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I pick at my spicy tuna roll with my chopsticks. Popular Sushi Roku is one of my favorite restaurants and usually I binge out on their outrageous rolls. But tonight I have no appetite. Since that shower with Brandon, I’ve felt sick to my stomach. I almost canceled my date with Jeffrey. But when he told me he was feeling down because Chaz was away for a few days doing trunk shows in the Midwest, I didn’t have the heart to let him down. Jeffrey’s always been there for me just as I have for him.

“What’s wrong, Zoester?” asks my perceptive brother. “You don’t seem yourself. Are you sick or something?”

I am sick. Lovesick. I’m crushing on my boss. People Magazine’s “Sexiest Man Alive.” A man I can never have. Should I tell him? All my life, I’ve told Jeffrey everything. Even my weight when it was at its highest. After a quick mental debate, I decide not to. I make up an excuse that’s partially true.

“I had a hard day with Brandon.” Oh was it hard!

Jeffrey pours some sake into our petite stoneware cups. I take a sip and the soothing hot liquid immediately seeps into my bloodstream.

“Is that slave driver asking too much of you again?”

You could say that. I sigh. “Yeah. He’s wearing me down.” Emotionally and physically.

My boyishly handsome confidant scowls. “You can’t let him take advantage of you.”

I take another sip of my sake and practically choke on it. Oh my God. Heading straight toward me is Mr. Slave Driver himself with a dazzling Katrina on his arms. All eyes are on the gorgeous Hollywood glamour couple. My heart beats into a frenzy. Oh, please God, don’t let him see me. I may vomit if he gets within ten steps of me. Frantically, I search for a menu. Something…anything to cover my face. Wait! My napkin. I’ll use that. I yank it off my lap, but it’s too late. He’s already made eye contact with me. Without a blink, he holds me fierce in his gaze.

Jeffrey eyes me strangely. “Zoester, you’re acting all weird.”

Bratrina is getting closer. My inner panic button sounds. “Quick, Jeffrey. Kiss me!”


“Just do it! And make it look like you love me.”

“I do love you.”

“No, I mean like you’re my boyfriend.”

Jeffrey’s eyes pop. “What?”

Brandon is so close I can taste him. “Hurry, just do it!”

“Zoester, you’re going gross on me.”

“I know. Just no tongues. Hurry!”

“You owe me.”


Thank God, we’re sitting next to each other in a circular booth. On my next breath, Jeffrey slides in closer to me and his lips touch down on mine. They’re warm and silky, and taste sweet and a little salty from the sushi. While he’s nothing like Brandon, I always knew he must be a good kisser and he is. Banishing the thought of how inappropriate this is, I fist his spiky hair and deepen the kiss, prolonging it as much as I can. A sultry voice breaks it. Brandon’s!

“Well, Ms. Hart, fancy meeting you here.”

His manly gorgeousness is looming above me. Katrina gives me an icy look as if I’m nothing more than a slice of raw fish.

I flutter my eyelids and smile at Brandon. “Well, hello.”

He doesn’t smile back at me. His frosty eyes stay fixed on Jeffrey. “Do you mind introducing me to your companion?”

“Oh, this is my boyfriend, Jeffrey.” I give Jeffrey a kick under the table. I hope he gets the message to play along.

He does! He flashes his dazzling smile and, standing up, extends his hand. Brandon reluctantly shakes it as Jeffrey gushes.

“So nice to finally meet you. Zoey has told me so many wonderful things about you.”

Brandon’s eyes shift back to me. A brow lifts. “She has?”

I keep smiling smugly while Katrina gives me another dirty look. Disdain flickers in her catty eyes.

“Brandon, darling, let’s not waste our time with these pe…people.”

Bitch! I just know she was going to say “peons.” I’d like to shove her superiority complex up her ass.

Without losing eye contact with me, Brandon excuses himself.

“Well, enjoy your dinner.” His jaw tightens. “And, Zoey, don’t forget to print out the rest of this week’s sides when you get home.”

Newsflash. “I may not be going home tonight.” I shoot Jeffrey a seductive smile. He winks at me. My gay “boyfriend” deserves an Emmy. Matter of fact, give one to me too.

Brandon’s violet eyes darken. Before he can say a word, the bitch wrenches him away. “Come on, darling. Our table is waiting.” As she turns on her heel, she hurls a snide comment at me.

“Oh, and by the way, congratulations, Zoey. I honestly didn’t think someone like you would have any luck in the boyfriend department.”

Jeffrey’s mouth parts, but I kick him again before he can throw an insult back at her. I’m going to play it cool.

“Thanks, Katrina. Enjoy your dinner.”

She snarls at me before leading Brandon to a nearby table. Brandon is seated facing me, his eyes glued to me. Grinning, I give him a little wave. With a frown, he buries his head in a menu.

“What was that all about?” Jeffrey asks loudly.

“Shh! They may hear you.”

“Well?” His voice is urgent but softer.

My chest tightens. Brandon’s eyes are back on me. I give Jeffrey an affectionate kiss on the cheek. “Just keep acting like we’re madly in love.”

“Are you trying to make Brandon Taylor jealous?”

“Snuggle with me and wrap an arm around me. Then, smack another kiss on my lips. By the way, you’re an excellent kisser.”

“Thanks, but after that, no more mouth kisses.”


Jeffrey does as bid. I keep one eye on Brandon. Ooh! He’s jealous alright. His brows furrow deep enough to make a crease while Katrina, oblivious, drinks champagne. I’m loving every minute of this charade.

Jeffrey digs into a piece of the sushi as do I. My appetite’s suddenly come back with a vengeance.

“He’s staring at you,” Jeffrey says after swallowing a mouthful of the tender fish.

I make eyes at Brandon. My actions only taunt him more. His nostrils flare.

“Feed me a piece of sushi. Then I’ll do the same. Keep smiling.”

With his chopsticks, Jeffrey picks up another bite-sized sushi roll. I do the same. We exchange rolls. Nothing says love like a couple feeding each other.

Jeffrey puts his chopsticks down. “Is there something going on between the two of you? I think he likes you.”

My heart skips a beat and I swallow hard. “What do you mean?”

“He’s attracted to you. I can tell by the way he looked at you. He’s still staring at you.”

I meet Brandon’s smoldering gaze and my heart races. The memory of our shower rushes back into my head. My skin prickles. I can hardly breathe. Any hope that Jeffrey might be right comes to an abrupt halt when Brandon lets Katrina take a hand to her mouth. My stomach churns watching her suck on his fingers.

Jeffrey’s voice cuts into my misery. “Are you attracted to him?”

“Every woman in the world is attracted to Brandon Taylor,” I answer defensively and then inwardly sigh. Part with relief that I’ve come up with a good line and part with remorse that Brandon can never be mine. Even if Katrina didn’t exist, I don’t belong in his world of glamour and glitz.

My intuitive brother, who’s inherited Pops’s sixth sense for bullshit detection, rolls his long-lashed eyes. The no-nonsense straight shooter goes right for the zing. “Zoey Hart. You better level with me. You’re in love with him.”

It’s more of a statement than a question. He’s right. Is it that obvious?

“No,” I counter, my voice thin and unconvincing. “Honestly, it’s just a stupid schoolgirl crush.”

“Come on, Zoester. You can’t fool me for a second. I’m going to tell Chaz.”

“No, please don’t!” My panic only underscores the truth. I shrug in defeat. “Jeffrey, sweetie, I don’t want to talk about Brandon anymore.”