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When Cal’s tongue slid inside her, Monica’s hips bucked off the ground. She threw her head back, and he studied the long line of her neck—down to that tiny mole in the center of her chest. He continued to dart his tongue in and out of her, taking his time. Cal wasn’t in a hurry, didn’t intend on stopping until she came so hard she couldn’t walk properly.

Monica drew gasping breaths and exhaled soft groans. When he used his thumb to rim her tight little puckered hole, her body stiffened, and she started to yelp, but stopped herself. Monica clutched a handful of his hair as she came, her pussy convulsing around Cal’s tongue. She shoved her hips toward him, pulled his head closer. From the corner of his eyes, he watched her toes curl. Good. She was enjoying herself, then. He took a great deal of pride in making her lose control.

Cal didn’t stop until she went completely limp and her grasp on his hair loosened. He pulled his tongue from inside her and gave her one last swipe. Grazing both hands over her calves, he kissed the curve of her ass where it met her thighs, then bit down.

“You’re killing me.” She closed her eyes, her chest heaving as she panted. Monica remained quiet for so long, he nipped her ass again.

“Are you all right, love?”

“I give up, okay? I admit it, you’re bloody brilliant.”

Cal wanted to shout in victory, but he settled for a grin. “This is what I’ve been trying to tell you.”

She laughed and sat up, stretching out her hands to rest on his shoulders. “Did you say something about a shower?”

Cal hauled himself out of the water. “It’s enormous. Could double as a car wash. You should really fuck me there.”

“I really will—just make sure you have a condom.”

He bent and placed an arm beneath her knees, then scooped her up. She seemed very preoccupied with protection. “I’m safe as houses, you know—been tested and all that. You aren’t on the pill or something?”

Monica slung her arm behind his neck. “I just like to take precautions. And I can walk.”

“I’m aware. This is more fun.” He wouldn’t question her about the safety issue. She wanted him in a condom; he’d wear one. Hell, he’d wear two. Anything to get inside her once more.

Cal strode into the house, leaving wet footprints along the plush carpet and the marble floor in the hallway. As he walked, Monica fingered the side of his neck. Once or twice, she bit down on his shoulder. He liked it a little rough as well. “You keep that up, we won’t make it to the shower. I like it when you bite me.”

She licked his earlobe. “Like this?” she whispered, then pulled the skin between her teeth.

“Just like that, Miss Prim.”

“When are you going to quit calling me that?”

He stopped in the bedroom doorway. “Does it really bother you?”

“I just wondered what kind of debauchery it takes to shake that nickname.”

“When we’ve reached it, I’ll let you know.” He walked over to the bedside table, where he lowered her slightly. “Grab the condoms, would you?”

Monica opened the drawer and snared a string of them. “Is this enough?”

“It’ll do for starters.”

As she clung to his neck, Monica’s gaze roamed over the suite. “This room is humongous. How’s the bed? Hard or squishy soft?”

“You can try it for yourself. I plan on fucking you there too.”

“You and your plans.”

He carried her to the bathroom and maneuvered sideways to allow them both through the door. When he set her on her feet, Monica spun in a circle.

“This is bigger than my bedroom.” She ran her finger along the smooth lip of the glass sink.

Why was she so thrown by the opulence? Trevor’s house was expansive, each feature singular, and filled to the rafters with antique bric-a-brac. Using the loo was on par with a visit to the British Museum.

“Is this how you live in London?” She glanced up at him, caught him staring at her breasts.

“No. I have a small flat above the garage. One bedroom, no telly.”

Monica walked into the shower and glanced at the buttons. “Do I need an engineering degree to turn this on?”

Cal stood behind her, pressing his prick against the small of her back. After tossing the pack of condoms on the stone bench at the end of the travertine shower, he programmed the temperature and turned it on. Eight jets of pulsating water flowed over them from all directions. “It takes a little practice. You’ll have it in no time.”

“You’re not going to be here long enough for me to figure it out. So which do you like better, the one-room flat or this place?”

Before he could respond, she turned in his arms, ran her hands down his chest. When she reached for his cock, he forgot the thread of their conversation. In fact, he forgot to think at all.

As he walked her backward, Monica still played with him. With both hands, he pushed the wet hair off her face.

“Feel good?” she asked, gripping him firmly.

“Very good.”

He backed her up to a wall, and with a vice-like grip on her hair, kissed her hard, the way they both liked. His tongue wasn’t gentle now, but demanding as it tangled with hers. And she responded. Monica always responded, reciprocating in kind. Not just a willing partner, she was an active one as well. He admired her boldness.

Monica turned her head to the side and let go of his cock. Cal kissed a trail from her ear to her neck, licking at her skin and sucking gently. Monica grabbed a bottle of shower gel sitting within a niche in the wall. As he continued to lap water from her silky skin, she poured some into the palm of her hand, releasing a lemony sandalwood scent. Rubbing her hands in soapy circles over his chest, she used her short fingernails to flick his nipples.

Cal raised his head. “Again.”

Monica’s laugh was low and seductive as she complied. “You like that?”

“What do you think?” He angled his hips forward, pressing his cock against her lower belly.

“I think your dick just got a little harder.” Her slick hands continued their journey over his pecs and down to his stomach. Her fingers caressed each abdominal muscle and darted into his belly button.

Cal leaned his forehead against the top of her hair. “It did, and it’s feeling very left out right now.”

“Ah, that’s such a shame. But it’s going to have to wait a bit longer, because I’m not done touching the rest of you.” She worked her fingers over the V-shaped indentions above his hips, but instead of soaping up his prick, as he wanted, she moved up to his arms. “I’ve been wanting some one-on-one time with these muscles since I saw you working on the Mustang.”

“Is that right? I couldn’t tell. Those sunglasses you wear hide your expression.”

“Yep. I was checking you out. Especially your ass. You looked good bending over the hood of the car.”

Cal fought to breathe normally as her fingers trailed along his biceps. “My ass is one of my better parts.”

“I think all your parts are equally delicious.” She seemed fascinated with the tattoo. Most of the soap had been washed off, but she lightly ran her fingers over it. “So you got this in Ireland? It must mean something.”

Cal closed his eyes, his heart thudding at her soft, languid touch. “The knots are eternal, never ending. Like nature, they keep going on without us. Or some such nonsense.” Oh God, he should have kept his mouth closed. He came off like a prat trying to explain it. He wasn’t anything more than a car fanatic sounding pretentious.

Monica peered up at him. “Nature, huh? Like those jungle ruins you talked about? That temple in Cambodia? Humans leave their mark, but nature keeps trying to take it back.”

Cal’s eyes flew open, and he scanned her face. She didn’t appear to be mocking him. In fact, she gazed up at him with a serious expression. “Yes, exactly.” The moment stretched on as they stared at each other.

Monica blinked first. “And ink raises your hotness factor, so there’s that.” She grinned and licked the curve of his bicep.