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“Is that a problem for you? Which Elle do you like best?”

I immediately know I can’t be honest with her and tell her that I really like them all, so I cop out. “I’ll never tell,” I reply with a forced grin.

Her eyes narrow with a suspicious look and she turns back to the TV.

“So what’s the Sunday school teacher’s name?”


“Hmm, interesting name.”

I nod. “Hey Elle, seriously I need to talk about this girl. Can you be straight with me?”

Her expression turns more somber and she nods. “Okay, sure. What?”

“So Ma thought she was perfect for me, and I take her out. And it’s okay, nothing great, but she’s nice enough.”

“So you weren’t attracted to her?” Elle asks with an arched brow.

“No,” I admit. “Not really.”

She nods, looking a little smug. “Go on.”

“I mean we don’t even kiss after two dates, and I’m not even sure I care and then . . .”

She waves her hand at me to continue.

“She asks me to come for dinner at her place.”

“Ooo, so what was that like?”

I realize that I’m relieved to finally have someone to talk to about this, so I lean back into the couch, and tell Elle everything. The creepy crucifix paintings, the absinthe that made me not-right in the head, and I conclude with the presentation of the holy water for virtual virgins.

Elle holds her hand up in front of her like she’s stopping a speeding train. “Wait a minute. Wait! What the hell is a virtual virgin?”

I shrug. “I was actually hoping you could tell me. She had this holy water she wanted me to sprinkle on her—”

“Of course she had holy water. Did she have one of those BDSM crosses in her bedroom to hang from?”

“This is serious, Elle.”

She bites the tip of her tongue. I sense she’s trying to hold back a laugh or loud guffaw.

“So she wanted you sprinkle holy water on her, get her all wet and then deflower her . . . take her virtual virginity?”

“She did.”

“How’d that work out for you?”

“I already told you, I didn’t touch her.”

“Not even a kiss with tongue?”

I shake my head. “Nope. No tongue. No kiss.”

“Geez, I don’t feel so bad now. You turned down another chance for easy sex. Should I worry about you?”

“No, don’t worry about me.”

“But what if after all this you go gay? Don’t get me wrong, I love my gay boys. But you and all your hotness, and the anaconda need to stay on our side of the fence.”

“I keep telling you, you don’t need to worry about me and other men.”

She rolls her eyes. “Yeah, I’ve been told that before.”

“So what about Stephan?”

“He’s not gay. Don’t let the meticulous side of him fool you. The way he fucks, he’s straight-up man.”

My fingers tighten around my beer bottle. “So where are things going with you two?”

“He asked me to go to Maui with him. He has a condo there.”

I feel a little sick. “Are you going?”

“Hell yes. Why wouldn’t I? I’ve always wanted to do it on the beach.”

“So is this getting serious? You know . . . between you two.”

“I’m serious about the sex. Is that what you mean?” “That good?” I can barely hide the jealousy in my tone.

“Multiple orgasms. We were up all night the last time he stayed over.”


“Don’t be that way, Paul.

“What do you mean?”

“You sound forlorn. It could have been you, you know.”


“But you like those Sunday school teachers. Well at least the idea of them, even if that one didn’t work out. And you know what . . . now that we’re buds, I’m with your mom. I want a nice girl for you who deserves a guy like you.”

“What kind of guy is that?”

“A good man. One who loves his parents, is handy and can fix your sprinklers and stuff. And of course, one who will watch football with you.”

As I drive home that night I have to wonder why hearing from Elle that I’m a good man just makes me want to be bad again.

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My elbow is firmly planted on my drafting table as I stare out the window. I’ve been inspired with this new landscape design for a library garden in Orange County, but this stuff with Elle is distracting me. I really need to get my shit together and focus.

My head jerks back to my desk when my phone vibrates. Talk about timing . . . it’s a text from Elle. My good intentions of focusing just flew out the window.

Aloha handsome!

I sit up tall as I gaze at the screen. I’m jazzed to hear from her even though I hate knowing that she’s with the Viking.

What? You’re already in Maui?

Yes I am. I don’t mess around. I’m a woman of action.

I feel the jealously scorch my insides as I imagine her in his arms. I’m surprised how much it burns.

Good for you. Is it everything you hoped?

It’s paradise. What’s not to like?

Have you had sex on the beach yet?

No. Apparently Mr. Clean has an issue with sand. He doesn’t like it against his skin.

HE DOESN’T LIKE SAND? You’re in Maui for God’s sake.

Sigh. I know.

Does he leave the hotel room?

For meals and when we take strolls on the beach he wears those goofy water shoes.


Would you stop with the shouty caps?

Water shoes aren’t manly, Elle.

I know, but he doesn’t wear them in bed.

Hey, what’s he doing now?

He’s on a business call. I think I’ll go prance in front of him in my bikini. Last time I did that he got off the phone right away and we never made it downstairs. ;-)

There’s that burn again. I don’t want to let her go. I don’t want to think about him fucking her in paradise.

Do you miss me? I’m about to delete that mushy crap but my traitor finger hits send.

Yes . . . lots! Bikini worked! Gotta go xo

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Thursday’s family dinner is tense. Ma has never looked so fed up with me. She purses her lips as she gives me the once over. Even the bun in her hair seems wound extra tight.

“What do you mean Lourdes is not your type? She’s pretty and she’s a girl. That’s your type.”

Trisha snorts.

Ma’s face grows more flushed. “Maybe she’s too good for you.”

I push my dinner plate away. Thanks to her hounding me, I’ve lost my appetite. “If that’s what you want to think, be my guest.”

“Was she not attentive enough? I know how you like women to dote over you. She seemed very eager when you two met.”

I look up with as stoic face as I can muster. “Oh she was attentive all right. But there’s good attentive, and not so good attentive. She was more the latter.”

Ma pokes her finger out at me. “Must you speak in riddles, boy? Explain what that means!”

Trisha smirks. “Ha! I bet she didn’t fawn all over him, like most girls do. It was a big blow to his massive ego.”

“Do you realize that you sound like an irritating twelve year old, Trisha?”

She ignores me which serves to confirm my observation.

“So, Ma, it looks like your two-for-two is zero-for-zero in the matchmaking department,” Trisha says.

Dad throws a concerned glance Patrick’s way and I notice Patrick’s expression fall. Just seconds later he excuses himself from the table mumbling something about needing to get back to work.

When he’s left the room Ma hisses at Trisha. “Do you ever think before you open your mouth, Trisha?”

“What? You raised us to always tell the truth.”

“Yes, but there are times it’s better to keep your mouth shut. If you haven’t learned this by now I wonder if you ever will. You hurt the poor boy’s feelings.”

Trisha shrugs and continues eating.