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"You're right, Lauren. I'm sure Frank didn't mean to insult you. We all know how hard you worked today, and your ass is on the line here, too."

That's a little better, but it would have been more appropriate for Frank to say those words. Close enough. Only when he passes me one of the waters do I realize how dehydrated I am. Ranting is thirsty work, apparently.

"Guys," Savory continues, "I won't believe Drax got trashed this afternoon. I'm telling you, something's not right here."

How many times do I have to explain to these guys what I saw at the bar?

"And I'm telling you, Savory, I know drunk when I see it, and Drax was almost falling down. If he hadn't had Little Miss New Boobs to hold onto, he would have."

I don't even try to hide the bitterness in my voice. I spot the look of pity in his eyes but no one else notices. He's still the only one who knows about my little...whatever it was with Drax. I flush, but not as much as I would have earlier in the day. I'm too stressed out and pissed off.

"Try his cell again," Marvin snaps at Savory.

"Dude, I've called him fifty times already."

As if on cue, my phone chirps and I nearly jump right out of my skin-tight dress. Four sets of male eyes turn to me as I dig around in my cleavage to retrieve it. Not many other places to tuck it in this outfit.

Up until the moment I look at the screen, I think I can't get any more freaked out than I already am. But then I look at the screen.

Harry Stephens.

My heart's about to crawl out of my throat and drag the contents of my stomach with it as I scurry out of the green room. Stupid me. It's ten times louder out here, but I couldn't face having this conversation with everyone listening. Besides, maybe it'll be so loud Harry will hang up. I'm not betting on it, though.

"Hi, Harry!" I say cheerfully, as if the world as I know it isn't about to end. He says something in response but I can't hear him. Plugging one ear, I duck my head -- as if it would really help with all this racket. My eardrums are going to start bleeding any second.


"I said, how's it going?" he screams into the phone.

I panic. I can't very well tell him the lead singer of the headlining band isn't here yet. What could he do about it anyway? He's all the way over in the city, and if the members of Roadkill can't find Drax, Harry certainly can't. But I hate lying. Obfuscation seems like the best option.

"Oh, um, yeah!"

"No," he shouts. "I asked how it's going over there."

"You bet!"

"No, Lauren. How...are...things?" He screams the words slowly, as if talking to a hearing-impaired child.

"Okay, you too! Gotta run!"

I click off before he can say anything else and slump back against the wall for support. I jump when the door slams open and Marvin stalks out. Savory follows him but stops when he sees me. Taking a swig from his water, he leans back next to me. We stand there in silence for a few moments, thinking and waiting.

"He told me about you, you know."

He's staring straight ahead, speaking barely loud enough for me to hear. My phone chirps and I silence it. I can't talk to Harry again, not right now.

"Oh yeah?"

I pretend not to care but an insane form of joy flares in my heart. Most of me is mad as hell, but somewhere buried deep inside is a little girl jumping around and clapping her hands because the cutest boy in school told his best friend he likes her. I wag my finger at the little girl and remind her that the boy went off to bang some stripper-wannabe. Boy, that shuts her up!

"Oh yeah," Savory is saying. "No details, of course -- Drax is nothing if not a gentleman."

I snort in response. "Yeah, some gentleman."

He concedes my point with a shrug. "Well, I can't argue. But I have to tell you, Lauren, he never talks about girls. Last time he opened up about someone, they dated for three years."

I glance up at him and he looks earnest enough. Why would he be feeding me a line of shit, anyway? Drax wasn't just screwing with my job, he was leaving his bandmates and about 8,000 fans in the lurch. At this moment in time, Savory owed him nothing.

I shake my head. "Doesn't matter. He made his choice. I'm fine with it. Really."

Savory frowns, then nods. "Fair enough. But I'm not lying, Lauren. This isn't like him, I swear. In the ten years we've been playing together, he's never once missed a gig. Even at his worst."

I give him a dark look, pretending that I'm not curious about the last comment.

"Okay, he's been late a few times, but he's never just blown off a concert. Not ever. His parents may not have expected him to go into this line of work, but they drilled a rock-solid work ethic into that boy. He'll be here."

"And if he doesn't show? What then? Besides me losing any hope of actually having a career in the music industry, and you losing one of the country's best managers, of course."

Savory takes another swig of water and shakes his head. "No idea. I honestly hope it doesn't come to that, but if it does, we'll figure it out."

My mind boggles at how Zen he is about this impending disaster. I'm practically crawling out of my own skin. "How can you be so calm?"

He smiles wistfully into the rafters overhead. "Guess I've just been through so much shit in my life that a canceled concert doesn't even register on the Shit Richter Scale. This too shall pass, and all that happy crap. But I'm probably not as laid back as you think."


A knot inexplicably forms in my stomach at his somber nod.

"If his bike wasn't locked up in the bus, I'd be worried he got in a wreck or something."

My body reacts reflexively to the mere suggestion of Drax being hurt...or worse. Goose bumps break out on top of goose bumps and all worries about losing my job evaporate. Was it possible?

"You're sure? About the bike being locked up?"

"Yup, double-checked it again about twenty minutes ago. Just before Marvin went postal."

I shake away the worry befuddling my brain. The asshole is off getting laid and I'm standing here in a cold sweat, concerned about his safety. Fuck that! I temper my response, though. No sense insulting Savory's friend. He seems genuinely concerned.

"I'm sure he's just off having some fun and lost track of time," I say, the words like glass in my mouth. All damn day, I'd imagined that I would be the one he was off having fun with. What a fool.

Savory sniffs a little laugh and shakes his head.

"What's so funny?"

"Nothing. It's just..." He looks over at me. "What you just said? About him being off having fun? I was going to say 'I hope so' but I honestly don't."

"Why?" I'm so completely confused right now. I thought Savory and Drax were best buds. I thought a cancelled concert was no big thing for him.

A sad smile plays at the corner of his mouth. "Because if that's what he's doing, he really fucked up."

"Yeah, the press is really going to eat this up."

"Psh," he chuffs, shaking his head as if I just don't get it. "That's not what I meant."

I'm as clueless as ever and losing what little patience I have left. "What are you talking about then?"

"You, Lauren. I'm talking about you."

"Well, that's the last hospital in the area," Savory says, punching off his phone. "Lauren, any luck with the cops?"

I've been on hold for ten minutes, waiting for someone to help me. I'm about to answer Savory when a bored female voice comes on the line. I hold my finger up as I listen.