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Seducing My Billionaire Boss

Cynthia Sax


“You’re a bastard, did you know that?”

“It’s hard not to know that, Miss Court.” Rob’s brown eyes spark with gold. “You tell me I’m one every time we meet.”

“I didn’t know how big of a bastard you were until last week.” I jam my fist on my hips. “How dare you try to replace Mrs. Bellows after all she’s done for you? She’s your biggest supporter within the company, constantly singing your praises to everyone who will--”

“I’m not replacing her.” He places the tissue in the wastebasket. “I’m helping her. If you took two minutes and read the job posting before applying, you’d know the role I’m filling is her assistant, not mine.”

“Right.” Does he think I’m an idiot? “Then why are you interviewing candidates and not Mrs. Bellows? Why are these interviews happening on her day off?”

He opens his mouth.

“And even if you truly wanted an assistant for your assistant, your candidates have different objectives. Most of them plan to push her out of her job. They’d smile in her face and knife her in the back simply to sit in her chair.”

“Except you.”

“Except me.” I nod. “She’s a dear sweet lady, one of the nicest women I’ve ever known.”

“I agree.”

“And I plan to protect her.” I ignore his comment. “If that means taking this fuckin’ fabricated job and fulfilling all of your crazy sexual demands, so be it.”

“Sexual demands?”

“I know what you want. Everyone knows.” I glower. “Now that the no-fraternization rule has lifted, you desire a hot piece of ass that you can fuck during office hours. You’re a pig.”

“Everyone thinks this?” Rob lifts his eyebrows.

“Everyone knows this.”

“That explains the last four interviews.” He rubs his face. “The last candidate--”

“Showed you her breasts.” I glower. “I’m aware of that.” I unbutton my suit jacket and pull down my camisole, taking the cups of my bra with it. “These are breasts.” My nipples tighten in the cool air. “Cerise Case’s pair doesn’t compare to these.” I’m a big woman with a big rack.

Rob’s gaze lowers. I wait as he peruses my breasts slowly, leisurely. He obviously likes what he sees, his eyes darkening.

Silence stretches. He doesn’t say anything, doesn’t tell me my breasts are better.

“Well?” I demand.

Rob blinks once, twice. “What?”

“Are they the best you’ve seen today?”

“They’re the best I’ve seen in my lifetime.” He leans forward and inhales deeply, his nostrils flaring. “They’re even better than I envisioned.”

He has envisioned my breasts. Joy unfurls inside me. “Then I’m qualified for this job.” I cover myself up again.

He shakes his head, appearing dazed. “There are other qualifications. This is an assistant position. You’re a project manager.”

“It’s a temporary position which makes it a project.” My goal for this project is to keep Mrs. Bellows employed. “And don’t give me that ‘you’re overqualified’ bullshit.” I pace back and forth. “I finished my last project at the end of the month and have been sitting on my thumbs since then.”

“I know.”

“If I choose to take this position, that’s my business, not yours. I can do the job. That’s all you should be concerned about.”

His lips twitch. “You do realize the job is to help me.”

“It’s to help Mrs. Bellows.”

“She helps me. I’m your executive. I expect you to respect me.”

“In public.” I roll my eyes. “Have I ever disrespected you in front of other people?”

Rob opens his mouth, hesitates, then closes it again.

“Exactly, jackass. I haven’t.”

“Your language--”

“Again, have I ever cursed in public?” I shoot down this next excuse not to hire me. “Have I ever once told you to fuck off while other people could hear me, no matter how badly you deserved it?”

His forehead furrows.

“I’m a professional, Rob, and I’ll be yours to command.” I wave my hands. “During office hours, I’ll do anything you want—oral, anal, hell, I’ll let you fuck my hair if that’s your kink.”

My hair, currently confined in the usual chignon, is thick and long. It’s a vanity of mine, one of my best features, and past fuckbuddies have been fascinated with it.

Rob’s gaze lifts to the tendrils. “How would that work?”

“You wrap the strands around your cock and jack off.” I stop my pacing, turn and face him. “I’m the best Goddamn candidate for this job. You know this.”

He meets my gaze squarely. “That’s yet to be determined, Kirsten.”

“Right.” My lips twist. I’d forgotten about the next part of his interview process, part of me hoping the rumors were wrong, that he doesn’t truly want an office plaything. “You expect a blowjob.”

He reels back as though struck. “What?”

“You ask all of the candidates you’re seriously considering to give you a blowjob, to test their skills, make certain they can satisfy you sexually.”

“Let me guess—everyone knows this also.” Rob’s tone is dry.


I wait and wait and wait for his response.

“Well?” I prompt. “Am I being seriously considered?’

Rob gazes at me. I gaze back at him. Emotion flows between us—want and need and something more, something that has always colored our interactions.

“You’re clever and resourceful.” His voice warms with admiration. “You wouldn’t do anything you didn’t want to do.”

I don’t like his implication. He thinks I want to give him this blowjob. “I’m doing this to protect Mrs. Bellows. That’s the only reason.”

“Hmmm…” This is the sound he makes when he thinks I’m full of shit.

“I am,” I insist.

Rob’s lips curl upward. “Then show me you’re the best candidate for the job.” He pushes his chair back. “Come here and suck me off.”


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