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Stares followed as he crossed the room. He brushed past Carrie, who was conveniently sitting next to his father. As Lucky took his chair, Colby Gauthier turned in his direction and nodded in acknowledgment. Lucky did not return the gesture.

The bemused look on Carrie’s face confirmed that he had ruined her attempt to ambush him. He guessed he had his mother to thank for that. He would never let the bitch know his legs were heavy, as if they were made of cement, or that his stomach was bobbing around in his throat.

The only reason he glanced in her direction was because Lucky didn’t want her to think she affected him. If he completely ignored her, Carrie would take it that she still had some power over him. That would only happen over his dead body. Bitch!

Colby Gauthier called the meeting to order. The process was always the same. Lucky tuned the majority of it out. They made redundant votes and discussed upcoming events. He paid close attention to the treasurer report and was pleased to hear everything sounded normal. He didn’t care about the money, but as a shareholder, he kept close tabs on his funds. Not that he had touched a penny of it in years.

After the old and new business, Colby adjourned the meeting, and his assistant Sara passed out the previous meeting minutes. Lucky tossed his copy into the trash on his way out the door. A few different people stopped him to catch up and make small talk. It was the same every year.

He tried to make his escape but didn’t manage to pull it off before his father cupped his shoulder. “Son, you look good.”

Lucky took a step backward and gave him one quick nod.

His father shoved his hand in his pockets and rocked back on his heels. “How’ve you been? Things going well?”

“Couldn’t be better.”

“Well, I’m glad you made it in for the meeting. There have been a few changes around here.” Colby looked around the conference room and threw his chin toward Carrie.

The audacity of his nonchalance made Lucky’s blood surge to his head. “Yeah, I can see that.”

“I know you’re probably shocked. It’s kind of a long story. Maybe you can stick around and we can grab a scotch while I fill you in.” His hopeful gaze searched Lucky’s face.

“No, I’m getting ready to head out of town.”

“Come on, James. Surely you can stick around and have a drink with your old man.” His father placed his hand on his shoulder and ushered him out of the room. “Your mother would love to have you come by the house. There are a lot of things to discuss since Flanagan’s passing.”

As the words left Colby’s mouth, Carrie walked up to his side, her mouth twisted in a wicked grin. Lucky couldn’t think of one damn thing he had ever seen in that woman.

“Hello, James. It’s good to see you.” Her words dripped of malice.

“Wish I could say the same,” Lucky growled through gritted teeth.

“I hope you’ll be around for a while. I’d love to take you on a tour of the improvements here at Gauthier since I’ve arrived.”

Lucky couldn’t be sure, but he thought he saw his dad give a slight eye roll as she spoke. Something wasn’t right. Part of him wanted to take his father up on the offer for a glass of scotch to get to the bottom of this shit. He deserved an explanation as to why Carrie was a department head at his family’s business.

Then he thought about Baby Jade, and those perfect green eyes, her soft lips, and the way she made his heart beat faster. He craved every part of her. There was no way he was staying around here a second longer than he had to.

“No thanks. I don’t see anything here worth seeing.” Lucky turned his attention toward his father. “Dad, please tell Mother I’ll call her soon.”

Lucky marched toward the elevator. Once it opened, he stepped on and looked back down the hallway only to find Colby and Carrie talking. According to their hand gestures and rigid body language, it was more like they were arguing. There was something huge going on.

It didn’t matter. It wasn’t his concern anymore.

As Lucky headed out the front entrance, the young woman called after him. “Mr. Gauthier, if there’s anything you need, you know where to find me!”

He never looked back. It was insane how being in the enormous building had a claustrophobic effect on him. He stripped off his long sleeve shirt, revealing a black t-shirt from the Rock Store in California. It was one of the places he wanted to take Baby. The thought brought a smile to his pressed lips. He was ready to leave this town behind him.

One quick stop and he was gone.

Chapter Twenty-Seven

Baby Jade

Baby Jade fought the urge to leave the apartment. She felt like a sitting duck, sitting in the bedroom waiting for Slade to bust down her front door. She folded herself into a ball and rested on a small stool in the corner. There was no way he didn’t know by now. Mickey wouldn’t wait long to fuel the fire.

A knock on the door startled Baby, making her jump to her feet. She crouched down, as the rap on the door grew louder.

“Baby,” Lucky yelled. “Baby, are you in there?”

Relieved by the sound of his voice, she ran to the door and unbolted all the locks in record time, flinging herself into his arms before he had a chance to enter. “Hey, everything ok? What’s wrong, sugar?” He snaked his arms around her and drew her close.

“I’m glad it’s you!” She smothered her face in his neck, tears stinging her eyes.

He pulled back, easing her into the apartment. “Who else would it be?”

Her hands shook as she ran them through her hair, trying to calm herself enough to speak. “I thought it might be Slade. I went to see Mickey and it didn’t go well.”

“Why the hell would you go down to the club?” His forehead wrinkled and anger filled his brown eyes.

Baby lowered herself onto the couch. She sized him up; thinking something else must be bothering him. “Don’t yell at me. I thought it was the responsible thing to do. Why are you mad?”

“Dammit, Baby.” Lucky mindlessly played with his beard. He closed his eyes and took a couple of deep breaths. “I’m not mad at you. I think you’re a glutton for punishment sometimes. You could have called.”

“I know, but that’s not who I am. I thought I’d try to smooth things over. I was hoping to still have a job if I needed it.”

Lucky sat beside her and placed his hand on her leg. “Ok, I forget sometimes that you’re better than the people I’m used to. Let’s not talk about all of this bullshit right now.”

“I’m guessing things didn’t go well for you today either.” The way he lowered his head, confirmed her suspicions. “I’m sorry.”

He kissed the top of her head. “Not a second thought. I’ll fill you in later. Right now, I want to get the hell out of here.”

“Yeah, me too.”

“Did you take care of everything on your end? Did you get to see your mom?” Lucky asked.

Baby Jade shook her head. “Ma’Linn didn’t think it was a good idea right now. Apparently, she’s been having a difficult time. Other than that, it’s all good.”

“And you’re still good with taking off?”

Leaning into him, Baby sealed his mouth with her own, leaving a long kiss on his lips.

His wide eyes made her heart flutter. She silently prayed she would always have that effect on him as he adjusted himself. “I guess that’s a yes.”

“Yes.” The one word lingered.

Lucky walked around the clean apartment and checked all the windows. She turned off the air unit and grabbed her backpack.

“Ready?” Lucky asked sounding like a kid heading off to Disneyland.


Chapter Twenty-Eight

Baby Jade

Five Weeks Later