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The fact that Liam had barely even glanced at her tonight might have added in some intrigue, as well. The window of opportunity to change her mind was probably on the fast track to closing, and it bothered her more than she liked.

Yawning and stretching one last time, she pulled her blanket tighter around her and let her eyes slip closed. Exhausted. She'd... deal with it in the morning when her brain was fully operational. Her mind hadn't stopped running where he was concerned, yet. She was sure she'd be right back to the seesaw of emotions and decision making again, the moment she pried her eyes open.


“Your phone,” Roxy called out from her seat at Jackie's computer desk.

“Who is it?”

“Come answer it and find out.”

Frowning, Jackie spit out the rest of her toothpaste, rinsed the brush quickly and replaced it on the hook before rushing to her room.

“You couldn't have peeked?”

“I'm checking flights.”

“What? Why?”

“Answer the phone. I'll tell you later.”

Sighing, Jackie grabbed her cell from the bed, flipping it over to see her mom's name flashing on the screen. Should she bother? Ugh. Grimacing, she clicked the call on and lifted the phone to her ear.


“Well, I'm glad you're alright. You left so abruptly, I wasn't sure what to think.”

Sighing quietly, Jackie took into a pace.

“Something came up.”

“Must've been important.”

“Yeah. It was. I had to get out of there. Everything alright?”

Her mother paused, seeming to digest her words and tone.

“Yes. I was calling to ask you to run to Claudio's to pick up a dress for the press conference. We're throwing a party after and there'll be pictures.”

Exhaling loudly, Jackie nodded.

“Alright, when?”

“Well, today. At exactly six, so you can be fitted. The tailor's not always there. We had to make an appointment.”

“Of course.”

Throwing her hands up, Jackie shook her head. “Alright. I'll be there.”

“Great. I knew I could count on you, Sweetheart.”

“Yeah. I have to run. Registering for an extra class while there are still slots open.”

“Oh. Well don't let me keep you.”


“Bye, Sweetie.”

Bristling, Jackie clicked off the call. It sucked how much she loathed talking to her mother, well for social calls, anyways. The way she was handling business lately, talking to the step-creep-to-be about things that should never pass her lips without talking to Jackie first made it look like business talks were heading in the dreaded direction, too.

They hadn't been close in a long time, and it didn't look like the old version of her mother, post-breakdown, was ever coming back. Instead, she had this plastic version to endure. Possibly for the rest of her life.

“You should be easier on her,” Roxy offered, clicking her way through a travel site.

“I know.”


The fitter drew up the measuring tape, looking him over fondly.

“You have the look of a young Richard Grieco. Anyone ever told you that? I know just the suit for you.”



“I don't get to pick?”

The tailor gave him a grin.

“Your father wouldn't like anyone else making those sorts of decisions.”

Sighing, Liam nodded his agreement.

“No, I suppose he wouldn't.”

Smile deepening, the older man stepped back.

“You're free to shop for your accessories, though. We'll charge it to his account.”

“No need for that,” Liam told him, bristling, but smiling his way through it. “I brought my card.”

Nodding with a kind of knowing, the tailor placed his measuring tape back in his carrying case.

“We'll keep that between us.”

Liam smirked.

“By all means, tell him.”

Liam wanted his father to understand that he didn't want or need his money. And though that was clear to the tailor, he was pretty sure the message wouldn't be relayed. Shrugging off, he made his way around the store, waiting with a certain tension for Jackie to show up. Donna had called earlier that morning to ask him to watch over her and make sure she was taken care of, and as hard as it was going to be to do that, he'd agreed.

Soon they'd have the whole mess behind them, and she'd be his "sister," whom he'd enjoy on a purely, platonic level because that's how she apparently wanted it. Far be it from him to impose his unwanted interest. He'd had some time to get himself back, and he wasn't keen on pushing for a damn thing. The sooner she arrived, got fitted, and picked out her jewellery, and whatnot, the better.

“Cognac?” A sultry voice asked, shaking him out of his thoughts.

“Yeah, sounds great,”

Meeting the serviceable gaze of a honey blonde with eyes the color of pale ale, he immediately averted his attention to her tray. Normally, someone as cute as she was would activate the inner charmer in him, if only for the target practice. But right now he felt nothing. It was strange, because this chic was cute. Even had a little meat on her.

Kudos to Claudio for hiring real women.

“If you'd like to sit, there's a small lounge behind that door.”

“Uh, thanks,” he managed, lifting the glass of expensive liquor and taking a sip.

Giving him a smile and a nod, the server made her way toward the secret room behind the registers where all the goodies they offered their clients were kept. He was pretty sure they even had coke back there for the high-end clientele who snorted it like it was candy.

The privileged world is a different place.

Snapping his head up at the sound of the door, his heart took into a race at the sight of flowing, black hair and the body of a goddess hidden beneath a pea coat. Sighing, he downed the rest of the cognac and set it down at the edge of the men's shoe display. No point in keeping the princess waiting.


Jackie nearly turned around and walked right out of the door when she saw Liam heading toward her, smoldering and gorgeous as ever. Somehow, she managed to grab hold of her wits before she could react poorly.

Which was good.

She'd have to get used to seeing him for family functions. Donna was sure to invite him to everything anyway. Come to think of it, her mother had probably arranged this. No definitely. Her mother had definitely arranged this. Because the obvious had escaped her.

“Fancy running into you here,” she managed, giving him a quirk of a grin before taking in the full layout of the expensive boutique.

Giving her a brisk nod, Liam shoved his hands in his pockets.

“I'll show you to the fitting room.”

So no small talk then... Alright.

He turned and she followed, feeling far more uncomfortable with this change of gears than she'd expected. Actually, she hadn't thought he'd ever become chilly with her. The possibility had never even crossed her mind. Maybe that was arrogant. She felt kind of silly about it. The sure perils of taking things for granted while thinking you know what you want when you don't...

He gestured her into the fitter's alcove when they reached it, and Jackie stole a glance around the rounded half-room.

“He'll probably come in a minute. Can I get you a drink?”

Jackie quirked a brow.

Eh, why not?

“Sure, thanks. That would be nice.”

She smiled as genuinely as she could, but it wound up feeling twitchy and forced. God, things felt so strange between them now. It was incredibly uncomfortable. A total switch from where they'd been several days before. His brows rising, Liam gave her a half-nod and stepped away from the arch leading into the small, half-circle room.

Jackie waited, wringing her hands as her mind turned over the position she'd found herself in. Roxy's advice and the way he'd looked at her at the bar last night... It was confusing the decision she'd already made to keep her distance from him. Maybe it was simpler than she was making it. Could be she just wanted what she couldn't have.