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“You know me, sweetness. I’m going to fuck you all night. I’m going to take you there as many times as you want to go. I want you to come on my tongue, on my cock, and everywhere in between. Ready?”

I want his tongue back inside me. Or his dick inside me. Both. All at once. I want him to keep his mouth there until his dick can immediately replace it. I need the contact. I need it to never stop.

Tension strings me tight and I’m throbbing so hard I assume he can feel it.

Something unintelligible slips out of my mouth, a plea and a whimpered moan combined.

Gavin sucks my clit into his mouth at the exact instant that two of his thick fingers fill me completely.

“Oh my God.” It’s a good feeling but a full, stretched to maximum capacity feeling. I haven’t had sex since . . . since after my grandpa died.

The last time I did was here. In this bed with Gavin.

Maybe that’s the real reason I can’t leave this room, this bed.

He alternates gentle thrusts with hard sucks and vice versa and I am coming.

And coming, and coming.

His name slips past my lips with a slew of other words of adulation.

He licks me down from my orgasm, easing his fingers out of me in a torturously slow motion.

“See how good you taste, baby? He runs his wet fingers across my lips, then kisses me hard. “I could live on this. On you and only you.”

For all the havoc he’s wreaked on my body, my heart pounds at his words, at the taste of myself on his mouth, and I feel my insides begin to clench rhythmically once again.

I didn’t know pleasure like this even existed. He didn’t fuck me like this in Austin or here. Austin was slow and we took our time. Last time we were here it was about comfort.

This is about primal need and hedonistic desire. It’s all-consuming and mind-shattering.

“More, Gavin. Please. I need more.”

“Your wish is my command, Blu—babe.”

The fuck?

“Why didn’t you call—”

His mouth covers mine aggressively while he yanks his jeans and underwear off. I hear them hit the floor and my hands reach down instinctively to stroke his length.

He’s smooth and hard and perfect.

“Inside. I need you inside,” I mumble against his mouth. His kiss has turned punishing and it’s confusing but I’m tough. I can deal. I give as good as I get until teeth gnash together and I’m sure both of our mouths will be sore and bruised in the morning.

“It’s not going to be sweet. Or soft or slow. I am going to fuck you. I need to fuck you. Hard. Can you handle that?”

“Yes, Gavin. I can handle it. I want it.” I spread my legs as far as they will go and grip his bare ass with both hands.

“Fuck.” He tries to rear back but I need him now.


“I don’t have one. I haven’t been having sex. With anyone since . . .”


“Since you. Since last time I was with you.”

I can’t help but doubt him. We’ve spent a lot of time apart and I’ve never known him to deny himself.


“I swear. On anything you want.”

“Swear on me. Cross my heart.”

He leans down and places warm, wet kisses across my chest in the shape of a cross, stopping centimeters shy of my nipples. I reach for them to ease the ache but he grips my wrists and pins my hands above me.

“We don’t have to fuck. I can just get you off all night. I’m good with that.” His head dips again and his tongue runs languid circles around my areola until I cry out and he sucks my nipples hard enough to hurt. It’s a good pain, though; he walks that line between pleasure and pain perfectly.

“Come inside me, Gavin. I want you inside of me.”

He groans as if I’ve stabbed him.

“Please. I want to feel you. Just you. Only you. I take my birth control regularly. Never miss a dose. Robyn texts me every day to remind me.”

Any other argument I was going to make or any defense he planned to counter with is null and void the second the head of him breaches my folds. I’m so wet from his mouth that he slides in easily, like a hot knife into butter.

The moment he is fully inside, I lose myself. My body begins to buck against his but I can’t get far because he’s still holding my wrists.

Once again I hear myself begging him for more as our bodies create the delicious sweaty friction I crave. He gives it, thrusting everything he has into me again and again.

“Come. Fucking come, babe. I need it. Now.”

His plea is so desperate, I clench around him until my body complies with his request.

“Fuck,” Gavin bites out when he slams into me and comes explosively inside. “Fucking fuck.”

He releases my wrists and collapses on me and all we do is breathe.

Just breath and sweat and remnants of pleasure between us.

Just when I think he’s dozed off, he jerks up quickly and grabs the tops of my legs.

“Turn over.”

“What? You’re not serious.” I can barely move, much less turn over.

“Turn,” he says slowly, like I’m mentally impaired. “The fuck,” he punctuates by yanking me roughly toward him. “Over.”

“Gavin.” I don’t know this version of him. “Look at me, please.” I’m not prepared for it. I thought it was lie-around-in-post-orgasmic-bliss time.

He looks but his eyes are flat black in the darkness, as if he’s figured out how to look without seeing. “Each second you make me wait, I will spank you. Hard. Do you want that, baby? My handprint branded on that sweet, perfect ass of yours?”

Um . . . maybe?

My vagina is on board even if I’m still swimming in confusion.

“Do you want to spank me, Gavin?”

“Fuck, yes, I do. I want to spank that tight little ass, to bite it and mark it, and when you let me fuck it, I plan to sign my name on it.”

And just like that, I’m on board.

“Okay. Let’s do this. Fucking spank me then. Show me how you like it.” I turn over abruptly and try not to be self-conscious about presenting him with this view of my backside. Seems silly to be embarrassed now.

“Ready, baby? You get two for making me ask you twice to turn over.”

“Do your worst, drummer boy.” It hits me a second too late that Gavin is, in fact, a very strong, very powerful drummer.

I flinch involuntarily when his hand makes the first crack of contact.

“Oh. Okay. Ouch. That fucking hurt.”

He rubs me gently until the stinging subsides. Then he trails his fingers down the middle of me and dips it briefly into my opening. I am amazingly still extremely wet. And turned the hell on.

“One more, sweetness. Can you take one more?”

“Um, yeah. Just maybe not as—”

His open palm makes contact again and it’s just low enough to send a shock wave through to my clit.

I cry out and Gavin begins whispering soothing things as he moves. I start to ask where he’s going but before I do I have my answer.

His mouth launches a thorough assault on the parts of me that are exposed to him in this position. All of the parts. Even the ones I didn’t expect would feel good.

Soon I am adrift in the overwhelming sensations and I’m not even sure which are fingers and which is tongue until I’m coming again and mid-orgasm his cock slams inside to the hilt. And I am coming again. Or maybe it’s more of the first one continued, stretching out long and thick like never-ending taffy. All I know is I can’t stop it—this, whatever this is.

He wraps my hair around his hand and jerks hard enough to hurt but I’m coming so hard I can’t bring myself to care.

“Gav. Gavin. Fuuuck.”

He’s pounding me now, a steady slamming of his cock into my body until my bones are rattling.

“Where do you want my come, sweetness? Three choices,” he grounds out through gritted teeth. “Pussy, throat, or inside that tight little ass of yours?”

I don’t know. I can’t think. I’m growing numb and disoriented from the brutality of how hard he’s still fucking me.