel your wet pussy tighten all around me, while we start to move…” I lifted my hand over my lap, then made a rocking motion, like I was holding on to her hips, guiding her, moving her faster and faster…“Oh yeah, just like that, baby.”

I was doing such a good job of mimicking the movement that I could almost feel the buildup starting. Damn, could I come without even touching her? Maybe, but that wouldn’t be nearly as satisfying.

Anna let out a throaty chuckle as her hands slid up to my zipper. “You say the hottest things, Griffin,” she said in a low voice. I stilled my hips as her fingers pulled back the metal holding my beast in place. Damn thing was about to destroy the town if she didn’t tame it soon.

Once I was free, I lay back on the ottoman and let my head hit the cushion. I was growing out my chin-length hair, and I’d put it into a low ponytail. That was pretty uncomfortable to lie on, so I yanked the band out while Anna adjusted my underwear and released me. I hissed in a breath as her fingers touched the throbbing, sensitive skin. “Fuck, yeah…”

I closed my eyes so the haphazard pile of clothes scattered around the room wouldn’t distract me. With my eyesight out of the picture, my other senses sharpened. I could feel the cooler air on my cock, feel Anna’s fingernails lightly scratching my abdomen, and hear the mixture of my light groans and Anna’s seductive purrs. “Ready, baby?” she whispered.

“Yes,” I groaned, reaching down to grab her hair. Now…

A jolt went through me when her tongue touched my cock, then a groan escaped me. “Fuck, that feels so good…” She lightly ran up the shaft, then flicked the piercing at the top. I groaned again. I wanted this so bad, all of my senses were amplified. The tiniest touch felt like a lightning strike of sensation. “More…please…”

And that was when my heightened senses heard something terrible. Awful. Ill-timed.

In the next room, a baby monitor was resting on Anna’s nightstand. It had been on this entire time, but I hadn’t been paying attention to it. Anna either. But now, it was sort of impossible to ignore. A high-pitched, metallic-sounding squeal was blaring from it. “Mommmmmmmmmmmmma! Want out!”

The sound of Gibson’s voice put Anna instantly on parental alert. I looked at her right as she looked at me, and I knew the raging cock between us had been all but forgotten. “Gibby’s up from her nap. I gotta get her.”

Sitting up, I grabbed her hand as she straightened. Bringing her fingers to my protesting member, I pleaded, “Five minutes won’t hurt her.”

Anna giggled but pulled away. “Sorry, babe. I don’t like leaving her up there. And besides, she’ll scream the entire time, and you know that will throw you off.”

I pursed my lips, wanting to argue with her but knowing I couldn’t. There were times when just hearing Gibson cooing through the monitor made it impossible for me to come. I had to shut the damn thing off, and Anna hated it when I did that. And she was right anyway. Gibson had a set of lungs on her, and if we didn’t come set her free from her bedroom prison, she’d just get louder and louder; turning off the monitor wouldn’t make a lick of difference.

I fell back on the ottoman, and my forgotten love stick started drooping. Such a waste of a perfectly good erection. “Fine.” I’d just been cock-blocked by my own daughter. What. The. Hell.

Anna slipped on the lemon-colored dress; it clung to her curves, making my cock reconsider rising. Gibson screamed again though, and it plummeted back to earth. Once she was dressed, Anna gave my cheek a quick kiss. “You should get dressed. We’ve gotta go.”

I raised my hand in a gesture of irritation and agreement. Whatever. It was all downhill from here. Anna watched me for a second, then leaned down and placed her lips against my ear. “As soon as Gibson goes down for the night, we’ll come back here and I’ll finish what I started.” She licked the inside of my ear and a huge smile broke over my lips. Today was the best day ever.

Once Anna was gone, I rubbed my forlorn semi. “Sorry, Hulkster. Gotta put you away for later.”

Peeking down at myself, I could have sworn I heard my dick answer me. But you promised I’d get to play! Frowning, I tucked myself back into my pants. “I’m not stupid enough to make promises. To anybody. Or anything,” I amended, since I was talking to my junk. That was something I’d learned early on. If you never swore your life to anything, you couldn’t get bitten in the ass by it later. It was human nature to go back on your word; that was why I never gave it.

Even my wedding vows had had all the pertinent pledges removed. Anna and I had tied the knot in some city hall back East…somewhere. I don’t remember where. Our ceremony had been just us and the judge, and it had been about as simple as it could be. Basically, it had gone something like this—Anna, do you take this douche to be your husband? Yeah, I do. Griffin, do you take this knockout to be your wife? Sure, why not. And that was all the promise we’d given each other. It was all that was needed.

When Anna came back into the room, I was my usual self—just a half chub was trying to poke through my jeans. But even that faded when I saw the little miracle in my wife’s arms. “Daddy!” Gibson tossed her hands my way and leaned so hard in my direction that Anna had to struggle to hold on to her. Gibson’s little face scrunched with annoyed concentration while she fought against her mom. Then, with a pout that only a little kid could make adorable, she turned and scowled at Anna. “Want Daddy.” She said it as a command, not a request. Gibson was only around a year and a half, but she already knew what she wanted, and she fully expected to get her way. She was so much like me, it was scary.

Anna rolled her eyes but stepped closer so Gibson could reach me. When her little hands touched my skin, they suddenly became razor-like talons. Like an eagle securing a fish from the sea, Gibson clamped onto my forearm with a surprising amount of freakish strength. “Ow, shit! Relax, Gibs. I’m right here.”

Grunting, I pulled her into my side and examined what was left of my arm. I half expected to see a mutilated flap of skin hanging off the bone. Instead, all I saw were bright red streaks where she’d raked me. Anna winced. “Guess I need to cut her nails. Sorry.”

I shrugged. “The day isn’t truly awesome until a gorgeous girl has scratched me up. I wear my war wounds with pride.” Looking at the design she’d left behind, I added, “I might actually get this one tattooed on me. How cool would permanent shred marks be?”

Anna smiled, then shook her head. “No, if you want claw marks to tattoo, I’ll give you some good ones. Then every time you look at them, you can remember how you got them.”

“Damn…yeah, that’s a much better plan. Fuck, you have the best ideas.”

Gibson grabbed my nose and pulled my attention her way, where she liked it. Girl had a jealous streak a mile wide. Looking at her was like looking at a miniature version of me, if I were a girl. She had the same light blue eyes, same blond hair, although hers was a pristine platinum color while mine was a little dirtier. As it should be. She gave me a smile full of shiny white teeth, then spouted, “Fuck.”