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She took him into her arms, head against his chest. She smelled so wonderful. Like Faile. That was the definition of wonderful to him. "You've said he's stronger than you are," she whispered.

"He is."

"Can I do anything to help you face him?" she asked softly.

"If you watch over them while I'm gone, that will help."

"What happens if he kills you while you're there?"

Perrin didn't reply.

"There's no other way?" she asked.

He pulled back from her. "Faile, I'm fairly certain that he's Lord Luc. They smell different, but there's something similar about them, too. And when I wounded Slayer in the wolf dream before, Luc bore the wound."

"Is that supposed to help me feel better?" she asked, grimacing.

"It's all coming back around. We finish with Maiden and find ourselves within a stone's toss of the remnants of the Whitecloaks, Byar and Bornhald with them. Slayer appears in the wolf dream again. That man I told you of, Noam, the one who was in the cage. Do you remember where I found him?

"You said you were chasing Rand. Through…"

"Ghealdan," Perrin said. "It happened not one week's ride from here."

"An odd coincidence, but—"

"No coincidences, Faile. Not with me. I'm here for a reason. He's here for a reason. I must face this."

She nodded. He turned to walk toward their tent, her hand slipping free of his. The Wise Ones had given him a tea that would let him sleep so he could enter the wolf dream.

It was time.

"How could you let him go?" Byar said, knuckles clenched on the pommel of his sword, white cloak flapping behind him. He, Bornhald and Galad walked through the middle of their camp.

"I did what was right," Galad said.

"Letting him go free was not right!" Byar said. "You can't believe—"

"Child Byar," Galad said softly, "I find your attitude increasingly insubordinate. That troubles me. It should trouble you as well."

Byar closed his mouth and said no more, though Galad could see that it was difficult for him to hold his tongue. Behind Byar, Bornhald walked silently, looking very upset.

"I believe that Aybara will keep his oath," Galad said. "And if he does not, I now have the legal grounds to hunt him and exact punishment. It is not ideal, but there was wisdom to his words. I do believe the Last Battle is coming, and if so, it is time to unite against the Shadow."

"My Lord Captain Commander," Byar said, managing his tone, "with all respect, that man is of the Shadow. He will not be fighting beside us, but against us."

"If that is true," Galad said, "we will still have a chance to face him on the field of battle. I have made my decision, Child Byar." Harnesh strode up to join them and saluted. Galad nodded. "Child Harnesh, strike camp."

"My Lord Captain Commander? This late in the day?"

"Yes," Galad said. "We will march into the night and put some distance between us and Aybara, just in case. Leave scouts, make certain he doesn't try to follow us. We'll make for Lugard. We can recruit and resupply, then continue on toward Andor."

"Yes, my Lord Captain Commander," Harnesh said.

Galad turned to Byar as Harnesh left. The skeletal man gave a salute, sunken eyes dangerously resentful, then stalked off. Galad stopped on the field, between white tents, hands behind his back as he watched messengers relay his orders through camp.

"You are quiet, Child Bornhald," Galad said after a few moments. "Are you as displeased with my actions as Child Byar is?"

"I don't know," Bornhald said. "I've believed for so long that Aybara killed my father. And yet, seeing how Jaret acts, remembering his description… There is no evidence. It frustrates me to admit it, Galad, but I have no proof He did kill Lathin and Yamwick, however. He killed Children, so he is a Darkfriend."

"I killed one of the Children, too," Galad said. "And was named Darkfriend for it."

"That was different." Something seemed to be troubling Bornhald, something he wasn't saying.

"Well, that is true," Galad said. "I do not disagree that Aybara should be punished, but the day's events leave me strangely troubled."

He shook his head. Finding answers should be easy. The right thing always came to him. However, whenever he thought he'd seized upon the right course of action regarding Aybara, he found distasteful worries cropping up inside of him.

Life is not so easy as the toss of a coin, his mother had said. One side or the other… your simple illusions…

He did not like the feeling. Not at all.

Perrin inhaled deeply. Flowers bloomed in the wolf dream, even as the sky raged silver, black and gold. The scents were so incongruous. Baking cherry pie. Horse dung. Oil and grease. Soap. A wood fire. Arrath. Thyme. Catfern. A hundred other herbs he couldn't name.

Very few of them fit the meadow where he had appeared. He'd made certain not to appear where his camp was in the wolf dream; that would have put him too near Slayer.

The scents were fleeting. Vanishing too quickly, as if they'd never really been there.

Hopper, he sent. I am here, Young Bull. The wolf appeared beside him.

"It smells strange."

Scents blend, Hopper sent. Like the waters of a thousand streams. It is not natural. It is not good. This place begins to break.

Perrin nodded. He shifted, appearing knee deep in brown cockleburrs just outside of the violet dome. Hopper appeared to his right, weeds crackling as he moved among them.

The dome rose, ominous and unnatural. A wind blew, shuffling the weeds and shaking tree limbs. Lightning flashed silently in the sky.

He is there, Hopper sent. Always.

Perrin nodded. Did Slayer come to the wolf dream the way Perrin did? And did spending time in it leave him still tired, as it did Perrin? The man never seemed to leave this area.

He was guarding something. There had to be a way in the wolf dream to disable the dome.

Young Bull, we come. The sending was from Oak Dancer. Her pack was approaching, now only three strong. Sparks, Boundless, Oak Dancer herself. They had chosen to come here, rather than join the wolves running northward.

The three appeared behind Hopper. Perrin looked to them, and sent concern. This will be dangerous. Wolves may die.

Their sending back was insistent. Slayer must fall for what he has done. Together we are strong. Young Bull should not hunt such dangerous prey alone.

He nodded in agreement, letting his hammer appear in his hand. Together, they approached the dome. Perrin walked into it with a slow, determined stride. He refused to feel weakness. He was strong. The dome was nothing but air. He believed the world to be as he wished it.

He stumbled, but pulled through into the inside of the dome. The landscape felt faintly darker here. Elder trees more dim of bark, the dying dogfennel a deeper green or brown. Hopper and the pack moved through the dome around him.

We make for the center, Perrin sent. If there is a secret to discover, it will probably be there.

They moved slowly through the brush and stands of trees. Perrin imposed his will upon the area around him, and the leaves stopped crackling, weeds remaining silent when he brushed against them. That was natural. It was the way things should be. So it was.

It would be a long distance to the center, so Perrin began hopping forward. Not jumps or steps; he simply stopped being in one place, appearing in a different location. He masked his scent, though Slayer was not a wolf.