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We fell onto the bed and he twisted so that I landed on top. Not that I would've minded. I only cared that he never stopped touching me. His hands tore at my dress, pulling at the zipper and tugging it up over my head. I winced as it caught in my hair, but didn't let it distract me from trying to get his shirt off.

Before I could, however, he flipped me over onto my back and went up onto his knees, pulling his shirt over his head and tossing it behind him. I greedily ran my eyes over his sculpted torso. Damn, he was hot. I had the sudden desire to run my tongue over every inch of him. Then I saw the look in his eyes and knew that would have to wait. We may have had a bit of give and take, but I had no doubt that was over for now, and he was taking charge. My stomach twisted. I definitely wanted that.

My eyes dropped as his hands went to his jeans. He undid the top button and pushed the jeans down his hips, revealing a pair of gray boxer briefs and an impressive bulge that made my pussy throb with anticipation. He gave me a wicked grin and stood. He stripped off the jeans and then reached down into the pocket. He pulled out a condom and tossed it up by my pillow.

“Always prepared,” he said as he pulled off his underwear. His cock curved up towards his flat stomach, thick and swollen. He crawled back onto the bed, his eyes darkening as he ran them over my body. He stayed on his knees next to me as he spoke again. “Up on your hands and knees.”

I sat up. Before we started this, there was something I wanted to tell him. I got onto my knees facing him and reached out to wrap my fingers around his cock. He groaned as I lightly stroked the hard flesh. “If you go get tested, preparation won't really be a problem.”

His eyes narrowed and he grabbed my wrist. “That's a naughty thing to tease about.”

I winked at him, my stomach clenching. “I can't wait to feel you inside me, nothing between us.”

His fingers flexed around my wrist, not hurting, but enough to remind me of just how strong he was.

“Feel you come inside me, filling me...”

Cade grabbed my waist and spun me around. A hand between my shoulder blades bent me towards the bed and I caught myself on my elbows. I'd barely settled when a hand came down on my ass with a loud crack.

“Ah!” My body jerked. I closed my eyes as I let my body absorb the sensation. A second blow made me gasp. This was harder than it had been before and my ass was already stinging, but my pussy was throbbing and it wasn't from pain.

He ran his hand down between my legs, fingers probing at my pussy. He slid a finger inside and I shivered.

“All I can think about now is being inside you, skin against skin.” He removed his hand and smacked my ass again. “Now I need a distraction. Can you distract me?”

I nodded, then yelped as he slapped my ass again. “Yes!” I said, remembering how he'd always insisted I speak, not just nod.


My brain raced through all of the different things Cade and I had done during our time together and decided to keep it simple. I rolled onto my back, grimacing as the sheets rubbed against my sensitive skin. He sat back on his heels, his hand wrapping around his cock as he waited to see what I'd do next.

I ran my hand over my stomach and then down between my legs. I moaned as I rubbed my fingers on either side of my clit.

“Oh, fuck.”

A thrill went through me as Cade swore. I loved that I could make him do that. His hand dropped to the base of his cock and I saw him tighten his fingers around it. I dropped my hand lower and slid my two middle fingers into my pussy. I worked them in and out, avoiding putting any direct pressure on my clit. It was still sensitive from the elevator and I had a feeling it was going to get more attention before the night was over.

“Lick your fingers clean.” Cade's voice was rough.

I raised my hand to my mouth, my eyes locking with his as I licked my juices from my fingers. I'd never tasted myself before, but it was strangely erotic, knowing that this was what Cade had tasted when he'd gone down on me.

He slid his hand up over his cock, nice and slow and I watched, remembering how it had been to have his dick in my mouth, the way it had felt when it slid over my tongue.

“Turn over,” he said, his voice hoarse.

I rolled onto my stomach.

“Grab the headboard.”

My stomach fluttered. I wrapped my hands around the cheap wooden rails. I heard the condom wrapper rip, then felt the bed dip as Cade moved behind me. He stretched his body out on top of mine, not putting his full weight on me, but enough pressure that I felt it.

“Have you ever done it like this?” His tongue traced the outside of my ear.

“No.” My fingers flexed around the headboard.

He raised his hips and, a moment later, I felt the head of him nudge against my soaking wet entrance. We both groaned as he slid inside me with one smooth motion.

“So perfect,” he said. He slid one arm under me until his hand rested at the base of my throat. “We fit together so perfectly.”

My eyes closed as he pulled back, then slid forward. Fuck. I sighed.

“You okay?” He sounded concerned.

“Just never thought I'd feel this again,” I admitted.

He pressed his lips against my temple. “I love you, my Aubree.”

“And I love you, my Cade.” I tried to push back against him, but the position didn't allow me any leverage against the larger body covering me.

He chuckled, the sound sending a shiver through me. “Is there something you want?”

“You,” I said. “I want you.”

“You've got me.” He kissed my shoulder and then began to move.

His thrusts were slow and deep, pushing me forward so that my clit rubbed against the sheets, sending ripples of pain and pleasure through me. His fingers twitched against the base of my throat and his breath was hot against my ear.

“I'm not going to last long,” he said. “You had me too worked up, watching you come in the elevator, then playing with that pretty little pussy of yours.”

“I'm close again,” I panted. And I was. My clit was so sensitive that the friction was almost painful. I was going to come again, and if he kept going after that, it was going to hurt.

He scraped his teeth against the place where my shoulder and neck met. “What do you want?”

“Bite me,” I answered automatically. “Mark me.”

“Fuck,” he groaned. “You're gonna be the death of me.”

He began to move faster, pushing deeper than he had before, reaching places inside me that made me see stars. I began to shudder, ripples of pleasure washing over me. Then Cade's teeth were in my shoulder, not hard enough to draw blood, but enough to make me cry out. And then he was coming, crushing me against him.

It was different this time, not just a physical joining of two bodies fit perfectly together. This was more like I couldn't tell where he ended and I began. Like every cell in my body was merging with every cell in his. I'd never felt anything like it, not once. And, as I heard him saying my name over and over again, I knew he felt it too.

He wrapped his arms around me and rolled us onto our sides. “Thank you.” He pressed his lips against my neck and I shivered.

“For what?” I was still half-floating.

“For loving me, despite everything.”

I picked up his hand and kissed the back of it. “You're mine,” I said simply.

“Yes,” he said as he nuzzled behind my ear. “I am.”

Chapter 6

We made love two more times before we finally fell asleep, exhausted and satisfied. And that's what it had been, making love, not fucking, no matter how rough we had been with each other. Cade may have been the dominate one, but I wasn't exactly gentle. I hadn't seen it, but I had a feeling his back was going to be covered with scratches. I knew he had hickeys on his neck and chest to match the ones he'd left on me. And, of course, every inch of me ached in a pleasurably used kind of way. I could only imagine what it was going to be like to have him as much as I wanted.