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(as Classified/Defined by Bishop’s Team and by Haven)

Adept: The general term used to label any functional psychic; the specific ability is much more specialized.

Clairvoyance: The ability to know things, to pick up bits of information, seemingly out of thin air.

Dream-projecting: The ability to enter another’s dreams.

Dream-walking: The ability to invite/draw others into one’s own dreams.

Empath: A person who experiences the emotions of others, often up to and including physical pain and injuries.

Healing: The ability to heal injuries to self or others, often but not always ancillary to mediumistic abilities.

Healing Empathy: The ability to not only feel but also heal the pain/injury of another.

Latent: The term used to describe unawakened or inactive abilities, as well as to describe a psychic not yet aware of being psychic.

Mediumistic: Having the ability to communicate with the dead.

Precognition: The ability to correctly predict future events.

Psychometric: The term used to describe the ability to pick up impressions or information from touching objects.

Regenerative: The term used to describe the ability to heal one’s own injuries/illnesses, even those considered by medical experts to be lethal or fatal. (A classification unique to one SCU operative and considered separate from a healer’s abilities.)

Spider Sense: The ability to enhance one’s normal senses (sight, hearing, smell, etc.) through concentration and the focusing of one’s own mental and physical energy.

Telekinesis: The ability to move objects with the mind.

Telepathic mind control: The ability to influence/control others through mental focus and effort; an extremely rare ability.

Telepathy (touch and non-touch or open): The ability to pick up thoughts from others. Some telepaths only receive, while others have the ability to send thoughts. A few are capable of both, usually due to an emotional connection with the other person.


The ability to see into time, to view events in the past, present, and future without being or having been there physically while the events transpired.

The ability to see the aura or another person’s energy field.

The ability to channel energy usefully as a defensive or offensive tool or weapon.


For readers who wish to “place” each of these stories in time, I should explain that—in order to not age my characters too quickly—I have not set these books in real time, but in “story” time. Roughly speaking, each trilogy within the series takes place within the space of a year or a bit less.

In simple terms, if you look at the information offered below, you’ll see that from the time the Special Crimes Unit was formally introduced in Out of the Shadows until the events in this story, Fear the Dark, only about five years have passed within the series. (The Special Crimes Unit was being built and developed by Bishop for about three or four years prior to that, but in Out of the Shadows the story of the unit, of Bishop and Miranda, and Bishop and his team, really begins.)

Stealing Shadows—February

Hiding in the Shadows—October/November


Out of the Shadows—January (SCU formally introduced)

Touching Evil—November


Whisper of Evil—March

Sense of Evil—June

Hunting Fear—September


Chill of Fear—April

Sleeping with Fear—July

Blood Dreams—October


Blood Sins—January

Blood Ties—April





Fear the Dark—May

* Hunting Fear

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