If to remember the school course of Biology and to look deep inside your own psyche you can discover that the informational and algorithmic “software” of man’s behaviour includes 1) basic instincts and unconditioned reflexes (of intracellular and cellular levels, and also of levels of tissues, organs, systems and organism), as well as their cultural veneers; 2) cultural traditions that are above instincts; 3) his or her own limited understanding; 4) «intuition on the whole» — things emerging from the subconscious level of an individual’s psyche, coming from collective psyche, external delusions and from being possessed as this term was interpreted by the Holy inquisition; 5) God’s guidance on the basis of the previously named things except for external delusions and possessions that are direct intrusions into another person’s psyche against the will of its bearer.

These are things, which are possibly or actually contained in every individual’s psyche. But there is something that puts a mankind away from the other biosphere, though neither biology, nor psychology and sociology don’t notice it and one cannot read it in any learn book. The matter of this reticence is:

Every specimen of Homo Sapiens can have one of the next types of psychical structure more or less stable during his or her adult life.

Animal type of psychical structure – when the whole behaviour obey instincts, and becomes a satisfaction of instinctive needs without considering the circumstances;

Biorobotical-zombie type of psychical structure – when culture-defined automatisms comes as the basis of behaviour, and the inner conflict between instincts and culture-defined automatisms is solved for the last in the majority of cases. But if changing social and historical circumstances demand to reject the traditional norms of behaviour and to work out new ones, “zombie” declines the creation and continue following the already-formed customs;

Under the demonic type of psychical structure one understands that its representatives are able to create and using their will can overpass the dictation of instinct and historically formed culture. They can work out new lines of behaviour and of solving problems appearing before them and the society. Whether it will be a good or evil, as others understands them, depends on “demon’s” real morality. Getting any power in the society demonism demands an unconditional service to it, creating the most cruel and subtle forms of depressing the people;

Human type of psychical structure is characterised like this: every its bearer realises the mission of a human – to be the God’s “deputy” on the Earth. Consequently he or she makes his relations with the God during his or her life, and consciously, with his or her own ill, sincerely contribute to the God’s Providence in the way he or she understands it. The feedback (showing one’s mistakes) is enclosed from Above in a way that he (or she) founds himself (or herself) in the certain circumstances correlating to the sense of his (or her) prays and intentions. In other words: the God speaks to people using the language of life’s circumstances.

Moreover people gave birth to the fifth type of psychical structure themselves:

The dropped into unnaturalness type of psychical structure – when a subject belonging to the specie “Homo Sapiens” intoxicates himself with different psychotropic things: alcohol, tobacco or more strong drugs of nowadays. It leads to the unnatural distortion of the organism physiology character in the aspect of metabolism and in the aspect of biofield physiology as well. And its effect is: plural different errors of psychical activity in all its kinds (from sense organs work to the intellect and will), which are typical to the types of psychical structure of animal, zombie or demon (since bearers of human type of psychical structure don’t intoxicate themselves). Thus the “man-like” person becomes a bearer of psychic structure that has no natural place in the biosphere. And by the kind of his behaviour not corresponding to the circumstances he appears to be the worst of all animals. And for this breach of the status in the Earth biosphere predetermined for him (or her) such person inevitably gets the punishment from Above.

In the same time if a person became an addict for any narcotic he gets the stable distortion of his biofield, and consequently according to the parameters of his spirit he doesn’t belong to the specie Homo Sapiens any more. Moreover the most fuddles are genetic poisons, i.e. they break the work of chromosomal system and destroy chromosomal structures of those, who takes these poisons. Then defective chromosomes are inherited by the descendants and it undermines their health and potential for individual development and creative activity. It has even harder effect if the conception is made before recovering the chromosomal structures by systems acting in the organism. However if the genetic poisons come to the organism too often and in the huge portions systems of chromosomal recovering have no chance to repair all damages – in such case the descendants are doomed to degeneracy.

And this fact allows calling this type of psychical structure – created by men themselves and reproduced by the social culture – dropped into unnaturalness.

For the human psychical structure the non-formal, non-dogmatic and non-ritual belief to God[25] during the Life and activity in course of God’s Guidance of his or her own choice are normal.

A type of psychical structure is determined by the upbringing and education. Thus if one doesn’t achieve human’s type of psychical structure by his youth it is because of social culture’s viciousness and also because of unrighteous bringing up by his parents. However being adult and understanding this fact one is able to change his psychical structure from any to a human one. This is a basis for a following individual development.

Depending on the statistics of distribution of people by types of psychical structure the society forms its social organisation, develops its culture; either supporting the conservation of the state achieved and slave-holding system recurrence attempts; or supporting the recognition of the human type of psychical structure as the norm in the society, and its reproducing during the change of generations as a basis for a following individual and social development of nations and the whole mankind.

In other words, the human dignity is expressed not in education, knowledge and know-how, but in a certain structure of mentality. The same is true for societies: human society is characterized not by its cultural achievements in the field of science, technology, magic, but by a certain structure of individual and collective mentality.

Those are accomplished men whose intellect in their life development is based on instincts and congenital reflexes, who listen to what downs upon them intuitively while distinguishing in intuition generally either God’s Providence or satanism directives, or the signs of activity initiated by social collective mentality, and who, by their free will, are conceiving their behaviour in conformity with God’s Intention, not giving birth in the society to such type of collective mentality that may be compared with a growing avalanche of mistakes.

In all other cases the opportunity is provided to be men, this opportunity being missed. Many individuals in the course of their whole life are being bound to a determined structure of mentality, while many others in the course of life change the structure of their mentality irreversibly and many times. There are many others too, whose structure of mentality may change many times though in reversible manner even in the course of one day, not to mention the whole period of their life.

This plurality in the mental structure of those who are assigned by Heaven to be men – in the sense of this word pre-designed by God – is an objective reality at the current stage of historical development and it may be considered even more thoroughly than this is done in the present work.