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She sighed. “Exactly.” Her fingers trailed down my chest to the ridges on my stomach, back and forth, back and forth, until she reached my navel. I hissed and my erection bobbed to full strength. But her hand went no farther. “I can’t show you the way I want to show you. But I looked at the contract, and there is a way around it.” She moved her hand from my stomach and I exhaled with disappointment. But then her hand was caressing my cheek and I turned into her touch.

“Castor is acting as a legal witness, because Hugh wouldn’t dare to contradict the word of another peer in court,” Molly continued. “And Viola is going to help us.”

“Help with what—shit.” A hot mouth closed over my cock, small and wet, and all I could see was that red hair moving over my pelvis. I tried to squirm away, and when that didn’t work, I tried to buck away, groaning in frustration and something worse.

“Shh,” Molly said, and she pressed her fingers against my lips. I stilled, but I didn’t shush.

“Molly, please don’t do this to me,” I beseeched her. “I fucking love you. I don’t want anyone else. Please don’t—dammit.” Viola had reached between my legs and was now gently toying with my balls. I was doing everything I could not to enjoy it, not to feel it; I thought the coldest, driest, dullest thoughts I could think of. I thought of Molly’s face when she’d walked in on Mercy and me, I thought of hearing her say Clare.

“Clare,” I said hopefully. “Clare?”

“Nice try,” she said and then she shoved her fingers in my mouth. Shit. That was hot.

“Just listen for a minute,” she said seriously, or at least as seriously as one can say something when one is shoving one’s fingers down someone’s throat. “I want to fuck you. I can’t. I want to suck you. I can’t. I can’t touch your cock, and a man definitely cannot touch any part of me ‘with intent to bring to satisfaction.’ But the contract says nothing about witnessing you perform sexual acts with someone else. It says nothing about me touching myself while you watch. And so here’s what’s going to happen tonight. You are going to do as I say, you are going to take what I want to give you and take it when I want to give it to you.”

“It’s adorable when you get bossy,” I told her when her fingers slid out of my mouth to stroke my stomach. But adorable or not, I didn’t like this. Or I didn’t want to like it. “Molly, we don’t need someone else to do this. We can still share something without touching, we don’t need someone to be your proxy, and shit shit shit.” Viola had just sucked one of my balls into her mouth. My arms strained against the ties while I struggled to regain focus, all while Molly looked down at the scene happening around my groin with frank lust and undisguised longing, which was not helping. “I don’t want to hurt you again,” I managed, after a minute. “I don’t want you ever to doubt that you are the only one I want.”

It was a ridiculous statement to say when a woman was actively tonguing every crease and seam of my balls, but I meant it. My eyes met with Molly’s, and I tried to pour every ounce of feeling and truth into my gaze. “Please,” I told her. “Don’t make me do this, when all I want to do is spend the rest of my life making everything else I’ve done up to you.”

Molly sat on the bed, facing me, her robe pulling slightly to the side as she did, exposing her freckled collarbone at the same moment Viola’s tongue darted someplace unusual and amazing. I groaned.

Molly made a little purring noise at the sound of my groan, looking over her shoulder to see what Viola was doing. She looked back at me with a smile. “Silas, don’t you see? This is completely different than what happened with Mercy. I’m here with you.”

She leaned forward, putting her hand on the side of my cheek, her hair tickling my chest and face the way I had fantasized about earlier. “You and me, it’s not the exclusivity we need. It’s the connection. As long as we’re doing something together, it’s still about us. It’s still for us. As long as we’re together, we are sharing something. And I want to share this with you tonight.”

“But we can do other things…”

Molly was already shaking her head, standing up and unbelting her robe. “I don’t want other things. I want this. I want it messy. I want it memorable.”

Castor cleared his throat from the other side of the bed. (I’d completely forgotten he was there.) “I will make sure there are no legal ramifications. Molly assures you that there will be no negative emotional ramifications. If I were in your position, Silas, I would stop protesting and enjoy what these two women want to give you.” He arched an eyebrow at me and then sat back down. He didn’t pick up his book, however, merely leaned back and braced his head against his fingers, as if waiting for the show to begin.

I turned my gaze back to Molly, and she bent over my face again, only the barest sliver of space between our mouths, her breath warm against my lips. I tried to rise up to kiss her, but she pulled away, laughing. I watched as she reached up and guided one ivory shoulder out of her robe and then the other, holding the fabric to her chest for a moment, until she let it slide from her arms and drop to the floor.

I caught my breath, my already stone-hard cock now painfully stiff. I hadn’t seen Molly naked since last year, and the sight was arresting. Her pert breasts heaved with each breath, the planes of her body slender and smooth and sprinkled liberally with freckles. I watched the muscles move under her taut stomach as she came back to the bed, and then my attention was stolen by the way her tits swung as she crawled next me. I wasn’t sure what I expected her to do then, but it wasn’t lay beside me, resting her head on my chest, as if we were about to snuggle ourselves to sleep.

But of course, Molly had nothing sleep-related in mind.

“Move back up to his shaft,” Molly ordered Viola, and I could feel Molly’s voice tickling under my skin as she spoke with her head against me, the vibrations moving through my chest like a cat’s purr.

Viola obeyed, her mouth tracing a wide, hot line from my root to the blunt cap of my dick.

“Lick his tip,” Molly breathed, and we both watched as Viola did, her tongue flickering across the slit at the top. I let loose a ragged breath, and Molly tilted her head to look up at me. “Does it feel good?”

I hesitated. Should I lie and say no? Was I supposed to be reluctant to enjoy this? Because mostly I was, but also Viola had reintroduced her nimble fingers to the equation, and God, they were everywhere, digging into my thighs and cradling my balls and caressing my perineum, while her tongue still swirled around my crown.

“Answer me,” Molly said, reaching up to touch my lips. “Because if she’s not doing a good enough job, I’ll have to give her a little encouragement.”

“I—” Wait, was that supposed to be a bad thing? It was so hard to think like this.

My silence was apparently enough of an answer for Molly, and she got to her feet and walked around the bed to a place behind Viola. I missed the compact warmth of her body, but my pouting ended quickly as Molly cocked her hand and slapped Viola hard on the ass. The woman yelped and then redoubled her efforts on my dick, circling my shaft with her fingers while she sucked on my crown.


“Is she doing better?” Molly demanded, one red eyebrow arched. She causally rubbed the spot on her friend that she’d just smacked, waiting for my answer.

“I—yes. Yes, it feels good.”

Molly’s fingers ran over Viola’s back and the other woman shivered, goose bumps pebbling everywhere on her fair, freckle-free skin. She guided Viola to shift on the bed so that Viola knelt facing away from me, and then when she bent down to resume her worshipful adoration of my dick, I was treated to the soft lips of her cunt and the small, pink pucker above that.