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“Am not,” I snap, then cover my mouth in surprise.

“Really now?” He sits up slowly and looks me up and down.

“It’s none of your business, Memphis Black.” I turn to walk out, and he grabs the hem of my shirt and pulls me back.

“Where do you think you’re going?”

“To get my things.”

“Not without me, you aren’t.” He stands, his hand still on my shirt.

“Because of your friends? You’re afraid they—” I stop, unable to finish saying what I was going to.

“Hell, yes, because of my friends,” he says, taking my elbow and turning me to face him.

“They aren’t acting any differently than you are. Heck, you’re acting worse, so how ’bout you let go of my shirt and let me take my chances out there?”

“You can’t handle them.”

“I lived in New York City for a year; I can handle pretty much anything.”

“Tough girl, yet you still giggle when the word”—he leans in toward me—“fuck is said.”

I thrust my hand up, and it hits his chest, stopping him from coming any closer. He looks shocked. I am shocked, too. There is something else going on, something I have never experienced. I go to pull my hand away, but he holds it still against his hot, bare chest.

“Did you feel that?” he whispers. “That is nothing compared to what—”

“Stop, okay? Please, just stop.” I pull my hand away, and he lets me this time.

“Stop what, Tales?” His gaze drifts to my lips, then back to my eyes.

“Whatever it is you are doing.”

“We. We are both clearly attracted to one another.”

“Apparently, you’re attracted to anything with”—I swallow down the fear that comes with being so … racy—“boobs and a vagina.”

He tries to suppress a grin, then laughs out loud.

“You’re a jerk.”

“Wait!” He grabs my elbow again.

“Nope. I am leaving. I’m going to find a hotel—”

“Come on, Tales. Your face …” He laughs again. “You looked like it hurt to say that.”

“Well, geesh, Memphis, this is completely uncomfortable for me,” I admit.

“You are staying here. Madison will flip her shit if—” He moves, stopping me from side stepping him.

I try to reason with him. “She doesn’t have to know that you were being—”


“Okay. Uncomfortable again.”

He throws his hands up as if to surrender. “Sorry, Tales. You look good. Hot—”

I scowl. “Very, very uncomfortable.”

He smirks and runs his hand through his sexy black hair. “You think that’s uncomfortable? Hell, you haven’t even said you think I look good.”

“I don’t think you need an ego boost from me. You have a gaggle of groupies to do that for you.” I am feeling a little less uncomfortable now.

He smiles and shakes his head. “I suppose you’re right, but …”

“Of course there’s a but.”

“An ego maniac like me still needs daily affirmation, so look at me, Tally, and tell me what you see.” I shake my head. “Come on. I won’t ask you again.”

I shrug. “Fine. I see what everyone else in the country sees: a tall, dark, fit guy with tattoos up and down his arms who is confident and very talented.”

“I hear a but.” He cocks his eyebrow.

“But”—I shake my head and look away—“if you were so confident, would you need all that affirmation?”

“I love the applause. I put my heart and soul into what I do.”

I smile and nod. “I think your music is brilliant.”

He grins. “Brilliant, huh?”

“I’ve always thought so.” I shrug, feeling my face burning because he is looking at me in that way that makes me uncomfortable. “That’s all the applause you should need, Memphis Black. Not all the other nonsense.”

“Oh.” He smirk. “You mean ass?”

“Well …” I can’t help giggling, and he smiles with his whole face. It’s beautiful. “Yeah, I suppose.”

“Sex is almost better than the applause. Hell, you should know, Miss I’m-not-a-virgin?” He laughs again. “How the hell did you get through it?”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“Getting all sweaty and naked in—”

“I am not having this discussion with you.” I scrunch my eyes shut.

“Sex is sex, Tales. It’s an activity that ends in a rush.”

“Memphis,” I sigh.

He stands up and swats my backside when he walks past me. “You should really try it with me, Tales. It’s not just an activity; it’s a fucking adventure.”

“Oh, my goodness. Do you ever stop?” I giggle nervously.

“My missile is heat seeking and locked on search and destroy mode, Tales. Don’t fucking kid yourself with the emotional bullshit. If you feel up for the challenge, I’ll rock you my way.”

“Do you have no boundaries? I mean, you seem to give them to your band mates.”

“I have no boundaries, Tales, none.” He smirks.

“I do.”

He flashes me a wicked grin, and I feel it; everywhere.

“I need a shower.”

“I’m all—”

“I’ll do it at a hotel,” I threaten.

“I’ll do it anywhere you want.”

“Ugh.” I walk out of the room before he has a chance to stop me this time.

I round the corner and run into Billy.

“You okay?” The sincerity in his voice makes me immediately feel at ease.

“She’s fine.” And the one behind me makes me feel the opposite.

“I am, thank you.” I walk past him and into the kitchen to grab my phone and charger. Ten percent battery. I pull it out of the wall, then walk over to my bag and scoop it up.

“Tales.” I look up at Memphis. “Go shower. Then you can head to the beach with us.”

“I think I am gonna—”

“Go shower and stop being a punk,” he says as if he’s joking, but I see a glint of annoyance in his eyes.

“You can use the guest bathroom if you’ll feel more comfortable, Tally,” Billy says, pointing to a hall across the room. “Third door on the right. There are two beds in that room, too. Madison and you will like it, I’m sure.”

“Thank you.” I glance at Memphis, whose jaw is squared and the muscles are popping in it, before walking down the hall.

“You better watch it, Billy,” I hear Memphis growl.

“You were making her—”

“No, man, I wasn’t making her anything. I’ve known her all my life, and I’m telling you to watch it.”

I shut the door behind me and lean against it as I take in a deep breath.

Memphis Black wants to rock me. Thousands would kill to be in this position, but I am not thousands. I am just me.

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I look around to find the guys are all looking at me like I have three heads.

“That goes for all of you.”

“What, are we supposed to stand around and let you make an ass out of yourself and make our guest feel uncomfortable?” Billy asks.

My guest,” I snap, “and you’re supposed to mind your damn business.”

“Reel it in, man. Shit, didn’t you get enough last night?” River pats my shoulder before he shoves his hand in his pocket, feeling around for something. He pulls out a pipe. “One toke and you’ll chill.”

“Not in the fucking house, River.” Finn shakes his head.

“Fine. Out by the pool, then. Come on, Memphis, you need to hit chillz at least once. She’s got you wound up tighter than,” he pauses, “a preacher’s daughter.” He laughs as he walks to the French doors leading outside. “Suit yourself.”

I couldn’t agree more with River. I am wound so fucking tightly I’m going to snap.

I walk out and see River around the corner, toking on his one hitter. His lips curl up as he taps out the ash and shoves the pipe into the snuff box, then taps it a few times, packing it tight. He hands it to me with the lighter.

“Easy. It’s pretty bad ass,” River warns.

I nod but don’t listen. Pot never affected me in high school. That’s why I rarely touched the shit.

“You like that chick?”

I suck in a deep breath and hold it, even though my lungs are on fire immediately. Exhaling slowly, I say, “Sister’s”—I pause so I won’t choke—“best friend.”