Haven’t I heard something like that before? – I allowed myself one more remark – hint on the “Defence Picnic”, but again – no reaction.

Don’t rack your brains; these are the words of some character from the film “Matrix” which have seen more than 1.5 billions of people on the Earth. By the way, this film is your production…

Sorry, Watson, but it’s time for me to go. It was very interesting to have a chat with you about passed days, but the future calls for us, – he threw into passions again, and ended with the phrase from some drama unknown for me: “Let Providence fulfil its Predetermination, and then it’ll be our turn to act!”

And, Eugene, from what famous Russian novel is this?

This is not a novel, Watson, this is drama by “Russian Byron” – Lermontov – it’s called “Masquerade”, – he answered very seriously and with great dignity.

Just one minute, Eugene. What did you mean, when you were speaking about 20-years-ago mistakes of the West?

Santiago, Watson! Chile, September-October of 1973. And though you’ve let Pinochet go, and didn’t allow to force payment of old debts, but … evening hasn’t come yet, as we in Russia say. Everything is just starting, Watson!

And what happens in Russia now, Eugene?

What should happen in Russia, now takes place in America. In past century Russia and America played the role of agitation points for the world public opinion. Well, you probably don’t know again, what the “agitation point” is. In your association the “agitation point” means an “advertising campaign”, when firm distributes its products for gratis right and left, for future increasing its sales by using the increasing of demand on the market.

And if the agitation point of socialism was eliminated, the same must have happened with the agitation point of capitalism, or in opposite case the world couldn’t keep in balance. Hopkins said to me, that you, Watson, was in Afghanistan for three years with humanitarian mission, where we had been trying for twenty years to move our ideas forward to Muslim world, by Russian hands. The establishment of USA didn’t like it, and they devoted to the idea “America, America is over everything…” started counteracting to the USSR in Afghanistan. And that mad Brzezinski babbled even that it was him who had driven Russians into Afghanistan and that it was a revenge for Vietnam. Everybody should have his right to err and make mistakes. If to think, it is one of the so-called rights, which secretly attend the principle “divide and rule”. Let now Yankee try the role of progressors themselves. The scales of Themis rocked to the opposite side and we interchanged our places, for priceless experience obtained by Russia with such difficulties wouldn’t become lost for nothing. And only after Yankees have to do at theirs what they weren’t able to do in Russia, we will continue our single deed in this world.

But what single deed, Eugene, can unify interests of Russia and the West?

Let you forget about interests of Russia and the West once and for all, when dealing such themes, – he answered abruptly, and continued: “Don’t you see, Watson, that America is finishing its games with democracy. It stands on the threshold of totalitarian society, and of such scale, that USSR totalitarianism will look the model of democracy comparing with USA civic society. Such “civic society” will become the fig leaf, covering real fascism in American version.”

Fascism in America? – I asked again. – It’s something new, though… publications about American fascism I met in the press. But it seems to me, that it’s fashion tribute mostly. Eugene, how do you imagine national-socialism in America, where the ideas of internationalism have found the most abundant ground, I wonder?

But why did you consider, that I was talking about American national-socialism? I meant American international-socialism, which didn’t happen in former USSR, and may be it was the cause of its collapse.

I didn’t understand. Why, do you agree with many western historians, that there was no difference between fascist Germany and Soviet Russia?

You know, Watson, I’m internationalist and I’m proud of it. Stalin scored a victory on the national-socialism under the banners of internationalism, but, having won the war with Hitler, he started to fall into out-and-out Russian nationalism, of which Hitler might cure him: as Russians say, “like cure like”. And all this, you see, took place in multinational country. It will be difficult for me to explain you the struggle between some tendencies in USSR under Stalin and all the more after his death, when he ceased to personify them, and on which we – the heirs of true revolutionists having gone through Stalin’s purges – were relying a great deal. But everything was going wrong and at last, naturally, ended in 1991 with the nightmare in madhouse, which we mentioned in the beginning of our conversation.

His speech became nervous and incoherent: either he held something back, or he himself ceased to understand and started to be afraid of what he was saying.

According to you, the USA has to realize the ideas that were unsuccessful in USSR? – I decided to return him to prospects of international-socialism in the United States. – May be, you can at least indicate the symptoms of imminent American fascism?

He immediately perked up, like a person who was nurturing the idea for long.

You see, Watson, all symptoms are on hand, – he started to turn up his fingers on the left hand, – terrorist act in New York and Washington is committed, many people take it as an analogue to the arson of Reichstag – one; American Gestapo is in a march – all intelligent services are forming such a fist, of which even Stalin’s KGB and Hitler’s Gestapo have never dreamed, – two; censorship is introduced in mass-media – three; the image of enemy is represented by Muslim terrorists – four; little war in Afghanistan is impending – five. Should I go on further?

This all happens by itself. Don’t you consider that the process of bringing to fascism is controlled?

All depends on from what positions you’re observing the process: if you’re within it, you most probably will consider it to be spontaneous or “self-governing”; but if you are out of it, you may see what’s not obvious for everyone: those, who manage this process.

Eugene, I suppose that you are already out of the process and so you see who rules the process of bringing fascism to the America.

I said, that “you may see”, but I didn’t say it’s guaranteed.

May be, you say about such vision which raises your Inner Predictor? – I decided at last to check his reaction directly.

On Eugene’s face there appeared suddenly a strange grimace of surprising and anger, like on child’s face when he is caught at improper deed.

Oh, it’s very curious, Watson. I see that you’re really interested in Russia affairs if you’ve reached the Internal Predictor already. How do you know about it? Ah, of course! You are acquainted with the site www.dotu.ru and its analytics.

Unfortunately, Eugene, I’m not so good in Russian, as to read the analytical notes of the site, though I’ve read two notes in English, and they seemed extremely interesting to me. But the vocabulary and style are so unusual for me, that I had an impression – it’s some other civilization and culture. I know, Eugene, I took a lot of your time, but if we were able to talk about the materials of Predictor particularly, especially about the Sufficiently Universal Theory of Ruling, I’d be rather grateful to you.

Galba’s face, by this moment expressing patronizing superiority and self-confidence, became sunken somehow at once and a squeamish expression appeared on it, destined to represent indifference.

Excuse me, Watson, I can’t help you here. What about the works of the above-mentioned Internal Predictor and its “Dead Water”, it’s thanks to your fool Gorby today in Russia everyone can speak and write everything he wants to – no bans, the limitations are just financial. In one word, “за что боролись, на то и напоролись[33]”, – he summarized our conversation in Russian.