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I made this a fun book. No killing in this one. No mind-bending twists. Just fun. I don’t write a lot of those. This is the first, actually. LOL. The Social Media series was my first attempt at “just fun” and if you’ve read it, I got it all twisted up pretty fast. So hopefully this was an easy read that made you smile. I had fun writing it and I read it last night after the edits came back and I caught myself laughing and getting a little embarrassed for Tiffy. I hope you did too. ;) That’s just fun shit.

I have met so many great people in this business and every day I’m stunned and grateful that I have managed to claw my way into this profession. I’m actually a scientist by training and I started writing science textbooks for homeschool parents back in 2007. I did that for several years and was happy and successful. But then I got the idea in my head that I could write science fiction and that’s how all this started. I can’t say I’ve never wanted to be a writer, I did think about it when I was a growing up, but nothing serious.

I have always liked to read and I was addicted to The Black Stallion until well into my teens. I aspired to be a horse trainer, an astronaut, and a painter. And maybe I’m not really all those things, but I’ve been something close in one book or another. In Junco I got to go into space and meet aliens. I got to be an assassin (several times over), a model, a biker, a con man, an actor, and so many other very cool things. Because when I write books I get to be each and every character. So it was just plain fun to be Tiffy and Fletcher.

The second reason this book is so special is a little more personal and I’m not going into any details, but Tiffy and Claudio are real. Tiffany (Tiffy) is part of my Street Team and she came to see me at the Atlantic City Signing this past June and brought her BFF, Claudio. I have such admiration for her and her spirit. (Tiffany, bitch you got this!) And I love ya, chick. I do. I’m getting all sappy just thinking about you right now. And Claudio is perfect. I’m so glad you brought him to meet me. You two made my day, for reals. Made my day.

And I just loved Claudio’s name so much, I needed a character. So I made Tiffy & Claudio BFF’s in the book too. So this book is dedicated to the real life Tiffy and Claudio. May you two bitches forever find fun!


My Street Team is filled with some of my best friends these days, and I count Katie as one of them, so I gave her a character in this book too. She is so crazy, and if you have not met her in my Shrike Bikes fan group on Facebook, you are missing out. But she is crazy in the sweetest and most good-hearted way. Thanks for your help, Katie. You’re so damn fun and I think you’re a lot like the Katie in this book—beautiful inside and out.

And of course I owe a lot to Jana, my assistant. Thank you for always being one step ahead of me. I know that makes you feel smug, but fuck it. You earned it.

If you enjoyed Sexy please consider leaving me a review. I’d really appreciate it. They mean so much to me and my success as an Indie Author depends on word of mouth feedback from readers and fans like you.



So what is next for me…? I’m doing four major projects the rest of this year. First, a Junco spin-off that introduces Gideon’s story after all that shit that happened in the final book, Return. There will be a novella in a boxed set called Red Hot Magic that will release in late October. It will be 99 cents for the boxed set, and I will not release the novella outside of that set because it’s the first part of a new full-length book (no cliffy in the novella though). The full-length Gideon book will release end of January 2016.

Second, I have a brand new biker romance series and book one will release on December 2, 2015. That one is super secret (and not like any other biker book you’ve ever read, trust me!) but look for a cover reveal in October. It’s the first standalone (yes, 100% standalone) book in a four book series (all four are standalones) that will complete by summer 2016.

The third is another secret project that I won’t even mention. But it’s based off my life. ;) Should be very interesting. That should release in November if things stay on track.

And the last, which I am so excited for, is a book about the entire Rook & Ronin team called Happily Ever After (HEA). It’s a FORD BOOK! Yes, you have been asking for more Ford and I am delivering. This is another novella that will release December 21 and will be 99 cents. Just a little gift to the #fans for being so supportive. Five will also have a POV in that book (and his full-length grown-up book will release in mid-2016 as well.)

In addition to all that, my NYT Bestseller, 321, is in audiobook production. I scored a deal with an amazing company called Podium Publishing who wanted to produce it and they promised me amazing. I am producing several audiobooks myself as well. Including FORD, the rest of the Junco series, and the Social Media series. They should all start releasing around Christmas or shortly thereafter.


If you follow me on my author page on Facebook or my Twitter account, you know I run a lot of contests. I give away a lot of signed books and prize packages. That’s how I like to connect with #fans. So if you want to win some cool stuff, keep in touch! I love interacting with fans and answering any questions you have about the characters or the story.

I have a really great Street Team. The best, in fact. They are awesome and we are like a family in there. I’m not taking new members, we are closed. But I do run a fan group on Facebook called Shrike Bikes. They are in there all the time, as am I. So if you’d like to hang out with us, just click the link and ask to join the group. One of us will approve you as soon as we see the request.

If you want to be notified of upcoming books, sign-up forms for advanced release copies (ARC’s), special pre-release teasers, or how to order a signed copy of this book, you can sign up for my newsletter here.

Thank you for reading, thank you for reviewing, and thank you for Getting Me.

I’ll see you in the next book!


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