"'Lisa hello!" He said, back-to-front. Lisa gave Jack a smile.

"Hi Lisa. How are things?" Asked Anita.

"Oh, you know, same old same old. Yourself?"

"We're getting by, thanks." Anita replied. Lisa turned to Howard.

"And what about you, young man? How's college?" She asked.

"Pretty naff." Answered Howard, wearing a sour smile. “But it keeps me off the streets, I suppose.” He grinned.

“Well, that’s something to be grateful for, I suppose.” Joked Lisa, a short, stout, grey-haired woman in her late fifties. “How’s Lucas and Kay keeping?” Enquired Lisa.

“They’re both fine, thanks Lisa.” Said Howard, who reached across the table and ruffled little Jack’s hair.

Lisa asked what Howard and his friends would like to order, then wandered off into the kitchen area of the cafeteria.

"So, have you seen Lennie?" Asked Anita, referring to her former partner, and Jack's father.

"Every now and again." Replied Howard.

"And is he still with her?" Anita went on, in reference to Julia Vince, the woman who Lennie had enthusiastically embarked on an affair with, behind her back.

"Afraid so." Answered Howard, looking down at the table.

“The tosser." Cursed Anita Morley. Immediately, she put a hand over her mouth. "Sorry, I shouldn't have said that, not in front of Jack." Apologised Anita. The toddler, who was sat on a chair between Howard and Anita, was playing with one of the plastic cafeteria menu's, and hadn't noticed his mother's mild profanity. Howard looked up at Anita.

"Lucas reckons that they're always arguing." He informed his friend.

"Really?" Anita responded.

"That's what Lucas tells me."

"Do you know what they argue about?" Anita asked, with curiosity. Howard shook his head.

"Nah, I don't." He answered. Anita leaned forward, resting her elbows on the table, and tilting her head to one side, so that she was looking at Jack, who appeared to be mesmerised by the plastic menu.

"Knowing Lennie, he's probably got bored of her by now… he'll have someone else, waiting in the wings." Anita said, whilst smiling at her son.

"Probably." Agreed Howard Trenton. He gazed out of the cafeteria window. It had started to snow lightly outside.

Howard stretched his legs under the table, and yawned.

"Sorry, it's the biology, not the company." He apologised.

"Are you tired, Howard?" Enquired Anita.

"Yeah, a little bit. I was up late last night, catching up with coursework and stuff. Then, afterwards, I couldn't get to sleep." Howard informed his friend.

"Oh, why not? You're not worrying about anything, are you?" Anita asked, concerned.

"No, I don't worry too much about anything, really. That doesn’t mean that I’m not always thinking about stuff, though… not worrying, just thinking… you know how it is, things going around and round in your head.” Howard confided.

“What sort of stuff? That is, if you don’t mind me asking.” Said Anita. Howard waved his hand.

“Of course I don’t mind you asking. How long have we been mates for?” He reminded Anita, who smiled.

“I’ve known you since you were born. I can still remember the day that your mom brought you home from hospital… I was nine, or ten at the time… you were such a cute little thing, a really gorgeous baby…”

“Ah, shut up, you’re making me blush.” Said Howard. Anita gave Howard a playful push on his upper arm.

“No, I won’t shut up! You’re still gorgeous, Mister Trenton.” Anita crooned. Howard and Anita’s eyes locked for a second, before Howard looked away, embarrassed.

“I’m really not.” He muttered. Anita gave him a kick underneath the table.

“Yes you are. Stop putting yourself down all of the time.” She said.

Anita put her hand on Howard’s.

“So, are you gonna tell me about this stuff that’s keeping you awake at night?” She asked. Howard thought about the new addition to his home, Mary Broderick, but he wasn’t going to mention that to Anita; he didn’t want to upset her.

“Oh, just all sorts of crap, really. I think about my mom a lot… I still miss her.” Said Howard. Anita squeezed his hand.

“That’s only natural, Howard.” She pointed out.

“And I don’t really know what I’d like to do, you know, when I’ve finished college.” Said Howard.

“Uni?” Suggested Anita. “You’re a natural academic. You’d do well at University.” She added. Howard shrugged his shoulders.

“I’m not sure if it’s for me.” He replied. At that moment, Lisa returned to the table carrying a large tray.

“Here you go. Two burgers and fries, one small fish fingers and fries, two cokes and one lemonade.” Said Lisa. She lifted the food and drinks from off the tray and onto the table.

“Burgers look nice, as always.” Commented Howard.

“Best burgers in Coldsleet.” Added Anita, which made Lisa smile.

“Flattery will get you nowhere… you won’t be getting a discount.” She laughed. “But only because I can’t afford to give you one.”

“I wouldn't accept a discount, Lisa. I’m more than happy to pay full-price for your wonderful fare… it’s worth every penny.” Howard said, in a put-on, gushing voice.

“What are you like?” Responded Lisa, and she cuffed Howard softly on the back of his head, which caused some of his hair to stick up in the air. Jack pointed at the gravity-defying strands, then began to giggle.

“Ha, Howard funny hair!” He said. Howard pulled his tongue out at the youngster, which caused Jack to laugh even more.

“Come on, big guy.” Howard said to the young boy, as he flattened the strands of hair back down. “Let’s eat! Bet you can’t finish all of that food!” He teased. Anita watched as Howard laughed and joked with her young son, and couldn’t help but smile.


After their lunch, Anita, Jack and Howard left ‘Lisa’s Pantry’, and walked down to Coldsleet’s pebbled beach. They strolled along, Anita and Howard either side of Jack, holding his hands, lifting him into the air every few moments.

“Thanks again for lunch, Howard.” Said Anita, with gratitude.

“You’re more than welcome, Anita.” Nodded Howard. “One… two… three!” He said, looking down at Jack. The pair pulled the young boy up into the air. “Christ, I might actually start developing biceps at this rate.” Howard said to Anita. He looked back down to Jack. “You’re getting a big boy now, Jack. You weigh a ton.” He said.

“Howard. Can I talk to you about something?” Asked Anita.

“Yeah, sure.” Answered Howard. He glanced out to the ocean; it looked cold and miserable, just like the clouds that loomed over it.

“Well, you remember what I proposed to you, the last time we met up?” Said Anita. Howard couldn’t help but smile to himself.

“Yes, Anita. How could I forget?” Came his response. “And nothing’s changed. The answer’s still ‘no’.” He immediately advised her. Anita sighed.

“But why? I still don’t understand. Is it the age gap between us?” She enquired.

“It’s got nothing to do with that, Anita, it really hasn’t.” Howard told her.

“Then what is it? I mean, you and I, we’re attracted to each other, right?” Anita asked.

“You know that we are.” Conceded Howard Trenton. “I just can’t get involved with you. Not in that way.”

“Surely it wouldn’t hurt though, to just give things a go? If it didn't work out…”

“No, Anita. It’s not going to happen.” Said Howard, firmly. As much as I’d love to, I can’t get close to you, he privately thought. Howard looked down at Jack and smiled, and that little boy is the reason why. I’d never, ever hurt a child, but I’d hurt you, Anita, if we had a relationship and it failed… that’s what I do… I can’t stop myself… I hurt people… but I’m not prepared to put a kid through the misery of having his mom ripped away from him.