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Страниц: 87
Символов: 538197
ID: 269156
Язык книги: Английский
Книга закончена
Год печати: 2015
Издательство: Market Street Books
Город печати: New York
Создана 31 октября 2015 11:51
Опубликована 31 октября 2015 11:51
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Winter in the Sierra Nevada: it’s death and chaos as an old-school sheriff faces a Fukushima-created, isotope-glowing nightmare. Communication channels shut down and the TV goes dark. The sheriff, his daughter, a lowly young Army lieutenant and a bank robber join forces with ragtag Doomsday Preppers as they wait for the inevitable. L.A., they hear, has been overrun with Howlers . . . berserko-radiated creatures trudging and shrieking toward them by the tens of thousands, dragging their bloody knuckles, strings of ugly white drool hanging from their once-human mouths. The federal government is overwhelmed and overthrown, replaced by a mad new regime that may be even worse than the creatures. The Howlers are coming up the empty icy asphalt highways, ready for a down-to-the-last-shotgun-shell battle in the high Sierra mountains against some live-free-or-die-fighting Americans who just refuse to run.

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