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“Fuck.” he growls. He gives my clit one more rub, but he barely has to touch me before I’m right there with him in ecstasy. Sated. My eyes roll into the back of my head as the pleasure wave takes over. Coen grabs my breasts and pinches my nipples while I ride out my orgasm, and then collapse on top of his chest. I rest my nose into the crook of his neck while I try to catch my breath and regain some of my bearings. We’re both panting and sweaty. He rubs his hands down my back and grabs my ass.

“Gotta take care of the condom. Be right back.”

I lie back on the bed and watch his gorgeous, tall, muscular shadow as he heads out of the bedroom. When he’s out of sight, I turn my head to gaze out the window at the night sky. Right now, in this moment, I feel happy. I feel safe. I don’t know what tomorrow’s going to bring, but right now, it doesn’t matter. All that matters is Patrick is out of my life and I plan to keep it that way. As for Coen…we’ll see.

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I never should have asked Lexi to come over. Yes, I wanted to keep her safe, but I could have easily just put her up in the hotel room for the night.

I told her I was coming to the bathroom to get rid of the condom. But truthfully, I needed to get out of that room.

Her red hair draped all over my pillow.

Her fucking amazing body spread on my side of the bed.

Her pussy still wet from everything we just did.

Her beautiful eyes following me as I left the room, like they were staring straight into my soul.

Where did this gorgeous woman come from, and why is the universe trying to force us together?

Well the universe can kiss my ass. I can’t commit to anyone. No matter how bad I want her. Need her. I just…can’t.

I let my guard down, and I shouldn’t have. Fuck! I slam my hands down on the bathroom sink. I brace myself there as I stare at the mirror. I’m so pissed at myself for letting her get under my skin. What happens now? If I push her away like all the others, I could be pushing away the best thing that’s ever walked into my life. I’m usually so careful. I’m so used to keeping my heart locked up, but somehow Lexi has found the key. For the first time in a long time, I feel like she’s someone that I want to be with for more than just a one-night stand. Tonight was…amazing. The only thing that could have made it perfect would’ve been taking her out for dinner first and showing her the back seat of my car. After all, the Hellcat hasn’t been christened yet.

My cock starts to stiffen again at the thought of pounding Lexi in my car, her legs wrapped around my neck. Steaming up the windows. I reach down and splash some cold water on my face. If I go back in there with a hard on, I’ll have an even harder time pushing her away.

Shit. I just remembered Aunt Sarah wants me over there bright and early in the morning. I better go remind Lexi she won’t be able to sleep in. Guess that makes it easier for me to get rid of her.

Even though part of me really doesn’t want to. I need to.

I turn the bathroom light off and walk back down the hall to my bedroom. Is she…crying? Oh fuck me. Great. I slowly open the door and see her wiping her face, frantically trying to hide the tears. “Were you crying, Lexi? Is everything okay?” I ask softly, worried I’ll set her off again.

“Huh? Me? Crying? No.” she sniffles. “I don’t cry. My eyes were just watering. Allergies.

“Sure…okay, Lex. Whatever you say.” I slide into bed beside her. I don’t want to make this harder than it already is. “Hey, uh, listen, Lexi. I know I asked you to stay here tonight and all, but remember I told you my aunt wants me at her place first thing in the morning? We’ll have to get up a little on the early side. I’m sorry.”

“It’s no problem, Coen. I appreciate you letting me stay tonight. Today was all so unexpected, but I don’t regret a thing. Goodnight.” I feel the bed and hear the sheets rustling as she rolls over. Now facing me. Ah, crap. Here it comes. Sure enough, she slips her arm around my waist. Without thinking, I jerk a little. She quickly pulls her arm away.

“Sorry, I’m used to hugging a pillow or something while I sleep. Habit.” I hear the pain in her voice. She did just break up with someone yesterday. Right now, after the day I’ve had, I’m too exhausted to bother putting up a fight.

“It’s fine, Lex. Sleep however you’re comfortable. Goodnight.” I yawn, sticking one arm under my pillow. As I start to drift off to sleep I hear her faintly snoring behind me as her arm creeps back over me. She wiggles herself closer in her sleep. Her hard nipples pressed up against my back and one leg draped over mine.

Maybe this cuddling thing isn’t so bad after all.

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IMAGES OF LEXI from yesterday flash through my mind. Her sitting in the diner, the sunlight catching her hair just right. Her in just her bra at the tattoo studio. Her straddling me in her car, making out with me like her life depended on it. That damn Offspring song blasting from my pocket.

It gets louder and louder.

“Coen, your phone. Answer your phone!” Lexi is shaking me awake. Without opening my eyes, I blindly reach over to the bedside table and grab my phone. I clear my throat and groggily answer it.


“Are you still asleep, dear? It’s 6:30 in the morning! I told you I needed you here early.” Aunt Sarah’s voice is like nails on a chalkboard at the best of times. Even more so when I’m not awake.

“Nope. Awake now. Be there in half an hour. I need to shower first.”

“Well hurry up, will you? I don’t have all day, you know.” The bitch hangs up before I can say anything else. I slam my phone back onto the table.

“Wow, you were right. She really is a bitch, isn’t she?” Lexi asks as she gets out of bed and starts gathering her clothes.

“You heard her?” I ask, wondering if my phone was that loud.

“No. But anyone that calls and wakes a person up this early can’t be a very nice person.” Lexi heads out of the bedroom. “Just going to quickly freshen up, and I’ll go home to shower so you can get ready,” I hear her say as she’s walking down the hall. A few moments later, she comes back wearing a pair of khaki shorts and a black t-shirt with her Chucks. I sit up on the edge of the bed. Just the sheet covering my waist.

“Damn you’re beautiful.” The words are out of my mouth before I realize what I’m saying. Fuck! You’ve had your fun with her, Coen. Now send her away before she gets too attached. Or before I get too attached. She blushes. Shit. She’s even more beautiful when she blushes. She tugs at her shirt, shrugs her shoulders, and crinkles her nose.

“Um, thanks, but these are just my work clothes, Coen. Nothing fancy. I have to work at the restaurant today.” Running her hands through her hair, she throws it up into a ponytail and pulls it tight. “I better run.” She’s frantically gathering up her things. A few seconds later, she stops dead in her tracks and says, “Oh. I’ll call a cab.”

I just smirk. “I’ll drop you off on my way to my aunt’s house,” I say, letting the sheet fall to the floor as I get up. I walk over to Lexi and place a gentle kiss on her forehead.

“But there isn’t time for both of us to shower here, Coen.” She’s looking everywhere in the room but at me. It’s making her uncomfortable because I’m naked. Cute.

“There is if we both go in at the same time, Sweet Cheeks.” I slap her on that hot ass of hers and I walk past her toward the bathroom. I’m halfway down the hall before I realize she isn’t following. “Time’s a wastin’, Lex. No funny business, I promise!” I say, walking into the bathroom and turning on the shower.