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“Name one time,” he says, his eyes burning with fierce determination.

“How about at Hannah’s seventeenth birthday party?” I cross my arms and smirk as he grows fidgety. “You were trying to get her attention while she was swimming and you knelt down on the side of the pool, leaned in, and did this,” I bat my eyelashes, “while whispering something to her. God knows what the hell you said, but it made her giggle, and you acted like a cocky asshole for the rest of the day.”

His lip twitches, but more out of annoyance. “That was a long time ago, and I was really, really bored that day and trying to piss Kyler off, because I thought he had a thing for Hannah. But I’m not that guy anymore.”

I choose to be completely ignorant over what he said about thinking Kyler had a thing for Hannah, and let Indigo’s words about Kai replay in my mind. Maybe he feels bad about blowing you off. People do change a lot from when they were thirteen.

“Are you saying you don’t flirt with Hannah anymore?” I ask. “Or you don’t flutter your eyelashes anymore?”

“Both,” he says, sticking out his hands again. “Now, let me see the photos of your trip.”

Sighing, I retrieve my phone from my purse and search for the folder labeled Trip. “My cousin actually took most of the photos. She’s into photography, but I did take some.” I tap the folder to open it then hand him the phone. “They’re not great or anything, but there’s some decent ones.”

After getting situated on the bottom step of the porch, he starts skimming through the photos, but stops on one of me standing with Indigo in front of a wall of skulls that form a heart. “Where’s this?”

“That’s the catacombs,” I answer, sinking down on the stair beside him. “Which are all these tunnels that go under Paris.”

He nods, browsing through a couple more photos then stops again. “Who’s this guy feeding you a cupcake?”

“That’s Nyle. He lives in London, and he’s friends with this guy, Peter, who my cousin knew from here.”

It was right after I kissed him. We’d gotten off the London Eye and stopped at a bakery. The photo was to be silly, but it still makes me smile as I look at it.

Kai doesn’t say anything else as he finishes looking through the photos. Then he hands me back my phone, rests back on his elbows, and stretches out his long legs. “Okay, so I didn’t want to ask, because I thought it’d be rude. But I can’t stop thinking about it, so I’m going to ask; otherwise, I’m going to either lose my mind or my head’s going to explode. But before I ask, I just want you to know that I’m not trying to be rude. I’m just curious,” he says then stops talking. Just like that. After that long-ass speech.

“Dude, are you going to ask, or did you just say all that to drive me crazy?” I ask, stuffing my phone into my pocket.

His eyes sparkle mischievously. “I was just trying to show you how I was feeling. Do you feel like you’re losing your mind yet from not having the answer?”

I pinch his side. I don’t even know why I do it. Okay, maybe that’s a lie. I’ve seen Indigo use the move on a couple of guys she was flirting with.

Holy shit! I’m flirting with Kai.

What the fuck is wrong with me?

“Wow, you’re violent.” Kai chuckles, rubbing his side where I pinched him.

“Sorry, I’m just impatient.” I clasp my hands in front of me. “Would you please, please ask your question before I either lose my mind or my head explodes?”

“Fine, I’ll tell you.” He mockingly rolls his eyes. “Geez, Isa, there’s no need to get overdramatic.” He flashes me a playful grin when I glare at him, pretending to be more annoyed than I am. “So, what’s up with the new look?”

“That’s your question. Really?” I frown disappointedly. “I have to say, after all that build up, I thought you’d ask me something way more intense and awkward.”

His brow cocks. “Like what? If you’re a virgin or something?”

My cheeks flush, and I hate that he can see it. “No, that’s not what I was thinking at all.”

He grazes his finger across my cheek. “I forgot how cute you are when you blush.”

The movement is so quick I barely register it, but my heart accelerates, my pulse pounding against my wrist, my neck . . . everywhere.

My body is a damn betrayer, though, and my mind is yelling at me to be pissed off at him. He’s talking about the past, back when we used to hang out, and he has no right to talk about those moments he decided to pretend never happened.

“You’ve never seen me blush before,” I lie, my voice a little shaky. I run my fingers over my hair, smoothing it into place. “And I decided to change my look. It’s not a big deal.”

“There has to be a reason behind it, especially since I know you hate dresses and makeup and all that girly shit.”

“I’ve never hated girly shit. I was just confused . . . back then.” Back when you stabbed me in the heart. “And I’m not that girly.” I lift my feet and tap my boots together. “See. Totally not girly shoes.”

He bites back a smile. “Still, you’re way different, and usually there’s a reason why someone does a complete flip of the switch.”

I arch my brows. “You mean, like you?”

He grimaces. “Yeah, I guess so.”

I consider his question, but the idea of telling him what I discovered about myself and my family while I was on the trip terrifies me. “I’ll show you mine if you show me yours.”

His lips quirk, and his eyes darken. “What exactly are you talking about, Isa? Because when you say shit like that to me, my mind automatically goes right to the gutter.” His gaze sweeps up and down my body, causing me to shiver. “But I’m more than happy to show you mine.”

I roll my eyes and shove him, but laugh. “Don’t be gross.”

“Hey, you’re the one who said it,” he says with a grin.

“I meant I’ll tell you why I changed if you tell me why you changed.”

He considers what I said, but not for very long. “All right, keep your secrets then.”

“Okay, I will.” I’m only a tiny bit sad he didn’t tell me, because I’m curious why he decided to go from jock to this laid-back, I-don’t-give-a-shit-about-anything version of Kai. But mainly, I’m glad, because I don’t want to tell him my secret.

He juts out his lip, pouting again. “You’re really not going to tell me?”

“You know that doesn’t work on me, right?” I push to my feet, brushing the dirt off the backs of my legs. “I gave you a chance to know, but you didn’t want to take it.”

He rises to his feet and stretches out his arms.

I try not to stare as his shorts ride lower, but I stare a little. Unlike Kyler, Kai isn’t muscly. Toned, yes. Lean, absolutely.

“Well, maybe I’ll change my mind,” Kai says, crossing his arms over his chest and stealing my view from me. “Maybe I’ll decide to tell you all my secrets, and then you’ll have to tell me yours.”

“When that happens, then that happens.” I give a nonchalant shrug.

“Okay, well . . .” He struggles for words, seeming a little unsure of my blasé attitude.

I smile, like a full on, evil villain, I-just-kicked-your-ass smile. He’s so used to getting his way, and I can tell it’s driving him crazy that I’m not caving to his charming smiles and adorable pouts.

“Smile all you want. Just know that I have tricks up my sleeve. I’ll get you to tell me when you least expect it.”

I raise my hands in front of me and dramatically gasp. “Oh no. Whatever should I do? Kai Meyers has got tricks up his sleeve and he’s going to use them on me.” I lower my hands as he glares at me. “You forget I know the side of you that had magic tricks up his sleeve and dreamt of being a magician.”

“You promised you’d never say anything about that,” he warns, aiming a finger at me. “And that was, like, when I was twelve. I outgrew that fucking weird phase.”

“For your information, I liked that phase,” I say, reaching for my suitcases. “You may think it’s weird because it’s different, but different is so much better than normal.” When he gives me a confusedly intrigued look, I ask, “Why are you looking at me like that?”