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Instead he took his time kissing her. When he finally pulled back from her mouth, he gently pinched her nipples, licking the path between her breasts. “When I lost my memory, I sometimes dreamed of a sanctuary. I just knew it was out there somewhere for me, but I thought it was a place. But now I know it’s you I was searching for all along.”

“Shane,” she sobbed. “Make love to me.”

Desire suffused his face. He linked their hands together, one on each side of her head. “I love you, Ginger,” he said, filling her with one smooth stroke. His darkened eyes bore down on hers as he set a sweet rhythm. “I love you. I love you.”

Pleasure unfurled in her belly, and she felt like her heart would explode with tenderness. “I love you,” she said. “I love you, love you, love—”

He swallowed the rest with his mouth. She arched into him, wanting him to feel how fast her heart was beating for him. She’d never been this exposed and vulnerable, but she felt safe and secure in his arms. He adjusted his angle, turning every thrust into an unbearable jolt of pleasure. Ecstasy sizzled through her veins, and she tightened her fingers around his as she came apart.

“You’re the only one, Ginger,” he groaned into her neck then exploded inside her.

She squeezed his hands. She knew.

* * *

“You need to move in with me,” Shane said with a small groan. “This bed’s too damn small.”

She giggled. “I think it was designed for cuddling.”

“We can cuddle in my bed more comfortably.” Shane’s was a California king.


“Oh, and I almost forgot…” He reached back and picked up his slacks off the floor.

“I’m not doing your laundry,” she half-joked. Unless it was cotton, she was afraid to wash anything in his closet given most of his clothes cost more than what she made in a month.

“Don’t worry. I’m not marrying you for your housekeeping.”

She started to laugh, and then froze. Her heart pounded as he pulled out the engagement ring. He kissed her knuckles, his mouth lingering over her sensitive skin, then slid the ring back on her hand. “There. Now it’s back exactly where it belongs.”


“Third time’s the charm.” He smiled. “What do you say?”

“You’re right.” She smiled back. “And, yes.”

His smile turned into a huge grin. “Oh, and we’re getting married ASAP.”

“We are?”

“Yep. Don’t want Trevor to get any ideas.”

“I don’t think he will.” She paused. “Are you ever going to be able to forgive him?”

“Probably. At some point. Because you love him and you’re going to forgive him…and he’s your brother,” Shane said, then kissed her on the mouth again.

When he pulled back, she was breathless, her cheeks flushed and her body tingling with need again. “So how soon is ASAP?”

“In a week or two?”

“We should wait until Mark’s wedding at least.”

“That late?” Shane scowled. “I need to cement my future”—his fingertips traced the curve of her breast—“make sure the best thing that’s ever happened to me doesn’t get away.”

She laughed. “You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me. And I’m not going anywhere,” she said with a throaty moan as his lips glided down her belly.


Fifteen months later

Shane pulled Ginger behind the barn. “Do you have any idea how long I’ve been waiting to drag you out of that living room?”

She giggled as his lips found the sensitive spot on her neck. Her parents had been too busy oohing and aahing over their first grandchild to let them go so easily. Besides, Rachel Pryce was not an easy baby to ignore, with her charming smile and bright eyes that were the exact carbon copy of her mother’s.

It was only because Trevor’s arrival had interrupted them that Shane had gotten a chance to get Ginger and himself out, leaving their sleeping baby in the excellent care of his in-laws.

Her laughter soon turned into a soft moan. She had no idea what she did to him these days. Motherhood suited her, and she literally glowed.

It had been the most nerve-wrecking nine months of his life—Shane hadn’t even allowed her to carry a cup of water, just in case. But it had been soooo worth it.

He pressed his hard cock against her belly as she rocked against him. Damn, she was hot.

“Hey! Ginger! Where did you go?” came Trevor’s loud voice. “Rachel wants her mommy!”

Sure enough, a piercing cry followed.

Shane closed his eyes, gritting his teeth. “I’m going to kill your brother.”

“Poor baby.” She leaned in and whispered, “Maybe later tonight,” her breath hot in his ear, then pulled back and gave him a wicked grin. “I still remember what you did when I snuck into your bed that time,” she said, cutting her eyes meaningfully toward the second floor of her parents’ house.

He licked her mouth. “Go, before I forget where we are.”

She gave him a sassy look and sashayed away. His body was still rock hard, but his heart swelled with contentment. This was exactly what he’d wanted for himself and Ginger.

“Hey,” Trevor said to Shane after handing off the crying baby to Ginger.


“Rachel’s gorgeous.”

“That she is.” Shane paused for a moment. “Please don’t interfere in her life when she starts dating.” He smiled slightly as he said it.

“I won’t.” Trevor raised his hands, palms out, his expression solemn. “I’ve learned my lesson. But I’ll be on call for you when she’s old enough to date. She’s bound to attract a few assholes.”

Shane’s jaw flexed. Trevor was most likely right. The world was full of assholes. “Okay.”

“Maybe we can team up.”

“I’ll think about it.”

Ginger came toward them, Rachel cradled in her arms. Trevor nodded at them and returned to the house.

“What were you talking about?” she asked.

“Protecting our precious.” He kissed Rachel’s smooth forehead. She gurgled. “She’s such a treasure. She already gives me so much joy it makes my heart ache.” He pulled Ginger close and squeezed, careful not to crush the baby between them. “You and Rachel are the best things that ever happened to me. I told you I didn’t think I could love you more. But that’s not true. It is possible for me to love you even more. You’re my everything.”

“You’re my everything, too, Shane.” She laid her head on his chest. “You have always been my one and only.”


Thank you for reading The Billionaire’s Forgotten Fiancée. I hope you enjoyed it! The Pryce Family Series continues with The Billionaire’s Forbidden Desire featuring Dane Pryce.

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