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“I like him already,” I add.

She smiles at me. “Oh, you’d adore Bob,” she agrees as she picks up her cell phone and starts messing with the screen. “I have a picture of him.”

I sit up straighter, waiting to see this guy that has my sister so enamored. “Is he cute?”

“He looks like Zac Effron.”


She hands me her phone and when I glance at the screen, my brows furrowing in mild confusion, she bursts into laughter. “Your face, Demi!” she bellows out as her hand slaps the table top.

I look up and glare at her. The picture she has pulled up using the internet on her phone is one of a giant vibrator with some weird looking thing that sticks out.

“Demi, meet Bob,” she gasps between laughs. “My battery operated boyfriend.”

I roll my eyes and slide her phone to her as her body jerks while she tries to stop laughing. “I was excited you had a boyfriend that looked like Zac Effron,” I add dryly.

“Well I picture that sexy son-of-a-bitch every time Bob and I have a go at it,” she jests.

“Very funny, Lex,” I say, shaking my head. “You’re an asshole.”

“I know,” she chuckles. “Sorry. I had to do it.”

Seeing the moment has passed, she moves on once again to a different subject. “How was this weekend with the kids?”

I let out a long breath. “Long and exhausting. Thanks for all your help,” I reply snidely.

She smiles saucily. “Looks like you and Connor had it handled anyway. Were they at least good for you?”

I decide not to tell her my concerns about Grayson until I have a chance to discuss it with Wendy. But McKenzie is fair game and being that Lexi was a bit of a wild card herself growing up, maybe she can offer some insight as to what is going on with Kenz. “Mostly well,” I begin. “But McKenzie is going through some major mood swings. She was just . . . angry all weekend,” I try to explain. “And she was even rude to the Jenson’s when they came over to say hi.”

“The old dude across the street?” Lexi questions and I nod. “He’s always given me the heebie-jeebies,” she shutters.

“Really?” I question surprised. “He’s so sweet, though.”

“I’ve just always gotten a weird feeling about him. I don’t know. Must just be me.”

“Well, I doubt he’ll ever come back over after the way McKenzie treated them the other day. Not to mention she told me she hates my house and didn’t want to come over to begin with but Wendy made her.”

“Damn,” Lexi sighs, as her brows furrow. “She used to love spending the night with you. Think it’s because Blake isn’t here anymore?”

That thought hadn’t occurred to me for some reason. But Lexi has a point. Blake was always a part of our sleepovers, and he always made them fun. He’d make fires in the backyard for s’mores and take the kid’s for bike rides. “Maybe,” I admit. “I’m going to talk to Wendy about it. I love those kids, and I’ve been terrible about trying to spend time with them since Blake passed away. Maybe Kenzie and I need some one on one time.”

“Maybe, just don’t make it so obvious. You should include Mary-Anne as well. Otherwise, McKenzie will know you’re just trying to kiss her ass.”

“I’m not trying to kiss her ass,” I defend.

Lexi sips her coffee before saying, “You know what I mean but suit yourself.”

We share another cup before Lexi drags herself out the door and heads home for a nap. I busy myself cleaning up and washing laundry when I remember I never texted Vick back. I find my cell phone and power it on. There are two new texts from Vick.


Okay, okay . . . it isn’t that small. I don’t want to lie to you anymore.


All joking aside, I hope we’re still on for Monday. I’ve been thinking about you all week.

I can’t help smiling as I feel a little flutter in my belly. I don’t know where things will go with Vick, but it is nice to feel . . . wanted.

I text him my address and tell him I’m looking forward to seeing him, too. And just as I’m pouring myself a glass of sweet tea with every intention of curling up on my couch for a nap in front of the television, I hear Connor start his bike and take off. As I plop down on my couch, I try hard not to think about where he’s going.

Taking Connor _19.jpg

Apparently my little sister thinks I’m an invalid, incapable of dressing myself appropriately for a date. I assume this because she returned, again, tonight to ‘help’ me dress for my date with Vick. After much debate, I let her convince me to wear my best ‘ass showcasing’ jeans, as she calls them, and a flowy, emerald green top that hangs off one shoulder and makes my dark hair and eyes pop. As I stare at myself in my full-length mirror, I have to admit, I look pretty good. It’s been a long time since I’ve felt anywhere near the word sexy, but tonight . . . I do. And the outfit isn’t too much, so I feel confident without feeling over the top.

“Your makeup turned out awesome,” Lexi notes as she sprays me with my favorite perfume, Happy Heart by Clinique. I fan my hand in my face as I cough because she’s sprayed too much.

“That’s too much. I don’t want to gag him,” I choke out between coughs.

“It’ll fade in a few minutes,” Lexi argues as she sprays me once more.

“Enough, Lex,” I beg.

“Okay, okay,” she groans as she takes the bottle back to my dresser. “You look hot Demi.”

“Thank you for coming over and helping.” Although I would have never asked her to, I do appreciate her trying to help me.

Before she can respond the doorbell rings. “He’s early,” she giggles. “You’ve got this guy jonesing for a piece.”

I roll my eyes and take a deep breath. “Will you go let him in, and pleeassee don’t embarrass me?”

“Moi?” she asks feigning offense. “When have I ever embarrassed you?”

I snort. “My senior year when Billy Thompson picked me up for prom, and you told him if he was hoping to ‘get some’ he better think again because I was on the rag.”

Lexi cringes as she bites her lip. “Okay,” she gives in. “One time I was kind of an asshole and embarrassed you.”

“Kind of an asshole?” I question.

“Okay,” she nods as she raises her hands in surrender. “I was a giant asshole, but seriously . . . that was only one time.”

“And how about when I graduated from college, and you flashed my professor at the bar that night?”

The doorbell rings again, and Lexi rushes to the door to answer it. “Okay, two times!”

“Don’t embarrass me!” I shout after her.

Staring at myself in the mirror I try to give myself a pep talk. “You can do this Demi. It’s okay to want to be happy.” I wait a few minutes before heading downstairs and find Lexi and Vick in the kitchen each with a cold beer in their hand.

“Hey,” I smile and give an awkward wave. I don’t know if I should hug him or . . . what? And Lexi being here is causing me to overthink it even more. If I hug him, she’ll probably make some obnoxious ‘Aww’ sound. So, I do nothing. I just watch Vick as he runs his eyes up and down me, and I can’t stop the butterflies I feel when he gives me a thoughtful half smile that borders on a look of appreciation.

“Wow,” he breathes. “You look amazing.” However apprehensive I may be about how to appropriately greet him, Vick apparently doesn’t share that sentiment. In three short strides, he’s in front of me, pulling me to him, placing a chaste kiss on my cheek.

“Thank you,” I manage when he pulls away, heat blanketing my face.

“Well, I’ll be heading out now. It was nice to meet you, Vick,” Lexi interrupts before chugging the remainder of her beer and tossing the bottle in the trash.

“You too,” Vick smiles and waves.