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* * *

She was brilliant, his Monica. Cal was proud of her. His brave girl spoke about her mother in public, and looked lovely doing it.

That dark scarlet dress was made for her. The silk hugged her curves and outlined those stunning breasts. In the back, it clung to her ass, accentuated it. No more Miss Prim. The dress was as bold a statement as that speech had been. Monica wasn’t hiding anymore.

She kept her head lowered, her steps quick as she sped to the back of the garden. Cal followed her. When she almost reached the pond, he grabbed her hand, pulling her to a stop.

With a gasp, she twirled around and gazed up at him with wide eyes. “Oh my God. Cal, what are you doing here? I thought you were in California.”

He smiled. “They have these amazing contraptions called planes. I know how we left things, but I had to be here. This was your big night. You were fucking awesome up there.” Cal couldn’t remember being this anxious. This hopeful. He wanted to touch her, but refrained. She might have changed her mind about him. She may not want forever. She may have washed her hands of him completely. God, he hoped not.

“Thanks.” Monica tucked her hair behind one ear. “I can’t believe you came. And you’re wearing a tux.”

“Only for you. So, am I a good surprise or a bad one?”


Thank God. “That was an incredible speech. Was it hard, talking about your mum?”

“Very. I didn’t plan it.” She placed a hand in the center of his chest. “Cal—” She glanced around, nodded to a few gawkers. “Let’s go somewhere private.” She took his hand and led him to the back wall.

He had to tell her how he felt, right now, before he lost his nerve. “Listen, I know I’ve been an idiot, but I’m in love with you. Have been all along, but I was too blind to see it. Now, I know you may not feel the same way, and you’re perfectly justified. But I only just realized I love you, so in my defense, I think you should give me another chance.”

As she turned to face him, Monica’s lips quivered slightly. “You’re in love with me?”

“I am. I missed you, darling. So terribly.”

“I missed you too. Like crazy.”

He placed his hands on her waist. “Truly?”

“Truly. I love you too.”

Now Cal smiled as well. “Say it again.”

“I love you, Calum George Hughes.”

He stepped closer, wrapping his arms around her. “You look so beautiful, I’m almost afraid to touch you.”

“Trust me, I won’t break.”

He swept her into his arms, kissing her tenderly. God, he’d missed her. Her sweet smell, her honey-blond hair—which was swept to one side tonight, making her look like a glamorous movie star from a bygone era. Cal had never seen a sight more beautiful than Monica Campbell.

She pushed at his shoulders until he lifted his head, but he didn’t loosen his hold. “I texted Jules every day and got updates on your dad.”

“Did you? That little monster never said a word.” He shook his head. “I don’t want to talk about either one of them right now.” She felt good in his arms, and he planned on never letting her go again. “You wore red.”

“It made me think of you. I was going to fly to L.A. tonight.”

His fingers stopped moving across her hips. “Were you? To see me?”

“Yeah. I quit my job, and I wanted to tell you in person.”

“How do you feel about it? That job meant everything to you.”

She played with the studs on his shirt. “No, you mean everything.”

Cal touched her cheek, drifted his fingers along her jawline. “I don’t deserve you. You’re so lovely and clever. You’re out of my league, in every respect.”

“That’s not true at all. I know you won’t stay forever.” Cal opened his mouth to stop her, but she kept going. “I’m not asking for a lifetime.”

“Darling, stop.”

“I’m not making any demands. And I’m not sure how it will work, but I want to be with you. I love you.” Her words ran together in a jumble. “Because if you—”

“Monica, stop talking, please. I have something important to say too.”

Monica’s mouth snapped shut. For all of two seconds. “I finally tell you I’m ready to accept your terms, and you tell me to be quiet?”

He pressed a finger over her lips. “Monica Taylor Campbell, I’m not going anywhere without you. Ever. You are it for me. Home is where you are. I promise you this—wherever you are, that’s where I’ll be. And you know I always keep my promises.”

Monica tapped his finger out of the way and, grabbing his face with both hands, brought it down to hers. “Say it again,” she murmured against his lips.

“I love you.” He walked her back several yards, until she bumped into the garden wall. This was where they’d had their first kiss five years ago. Full circle, red dress and all. There were no lights here, and the music and chatter seemed distant.

He lowered his head, and when his lips touched hers, Cal’s hands roamed over her, latching onto her ass. He rained tiny kisses across her lips, her dimpled chin, her cheeks. “We never did get our garden shag,” he whispered against her ear.

“Forget it.”

“I’m still registered at the villa.” He continued nibbling her neck, her shoulder. He couldn’t stop touching her. “How about we head there after the party?”

“Deal,” she said. “And by the way, you’re not going to be able to move by the time I get done with you, Calum Hughes.”

“Do not tease me,” he said against the swell of her breast.

“I’m not sure which to do first—fuck you, suck you, or ride you like a mechanical bull.”

He raised his head. “Oh yes, giddy up. We can stop on the way, and I’ll buy you a cowgirl hat.”

When she laughed, it sounded divine. This was his Monica—wild and untamed, sexy and secure. He kissed her again, and when Monica spread her hands over his chest, it felt so right. Yes. This was where he belonged.

Before he could get too carried away, Monica pushed him and ended the kiss. “I should get back to the party. And Brynn will want to see you. If we can find her. You know how she hates crowds.”

Cal cupped her face with both hands. “First, I have something to show you, but I don’t know if you can get a proper look at it out here.”

“I’ve seen it before. It’s impressive.”

Letting go of her, he laughed and reached into his jacket, pulling out a thin stack of pamphlets. Then he grabbed his phone and turned it on, using it as a flashlight so she could see them.

“What are these?” She glanced up at him. “Imaging machines?”

“More compact than a regular machine, and they use less power. I bought three of them.”


“Well, if you hadn’t come to your senses, I was going to bribe you.”

“With medical equipment?”

“Exactly. Two women’s clinics in Africa and one in India need these desperately. I thought you might like to deliver them in person.”

Monica gasped, covering her mouth with one hand. She stared up at him with wide eyes. “You bought imaging machines.”

“Yes, I did. I thought they’d make a smashing wedding gift. You are going to make an honest man of me, aren’t you?”

“You’re the most honest man I know. You’re it for me too.”

“I know how important your family is to you. We can stay here in Vegas, if you’d like, and buy a house nearby.”

“I want to travel, Cal. I want you to show me the world. Can we start with Paris? No wait, London. I want to see your garage.”

“Anywhere, it doesn’t matter. As long as I’m with you.”

Order Terri L. Austin's next book

in the Beauty and the Brit series

His to Keep

On sale March 2016

Click here!

Keep reading for a sneak peek at the next book in the Beauty and the Brit series

His to Keep

Iain Chapman listened as his lawyer explained about the new economic regulations, zoning details, and ecological classifications that had just been enacted. But as Stan droned on, Iain became more agitated. “For fuck’s sake, Stan, cut to the chase and tell me how all this is going impact the land we want to develop. Preferably in English.” Iain couldn’t take one more acronym. NEDA, CDBG, SBA, USGS. It was giving him a bloody headache, it was. In his right hand, he rubbed a pair of red dice back and forth. It was a habit Iain had acquired over the years, one he couldn’t seem to shake.