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“Ash?” Toni squeezed my hand again.

“I’m...processing.” I rubbed my thumb over the back of her hand.

A man turned toward us, nodding when he caught my gaze. Jefferson Sinclair had handled the case personally, never passing us off to assistants or refusing to take our calls. And I knew it wasn't just because of our name or our money. Sinclair was one of the good guys. I liked him and had to admit, if I'd been a criminal, the man would have made me leery, because he was an absolute shark.

Toni leaned into me, her head resting on my shoulder. “Let’s get out of here,” she said softly. “All of us.”

I caught Isadora’s eye, and she nodded. She was leaning on Colton, and I could tell how much this had taken out of her. My eyes met his and we exchanged an understanding look. My respect for him had just kept growing over the past couple months. He'd been there for Isadora, night and day, whatever she needed. I was still an overprotective big brother who scowled at the thought of them sleeping together, but I'd seen in him what Isadora had seen.

If any man was worthy of my sister, it was him.

As we stood up, I automatically patted the pocket of my suit jacket. Isadora saw me and managed a smile. We’d talked before coming to court today. I hadn’t wanted to do this until this was over.

“It feels kind of empty, doesn’t it?” Isadora said as we started toward the door. “I guess I wanted to face him, yell at him or something.”

“Even that wouldn’t have done any good,” Toni said, coming in between us and hooking her arms through both of ours. “The idea of closure is all well and good, but now you all have to figure out how to accept not just that it’s over, but the things you thought were the truth weren’t. That takes a little more time.”

I nodded. Toni and I'd had this talk before. One thing I'd discovered about dating a psychologist: I'd never get away with not talking about my feelings again.

Isadora was quiet. I suspected she and Toni had been talking too. I hadn't asked though. I trusted Toni not only with my life and my heart, I trusted her with the most precious thing I had. My sister.

My heart gave a wild thump. In the last couple months, I'd come far from the man I was. I knew I had a long way to go yet, but I was hoping Toni would help navigate me through it.

Whether it was by mutual unspoken agreement, or just getting out of the somber setting of the courtroom, when we emerged from the car several minutes later, we all seemed to breathe a little easier and move a little lighter.

Isadora was laughing up at Colton, and Toni took my hand, swinging them back and forth, giving me that brilliant smile of hers that made my heart clench tight.

It was hard to believe that I’d once thought I didn’t want her in my life. Now I couldn’t imagine it without her.

The maître d’ saw Isadora before me, and smiled broadly at the sight of her. News of her kidnapping had gone public after the fact, and for a few days, she’d been a minor celebrity. She’d handled it with her natural grace, and had then quietly retired from the spotlight. She and Colton were still trying to find a place, but they hadn't wanted to move until everything was settled. She was also looking at going back to school. She wanted to be a victim’s advocate. When I'd found her poring over college catalogs, she told me that this had been a wake-up call for her, that she wanted her life to mean something.

Everything was changing.

I was thinking about change all throughout the meal, and about the next one – or what I hoped would be the next one.

When the server brought out champagne, and then left us alone, Isadora linked her hand with Colton’s and leaned against him. Her poker face was shit, and she couldn't keep her eyes from sparkling or her lips from curving into a smile.

Toni looked between us, eyes narrowing. “What’s going on?”

When I slid out of the seat, her eyes widened.

“Son of a bitch.”

Looking from the ring I held in my hand to her face, I said, “That wasn’t exactly the reaction I was hoping for.”

Isadora started to giggle and I shot her a dark look before focusing back on Toni.

“I’ve been waiting on this until today was done. I wanted to close that chapter before starting a new one.”

Her lips parted, eyes wide.

“A new one that will be all about us. Together. Will you marry me?”

Thick lashes fell down, shielding her eyes. Then she launched herself at me.

I had to close my fist around the ring to keep from dropping it as I caught her and wrapped my arms around her, hugging her tight. “Is that a yes?”

“That’s a hell yes.”

Chapter 15


The house was quiet around us.

I hadn’t officially moved in, but I'd been staying here more and more over the last couple months. Isadora had been staying here less and less. She'd confided in me that she was trying to get Ash used to her absence a little at a time.

Tonight she was staying with Colton, so when Ash and I slipped inside the house, Ash turned to me and pressed me back against the door even as it was still closing. His mouth came down over mine, but when he tried to tug open the buttons on my blouse, I caught his hands.

“I’m not sure Doug’s heart can handle this.”

“He’s not here.” Ash bit my lower lip. “I gave everybody the day off. And then told them all to get the hell out.”

He licked the spot where he’d bitten me before he slid his mouth down along my jawline and began to move lower, his hand returning to the buttons of my shirt and freeing each one.

This time, I didn’t try to stop him.

When he had my blouse completely open, I started to move to help him, but he stopped me. Keeping his eyes on my face, he stripped me completely naked as I stood there. By the time he was done, I wore nothing but the ring he’d slid onto my finger just a few hours ago.

A ring I still couldn't believe I was wearing.

His lips danced across the flat plane of my belly, and then down until he was flicking his tongue through my curls. When he found my clit, I whimpered and cupped the back of his head.

“I can’t stand up too long if you do that.”

“Don’t worry.” He shot me a dark, hungry look. “If you fall, I’ll catch you.”

I groaned and dropped my head back against the door, giving over control to him. Ash stiffened his tongue and began to thrust it inside me. A few seconds later, I was crying out his name. He gripped my hips, holding me in place until I came, and then he scooped me up into his arms and carried me into the nearby living room.

When he stretched me out by the fireplace, I gasped. Something buttery soft was against my skin and I looked down at the blanket spread out beneath me. I looked around. There was a bucket of wine chilling. Roses.

As I pushed up onto my elbows and watched, Ash picked up something from the edge of the blanket. He pushed a button, and I gasped as a fire roared to life.

“Wow. Way to go, Casanova. Firelight, wine and roses. You’re going to get me thinking I’ll get this all the time once we’re married.”

Ash went to his knees and crawled to me.

“And now you’re on your knees for me.” I grinned at him.

“I told you once before, you’re the only woman I'll ever go to my knees for.” He hovered over me on all fours, leaning down to brush his lips against mine. “I love you.”

“I love you, too.” Curling my arms around his neck, I tugged him down closer.

He came, but only for a moment, giving me another quick, teasing kiss.