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I look at Ava to see if she agrees and find her nodding in approval.

“Slow is good. Try a blowjob. It’s pretty impossible to screw those up. As long as your mouth is on his dick, he’s not going to care about anything else.”

Okay, I can do this. I can put my mouth on a penis. I’ve seen porn and I know how it’s done. In theory.

“Why is it called a blowjob? Don’t you just suck on it? There’s no blowing involved, right?” I ask.

“Since you’re a beginner, just stick with the sucking for now. When you graduate to the advanced class, we’ll discuss the use of popsicles and lube that heats up when you blow on it. For now, just focus on the basics. Lips, tongue, penis, suck. The end,” Ava explains.

“Lips, tongue, penis, suck,” I repeat.

“I thought it was lick, slam, suck?” Grandma asks, dancing by us again and overhearing what I said. “Have I been doing tequila shots wrong tonight?”

She turns away from us when the hotel door opens and my mom and Aunt Claire walk back inside.

“Girls, you didn’t send those strippers away, did you?” Grandma shouts across the room. “I need to borrow one of those boy’s wieners to lips, tongue, penis and suck with my next tequila shot. I guess that’s what the kids are doing these days.”

There’s a loud knock at the door, saving mom and Aunt Claire from trying to respond to Grandma. Aunt Claire moves to the side while my mom opens the door, holding it wide so Marco can come in.

“Oooooh, forget the stripper! I’ll use his penis!” Grandma announces.

“You better get over there and get him to your room before Grandma ruins him,” Charlotte whispers. “There is no coming back from false teeth falling out on your dick during a blow-job.”

She pats me on the back and Ava gives me a thumb’s up. “You got this. Embrace your inner slut.”

I can do this. I can totally do this.

“Did someone order a hot piece of man-meat?” Aunt Claire shouts, sliding her hand around Marco’s elbow and leading him into the room.

Mustering up as much confidence as I can, I raise my hand and smile.

“That would be me. Looks like my delivery came in thirty minutes or less.”

Aunt Claire deposits Marco in front of me, grabbing Charlotte’s arm and waving Ava over to join them as they head into the living room area.

I look up into Marco’s face and I gasp.

“Holy shit! You have a black eye!”

Reaching my hand up, I gently touch the purple area on his upper cheekbone, jerking my hand away when he winces and gasps.

“Oh, no, your lip,” I mutter, my fingers tracing over the crusted blood on his bottom lip.

The picture Ava showed me on my phone didn’t come close to how bad it looks in person. His poor, perfect lip that rocked my world with that kiss earlier is now out of commission.

“It’s okay. It looks worse than it is,” he tells me, placing his hands on my hips and pulling me closer. “Just promise me if your dad asks you to search my place for pictures of your mom that you’ll ignore him and not ask any questions.”

I have no idea what he’s talking about and I don’t care. I’m sad I won’t be getting any more kisses from him tonight, but that just makes what I’m about to do easier. No kisses means I won’t be distracted and I won’t attempt to waste time or try to chicken out before getting to the good stuff.

I’m putting Marco’s penis in my mouth tonight and nothing is going to stop me.

Chapter 18

– Hairball –


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The door closes behind Molly and I watch her stalk towards me, looking so confident and beautiful that I almost can’t breathe. It’s deathly quiet in this room, especially compared to the one we just left filled with drunk women screaming and dancing on tables and loud, techno music that made my ears bleed. It’s too quiet and I can hear my heart pounding in my chest. I don’t want Molly to know I’m nervous to be alone with her. I want her to see me as strong and confident, not a pussy with sweaty palms. I was already on my way down here to see if she needed saved from bachelorette party hell, and as soon as I got her text telling me she got us a hotel room, I knew it was time for me to come clean about Alfanso D. Even if nothing happens in this room tonight, I can’t keep this from her any longer. It makes me sick to my stomach to keep lying to her whenever she talks about him. Me, him, me…what the fuck ever. I’ve never felt this way about anyone before and I don’t want to fuck things up before they even really begin. She deserves better and on top of that, Rosa liked Molly so much after dinner the other night that she told me if I didn’t tell her soon, she’d do it herself and it wouldn’t be pretty.

“It’s so quiet in here,” I mumble lamely, trying to fill the silence and build up the courage to come clean.

Molly doesn’t say a word, just walks right up to me and shoves her hands against my chest, sending me flying backwards. I bounce on top of the king-sized bed, and she jumps on top of me and straddles my thighs. I reach up to grab her hips and she quickly stops me, wrapping her hands around my wrists and pulling my arms above my head as she leans forward. Her tits press against my chest and her hair forms a curtain around our faces as she looks down at me.

“Keep your hands up here and don’t move them until I say so,” she demands, letting go of my wrists and sliding down my body.

“Holy shit this is hot,” I whisper as she trails her hands down my chest and stomach, stopping when she gets to the button of my jeans. Maybe I’ll wait until after she finishes whatever she’s planning to do to me to tell her the truth. I mean, what’s another couple of minutes in the grand scheme of things?

“Just so there’s no confusion, we don’t have to do anything tonight. We can talk or watch TV or do whatever you want,” I tell her.

I will legit cry like a baby if she stops, but it’s impossible for me to be an asshole with her. I didn’t come over here with any expectations aside from finally being alone with her. Sure, I’m a dude and I always want sex, but I don’t expect it, especially with Molly.

“Watch TV or let me put my mouth on your penis, your choice,” she replies.

Her fingers pause on the zipper of my jeans and my jaw drops open as I stare at her while she waits for me to remember how to speak.

“Penis mouth,” I mumble. “Definitely penis mouth.”

She nods, her hands going back to work as she unzips my pants. “Wise decision.”

I watch in awe as she sits up on her knees, swiftly yanking my jeans over my hips and to the middle of my thighs. She scoots her body down my legs until she gets to my knees, bending forward over my legs until her face is right above the crotch of my boxer briefs. I can feel her warm breath puff against the thin cotton material and it’s like a mating call to my dick. He jerks and twitches and struts his stuff like a peacock showing its feathers.

“I’m serious, Molly. We really don’t have to do anything. I know you’ve been…uuuhhhh…drinking and I don’t want to take…holy fuck…advantage of you,” I tell her, tripping over my words, moaning and cursing when she slips her fingers in the waistband of my briefs and tugs them down until my penis is on full display.

“I think you’re confused,” she says softly, her breath warming my dick, making it jerk with excitement again. “I’m taking advantage of you. Just close your eyes and don’t move.”

I do as she says, afraid she’ll change her mind if I don’t follow her orders. My head flops back onto the bed and I close my eyes and hold my breath, waiting for the heavenly feel of her lips on my cock.



Still waiting.

I open one eye and lift my head to see her staring down at my penis with a look of concentration on her face. Maybe the women I’ve been with lied. Maybe I don’t have a pleasing penis. What if it’s ugly? What if Molly is repulsed by it? I knew I should have just taken the damn picture in the bathroom and sent it immediately. At least then she would have been prepared and had time to get used to it. Damn my need for good lighting!