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Running my hands through my hair, I pace the room. I slam my fists against the wall twice out of frustration. A pair of bleeding knuckles isn’t going to help find Dani.

“We don’t have that kind of time, Voodoo. Slider just got back from the police department and she’s not there. The fuckers that took her weren’t real cops. Someone sent them here after her and we just fucking let them take her.”

“Shit,” is all Voodoo replies as he frantically types on his computer. We wait in silence for hours as he works his magic, trying to find every lead to who the other blood belonged to at the scene of the crime and who has Dani. Finally, his computer beeps loudly. We surround his desk as a report loads onto the screen.

“The DNA is a perfect match for a Mikey Amos Williams. He’s the son of Dani’s step-dad, which makes him her step-brother. Says here he’s a rookie cop for Cleveland PD.” Voodoo types in a search for Mikey into Google. News report after news report comes up in the search. He’s been suspended twice for misconduct and harassing two female suspects. The last new story is dated for four days ago. Voodoo clicks on the link and the story pops up.

“Looks like Mikey missed his court date for a sexual assault on a female prisoner.” Her photo pops up on the screen and shocks us all. She looks just like Dani.

“No fucking way. It’s the fucking step-brother. He killed them to get to her!” I yell as everything clicks into place. She is innocent, and I just handed her over to the man who killed them. I have to fucking find her.

“You’ve got to track them down, Voodoo. Call in every favor we fucking have. I don’t care if we have to alert the fucking National Guard. We need to find her before he kills her.

“On it, boss. I can’t promise a miracle, but I’ll fucking try.”

Leaving Voodoo to his work, Raze calls an emergency session of Church. My brothers come running into the room quickly, and Raze doesn’t wait to start barking orders.

“Dani has been kidnapped by her step-brother. His name is Mikey Williams and he’s a cop on the run. Looks like Mikey has a sick fucking obsession with Dani, and he killed her parents to get to her. In the last year alone, he’s assaulted two women that look just like Dani... I can only assume that she’s either already in his hands, or she’s on the way to him with those fucking bastards I let take her. I need you all to contact the other chapters and get them on the road. Send them Dani’s picture. I want every single fucking Heaven’s Reject looking for her within the hour.”

“Of course, Prez,” they all respond.

“They can’t be more than a couple hours away. Hot Shot, get on the horn to your cop cousin. See if he can issue an APB on Dani or the two fuckers who took her. Check in with Voodoo to see if he can pull their license plate off the car. Make tracks, brothers. Let’s bring Dani home.”

The men disperse quickly from the room, leaving just Raze and me alone. He comes to sit by me as my head hangs in my hands. Guilt pangs me for the things I said to her.

“I should have fought for her. They should have never been allowed to take her. If that fucker touches her, I’ll die trying to take him down. She’s probably already fucking dead, and it’s entirely my fault, Raze. I won’t be able to live with myself if she’s dead.”

“Hey, we don’t know anything yet. Dani is a ballbuster so you know she won’t give up easily. She’ll fight him to survive..”.”

A knock comes from the door, and I turn to see Voodoo standing there with a piece of paper in his hands.

“I think I might have found them. There’s a cabin listed for an Amos Michael Williams up near Lake Arrowhead. It’s a long shot, but I thought you might want to check it out.”

Grabbing the map from his hands, Raze and I bolt past him. As Raze calls in the cavalry, I head straight to my bike and pull my guns out of my saddle bag. Before Raze or any of the guys can meet me, I fire up my bike and tear out of the parking lot. I need to get to Dani. I just hope it’s not too late.

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“Did you miss me, little princess?” he whispers in my ear before jerking me up from the floor and into his arms. His fingers gently play with my blood-covered hair as his nose presses against the side of my face. “You know I missed you, Dani,” he says, inhaling my scent.

His ear passes my mouth as he continues to rub his face all over mine. Lashing out, I bite his ear and pull, trying to Mike Tyson his Evander Holyfield ass. Mikey screams as his blood pours into my mouth while I stay latched onto his ear. He violently shoves me away as he cups his bleeding ear.

“You stupid bitch. I was trying to be nice to you, but you had to fuck that up like always. I was planning on being a complete gentleman with you, Dani, but now you’ve fucking pissed me off so nice is no longer on the fucking menu. You’ll pay for your attempt to disfigure me, bitch.”

Spitting his blood on the floor, I crazily laugh at him. His idea of nice would be to rape me slowly while the other two assholes watched then let them have their turns. Mikey isn’t nice. He’s a fucking animal that thinks no is the new yes. He gets off on torturing his victims. He may not know it, but I know all about the skeletons in his closet. I was the one who told his dad about finding him lurking in my room at night, watching me sleep. Bob disowned him for his obsession over me. Mikey’s hate for his own fathered clouded his vision to the point that he branded me the reason for his shitty existence and for his parents splitting up. He placed the blamed solely on me instead of himself for killing my family. In his mind, he was justified in their murder because they stood in his way from taking the only thing he’s ever wanted in his life. Me.

“You’re so fucking delusional, Mikey. If your version of nice is murdering my mother and your father because they wouldn’t let you play deluded step-sister-fuck-time, then I’d hate to see what your version of angelic would be. Slaughtering puppies? Oh, wait! I know. Sweet and innocent Mikey would likely gang rape an elderly woman. Am I right? Feeling a little necrophilia coming on, Mikey?”

He charges toward me and slaps me across my face, sending me flying backward just before he jumps on top of me, his hips straddling my stomach. I can feel his erection digging into my flesh as he holds me down when I realize this sick fuck is getting off on me fighting back against him. I just need to keep him talking long enough to distract him. If I keep running my mouth, he’ll prolong raping me. Hopefully he’ll smack me around hard enough a few times so that I will pass out from the pain before Mikey’s grand finale. Knowing what’s likely to come will be so much better for me if I were unconscious or dead. Truth be told, death was looking pretty good right now. It would be easier than living with the scars and memories of what he did or will do to me.

“Do you feel that, princess?” he says while grinding his erection into me. “This is what you do to me. That smart ass mouth of yours and that fucking body has driven me wild since your whore of a mother married my father. I beat off every single night to the thought of you on your knees servicing me while my dad and your mom watched. “

My stomach begins to retch. I knew he fantasized about me, but his verbalization throws me off more than I had anticipated. The vision of what he described takes over my mind, and I barely contain throwing up on him. Mikey may be the single most fucked up person on this planet and his singular sights on me make him even more dangerous knowing now his obsession with me is stronger than ever. This is so not fucking good.

“How did you find me?” I question.

There you go, Dani. Keep him talking. Buy yourself some time.

“I’m a fucking cop, princess. You know that,” he says, rubbing his hands across my face. “I’ll admit it, you were difficult to track down. But if you grease enough palms and spin the story to say you were a cop killer, everyone takes an interest for the right price. You’ll be surprised to know that it wasn’t a dirty dealer or a snitch that ratted you out, but a whore living in that clubhouse of yours.”